Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Anyone can play along! just do the following:

1. Grab your current read
2. Open to a random page
3. Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page.
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away! You don't want to ruin the book for others!)
4. Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers!

1. "This is your true self, Tessa. This power is who you are."

2. "Whoever loves you now-and you must also love yourself-will love the truth of you."

pg. 197 of "Clockwork Angel" by Cassandra Clare

1. "OW! She felt a sharp sting between her shoulder blades. Her breath hissed out. That hurt!"

2. "And then the pain intensified until it buzzed through her head. She heard a wet slithering sound, and a burning sensation spread through her lungs."

pg. 9 of "Drink Slay Love" by Sarah Beth Durst


  1. Drink Slay Love - yikes! lol I don't even want to know what the slithering was. ;x Possibly a tongue.. or a serpent..

    I love the teasers! Both have been in my pile of to-reads for some time.

    Bookish Sarah

  2. Love Clockwork Prince!

    Drink, Slay Love has my interest. Thanks for sharing.

    No teaser for me this week but check out my review of Obsidian



  3. I just bought Clockwork Angel and DSL is in my TBR pile and has to be read before it's due back at the library.

    Here are my teasers: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2011/12/teaser-tuesday.html

    Wit and Sin

  4. Great Clockwork Angel teasers. I love that book. I am reading Clockwork Prince now. I'm so in love with Will LOL

  5. Love the teasers! Both of these are on my TBR list, so now I'm even more axious to read them.

    Wendy @ Escape Into Fiction

  6. Oh my gosh, I LOVED Clockwork Angel!! And Clockwork Prince comes out today too -- have you ordered a copy yet? You definitely should because if you enjoy the first book even a little bit, you'll love the second even more! :)

    Plus, I think it's crazy how much I want to read Drink, Slay, Love! It sounds like a blast!

    Awesome teasers, Brittani! :)

  7. Oh my gosh - I absolutely loved Clockwork Angel!! :) Great choice for your teaser! And I've been looking into reading Drink, Slay, Love so i think the teaser you chose for that one is just perfect for those of us who haven't read it! lol :)

    Thanks for dropping by my blog earlier and commenting on my Teaser!

  8. Great teasers! I just won Clockwork Prince this morning so I really need to get myself in gear and read the first book lol. I am always way behind on series and then feel like a dummy when everyone else is talking about them :)

    Thanks for stopping by Book Cover Justice :)

  9. Interesting teasers. I'm going to give Drink Slay Love a try. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  10. I really want to read Drink Slay Love. It sounds like a really fun read! Clockwork Prince sounds good, too, but I'd need to read the first one first. :)


  11. I love Clockwork Angel! and I really want Drink Slay Love, great teasers.
