Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. It was created due to their love of lists. 

This weeks topic is:
Top Ten Books I'm Excited To Read In 2012

1. Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth (5/1/2012) - I'm beyond excited to read this!!!! I loved loved loved Divergent!

2. Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins - Who isnt excited for this book? I mean I love Stephanies writing and I definitely cant wait for this.

3. Bloodrose (Nightshade #3) by Andrea Cremer (1/3/2012) - So this is actually coming out today, and yes I plan on buying a copy today as well. Lol. I really liked Nightshade and Wolfsbane was even better and I have to know who Calla picks in the end (*couch* Team Ren *cough*)!!!!! Lol. You can see who I'm rooting for.

4. Two Truths and A Lie (The Lying Game #3) by Sara Shepard (2/7/2012) - I'm currently reading the first two books in the series and really enjoying them so I definitely am looking forward to the next in the series! (I'm also enjoying new episodes of the show too. lol)

5. City of Lost Souls (The Mortal Instruments #5) by Cassandra Clare (5/8/2012) - I love The Mortal Instruments series! Nuff said.

6. Fever (The Chemical Garden #2) by Lauren DeStefano (2/21/2012) - I just finished Wither and I really enjoyed it! I so need to know what happens next!!!!!!!!! Not to mention I definitely need more Gabriel & Rhine!

7. Pandemonium (Delirium #2) by Lauren Oliver (2/28/2012) - I LOVED Delirium!!! After the ending to it I need to know what happens next!!!!!!

8. Shine (Shade #3) by Jeri Smith-Ready (5/1/2012) - I love this series so far and I'm absolutely looking forward to what happens in Shine!

9. The Statistical Probability of Love At First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith (1/2/2012) - This book sounds so so so good and I absolutely cant wait to get my hands on a copy!

10. Cinder by Marissa Meyer (1/3/2012) - I've been hearing awesome things about this book! I definitely need to read it sometime in the near future.

Notice how this is just a top ten of books I'm excited to read that are just coming out in 2012. There are so many awesome books coming out this year that I had to make an entire top ten of just those that I'm excited to read!


  1. Ooh excellent list - quite a few books are on there that I want to read as well like Pandemonium and City of Lost Souls.

  2. Awesome list. I want to read pretty much everything on it.

  3. Ooo Two Truths and a Lie! I still need to read Never Have I Ever... lol.

    Great list, though! Good luck with reading them all this year!

  4. Awesome list! Isla is also on my list! I can't wait to get my hands on it. Pandemonium is utterly incredible. I can't wait for everyone to read it.
    My Top Ten Tuesday

  5. I am really excited about a lot of these too! After reading Lola, I am so excited about Isla. Happy Reading!

    My Top Ten:

  6. Every review of Bloodrose that I have read has said that a lot of people are going to be upset - I'm preparing myself for the disappointment that will come if Calla chooses Shay. I want to go get my copy so badly, but I pre-ordered from the Book Depository to save some money! Ahh, why?!

    Great list!

    Top 10 Tuesday

    Radiant Shadows

  7. one and seven are popular picks for the top 10 list.

  8. Wonderful list! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Loves that Insurgent is number 1 :D Hih (A) I am reading Cinder right now :) Loving it so far ;D
    Thank you for commenting on my Top Ten. <3
    Love, Carina

  10. A lot of the series books in your list are in my to-read pile as well. Unfortunately for the most part, I'm still on book one in most instances. I guess it's further motivation for me to get out those books and read them! Great list!

    Thanks for visiting my Top Ten.

  11. Oh awesome list! I am a little sad because ISLA got pushed back until 2013 (you can read about it on Stephanie Perkins blog), but it's because she needed more time to make the book totally awesome, and I can live with that reasoning.

    I am also pumped for BLOODROSE! I didn't include it on my list because that series already gets a lot of love on my blog. And yes, PANDEMONIUM, even if I didn't love DELIRIUM. And ahh THE STATISTICAL PROBABILITY OF LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I just got a review copy of that one and I cannot wait to read it.

    Awesome choices! Hope you have a great 2012!

  12. Great list!! I seem some pretty awesome ones on there. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    Jessi @ Auntie Spinelli Reads
