The Adoration of Jenna Fox (Jenna Fox Chronicles #1)
Author: Mary E. Pearson
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Publication Date: April 29, 2008
Pages: 266
Source: Hardcover/Library

Who is Jenna Fox? Seventeen-year-old Jenna has been told that is her name. She has just awoken from a coma, they tell her, and she is still recovering from a terrible accident in which she was involved a year ago. But what happened before that? Jenna doesn't remember her life. Or does she? And are the memories really hers?

This fascinating novel represents a stunning new direction for acclaimed author Mary Pearson. Set in a near future America, it takes readers on an unforgettable journey through questions of bio-medical ethics and the nature of humanity. Mary Pearson's vividly drawn characters and masterful writing soar to a new level of sophistication.

Review: So I saw this book on a few other blogs months ago and finally picked up a copy from the library. I didn't know what to think of it at first. I wasn't really pulled into the book until around page 50. I felt bad for Jenna at first. She had just come out of a coma and couldn't remember anything of her life before the accident. Gosh, that would suck! I didn't like how her parents tried so hard to keep her sheltered from the public, I mean, as your memory comes back your going to be more and more curious about stuff. They cant keep you hidden away forever. Though when we found out why they tried so hard to keep her hidden away I understood. 

Her parents went really far to save her, like illegally far. She learned that most of her wasn't really her at all, just what her parents used to save her. She even learns she has a backup file of her brain! That's freaky!!! I'd flip if I found a backup file of my brain! She even finds out that her friends Kara and Locke who were also in the accident with her have brain backups as well! As if finding her own brain backup wasn't weird enough she found her best friends also! Then she remembers all about the accident and what happened. And as if that wasn't bad enough, her friend Allys finds out about her, because of her basically being illegal (the way she was saved and remade) the rest of the world was made to believe she was still in a coma! Imagine how shocked everyone was when the truth came out! I was shocked at the end the most though. Allys was completely against how Jenna was made so when she was dying at the end she didn't want to even consider becoming like Jenna, but yet when you read about Jenna in the future at the very end you find out Allys is still alive! I was so shocked!

3 1/2 Stars! 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, this book sounds a little intense! I had no idea what this book was about until now, but it definitely sounds like something I'd like. The idea of having your brain backed up is both creepy and kind of awesome. Great review!! =)

    -Shanon @ Escaping With Fiction
