Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Its a way to get out there and meet new bloggers and discover new blogs. :)

Q. The New Year is here -- and everyone wants to know your New Years Blogging Resolution! What are you going to try to revise, revamp and redo for 2012 on your blog?

I have a few things. The first is to keep blogging. I know I slack sometimes, not reading to my full potential for reviews sometimes but hey. We all need a little down time. But my blog has become such a big part of my life and I cant see myself not blogging now.

The second, GIVEAWAYS!!! Yes, you heard right. I really hope to do many giveaway in 2012! I know I havent done any this year but thats because I've been flat broke. Any of the books I've bought this year my parents in some way helped me out with. Lol. So once I have my own money I definitely plan on hosting giveaways!

The third is to use social networking to its full potential! I'll admit. I am slacking a little in the social networking department. I do tend to talk to some people on Twitter but that's because their like my best blogger friends that I've made so far. I could definitely talk to a lot more people. And don't be afraid to talk to me either (@xDarkPrincess17)! I'm always open for conversation! And I always try to get back to people ASAP unless I'm sleeping or not home. Then you have to wait til I wake up or if I have my iPod on me, wait til I get wifi when I'm out. Lol. I also really wanna use my Facebook page to its full potential (my blog page that is). Lol. I promise in the New Year I'll start updating it more, like a lot more. So its not just my new blog posts on the page. Lol. (And if you guys haven't followed me on Twitter or liked my Facebook page and want to the links are right over there on the side. --------------------------->

And last but not least, I definitely want to keep making new friends through the blog :) You guys are awesome you know that right? :)

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads. Theres a weekly question and then we do a re-cap of the weeks posts.

Q. First & Last: What was the first book you read in 2011 and the last you finished in 2011? How do you feel about these books? Would you recommend them to other readers? 

The first book I read was City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. I loved it and I would definitely recommend it to others because its part of one of my fave series!!!!! 

The last book I'm reading this year is Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. I would also recommend this to others, especially since Scott Westerfeld is one of my fave authors. 

Weekly Recap: 
TBR Intervention Challenge [#11]
In My Mailbox [#20] Christmas Edition!!
Teaser Tuesday [#20]
Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Favorite Books I Read In 2011
Review: Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare
2011 End Of Year Book Survey
Waiting On Wednesday [#19]


  1. Great resolutions. I choose giveaways too and I also want to keep on blogging. Old follower...have a great weekend!

  2. I'm hoping to do at least two giveaways a month in 2012. Yeah, I'm gonna be busy!

    - New follower

  3. I want maximize the use of social networks as well and definetely keep blogging!

    Old follower here for the hop :)

    Stop by My Blog
