In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share new books we bought, received, won etc.

EEEPPPP!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to have this book I had to take a pic with it to show you guys!

  • Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare!!!!! (If you cant tell from the pic above I'm extremely happy to have this!!!! :D)

Library Haul:

Thanks to NetGalley & the publishers!

     I found this bookmark at the library today. Its the YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) Teens Top Ten of 2011 bookmark. I'll post a link to the list since you probably cant make out the titles in the pic. You definitely wanna check it out, especially since Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare is #1!!!

    I also got a Christmas Card from my awesome friend Sam @ Books For All Seasons! Yay! Christmas cards! Lol.

    I'll leave you guys with the pic of my Mini Xmas tree on my desk. Isnt it cute? :D 

    Whats in your mailbox?


    1. Very nice haul of books. I see that you are excited. That's kind of how I felt about Shattered Souls.

      Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog

    2. Clockwork Prince was simply amaing! Hope you're enjoying it!
      Happy Reading!
      My IMM
      A Beautiful Madness

    3. awh, I love the mini tree! I have one by my bed :)

      come check out my IMM! I did my second ever Vlog :)

    4. Very cute Christmas tree, and I'd love to hear what you think about Clockwork Prince.

    5. Aww nice Christmas tree! I don't have one up :-( I got Clockwork Prince too! SO EXCITED! Your library haul looks awesome too!

      Visit My IMM

    6. Yay for Clockwork Prince!!! I can't wait to read Fateful but it's not out in the UK till next year *sniff* :(

      My IMM is here if you'd like a look :)

    7. Very nice haul of books I'd love to hear what you think about all of them

    8. Aww great books! I have the night circus and rot and ruin to read myself.
      Silence is my favourite of the hush, hush series :)

    9. I really liked the Night Circus and hope you enjoy it ! Also, ahhh so much Clockwork Prince

    10. Ooh you got some awesome books this week! I've heard good things about The Night Circus :) OMG EVERYONE got Clockwork Prince lol I've been dying to read it! Hope you enjoy all of these, happy reading!

    11. Love the YALSA book mark! Also, loved CP. Enjoy!


    12. Cute Tree!!!

      I'm also excited about Clockwork Prince... Really need to read Clockwork Angel soon.

      Love your bookmark by the way!

      Janus @ The Blair Book Project

    13. Awesome haul! I love the TID series and can't wait to read the sequel. I've heard great things about The Night Circus as well so I want to get to that soon.

      Have an amazing reading week!

      - Asher (from Paranormal Indulgence)

    14. Everyone's getting Clockwork Prince. I can't wait until I get my own copy... Great haul this week!

      Thanks for visiting my IMM.

    15. I can't wait to read The Night Circus. You got some amazing books. Hope you're enjoying The Clockwork Prince!

      -Jenna @ Fans of Fiction
