Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. It was created due to their love of lists.

This weeks topic is:
Top Ten Books On My TBR List For Winter

Ok, so my list is split in half. The first half is books that have either just been released or are going to be released this winter. The second half is books that are already out that I havent read yet that I plan on reading this winter!

1. Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare (12/06/11) - I don't think I even have to explain my excitement over this! I guarantee you I will buy this and have it read the week is comes out!

2. Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer (1/03/12) - EEEEPPP!! Another I'm super excited for. This is also another one I'll have bought and read the week it comes out!

3. A Million Suns by Beth Revis (1/10/12) - Ok, again. Same answer as 1 & 2. Lol.

4. Fallen In Love by Lauren Kate (1/24/12) - I'm one of the people who like the Fallen novels so I'm looking forward to this book with stories from it.

5. Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins - So I really enjoyed Anna and the French Kiss so I definitely want to pick this one up as well.

6. Blood Red Road by Moira Young - I've heard some pretty good things about this so I'm definitely excited to check it out!

7. The Future Of Us by Jay Asher & Carolyn Mackler - I've heard some pretty awesome things about this also so I'm excited to read it as well!

8. The Faerie Ring by Kiki Hamilton - I have this checked out from the library for the next couple weeks so since some bloggers I know have given it some good reviews I want to check it out as well.

9. Delirium by Lauren Oliver - Another I'm super excited to finally check out! So many bloggers I know love this book and have nothing but good things to say about it so I'm definitely checking out what all the raving is about!

10. Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton - I've been interested in this book for some time now so since I finally have a copy for a bit I'm definitely gonna read it!


  1. I should have put A Million Suns on my list. I forgot that January would be winter when it comes out. Great list. =]
    Here is My Top Ten

  2. OH MY. You have some amazing books on your list! I adored Lola. If you loved Anna, you will love Lola just as much. Although Paris had me at hello, so I'm partial to Anna.

    The Faerie Ring is one I forgot, but I am so excited for it!

    And DELIRIUM! Oh, LOVE it. You will have so much fun this winter!

    - Jana @

  3. I'm reading Lola right now and so far it's great. I have Delirium on my shelf and haven't had the time to get to it yet. As for Bloodrose, I'm way behind you -- I just got Nightshade a couple days ago at Chapters. Same situation for A Million Suns -- I grabbed Across the Universe at the same time. Anyway, it looks like you have a totally fabulous list. Also, d'you think it's time I give Cassandra Clare a try? Just curious. Bye!

  4. These sound great!
    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesdays post. :)

  5. I want to award this list! I'm impressed with your list it's quite awesome really, I love them all. Blood Red Road is one of the best book for 2012 and you must definitely read it! Clockwork Prince is in my list, after that cliffhanger epilogue of Clockwork Angel I need to get my hands on that book! Lola is on my way eeek can't wait for it :)

    Totally love your list!

    Here's my Top Ten List
    Jay @ We Fancy Books

    PS I see that your reading Perfect Chemistry. I'm in love and is personally attached with the series. Hope your liking it. ^^

  6. I am so glad that I am not the only one that hasn't read Lola. I need to read it ASAP.

    My Top Ten if you'd like to take a look:

  7. Lola and the Boy Next Door & The Future of Us are on my list as well. There are SO many books I want to finish before the year is out!

  8. You and I have very similar taste (I'm even reading Perfect Chemistry right now too!)! New follower!! Great list! I can't wait for A Million Suns and Bloodrose either!

    My Top Ten

  9. Can't wait to get my hands on Clockwork Prince. Only one more week till we can finally read it!
    New follower!
    A Beautiful Madness

  10. You've got to read Lola and the Boy Next Door pronto! OH my gosh it's such an awesome book. I love it x 1,000,000. Stephanie Perkins rocks my world! Great list, btw!

    Estelle's List on Rather Be Reading
