In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share new books we bought, received, won etc.

Won from Julia @ That Hapa Chick:
Thanks Julia! :D

Bought (Finally!):

What's in your mailbox?


  1. Shatter Me and Under The Never Sky were awesome. Great haul. Really hope you enjoy your new books.


  2. I'm digging all of these books! That's so awesome that you got all of that signed swag! I really want to read Shatter Me. Enjoy! =)

    -Shanon @ Escaping With Fiction

  3. I'm totally drooling on my keyboard... what a great bunch of books and stuff!!! Nice. I totally gotta read Shatter me and Under the Never Sky. So far I'm using 'em as air fresheners, I guess... waiting 'til I can't stand another blah book!

    Here's Mine: Colorimetry

  4. I love all your books and the swag , how cool! I still need to pick up a copy of Shatter Me though. :)

    My IMM for this week

    Books, Biscuits & Tea

  5. Great books! Hope you will enjoy SHATTER ME and Lola and the boy next door, two books I really loved!!!

  6. Great set! Yay for Lola! I can't wait to read Shatter Me.
    My IMM

  7. I still need to read Shatter Me. I've read some of Lola and really enjoyed it! Great IMM.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. =)

  8. Very nice haul! I really need to read Shatter Me, I'm jealous that you got a signed copy lol. I'm reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone right now and LOVING it, I hope you do, too. Happy reading, Brittani!

    My IMM:

  9. Those are some fantastic books. Congrats on your wins. Shatter Me <3 Happy Reading!

  10. WOW! Signed books and swag! Great mailbox this week.

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading

    Lindsay :)
    Turning the Pages

    *New follower*

  11. WOW! This is a fantastic loot! I am super jealous!

    Glad to hear I am not the only person who got on the Beautiful Creatures band wagon a bit later lol. Thanks for stopping by the blog =). Hope you enjoy all of these books!

  12. Thanks so much for taking the time to drop by my IMM and commenting.
    Awesome mailbox this week. Awh man! You have a signed copy of Shatter Me and may titles I still have yet to grab =)
    Happy Reading.

  13. I really like Shatter Me. Hope you do to. And a signed copy?! So jealous! ^_^

    I really should get a copy of Lola and the Boy Next Door. It sounds interesting.

    Happy reading!

    Here's my IMM
    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  14. Ooooh !
    You got some really great books !
    So jealous :P

    Happy Reading !

  15. Great haul. I hope you enjoy these books.
    I'm Planning to read Shatter Me real soon, and Under the Never Sky is on the top of my wishlist.
