Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Its a way to get out there and meet new bloggers and discover new blogs. :)

Q. What is the best book you've read in the month? What is the worst book you've read in the last month?

I haven't really read any bad books in the past month. 

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads. There's a weekly question and then we do a re-cap of the weeks posts.

Q. Social Networking: Do you use Twitter or Facebook to promote your blog? How has it benefited your book blogging experience? If not, how do you promote your blog? Share you Twitter handle and/or Facebook link!

I use both Twitter and Facebook. It has benefited me because with both of those resources I can reach way more people that don't normally stop by my blog. 

(the links are also on the side ------>)

Weekly Recap: 


  1. Grr, I have yet to read Pandemonium, and sad to say Delirium too. Have. To. Read. Them.

    My #FF
    Emerald City eBook Giveaway

  2. I loved daughter of smoke and Bone and I was mixed on Pandemonium .

  3. I haven’t read Pandemonium but I have heard so many great things about it! I also agree about how you can reach so many more people through Twitter and Facebook who may not have so easily found your blog otherwise!

    Darlene @ Leather Bound and Lovely

  4. Hopping through. I still need to read Delirium. Then I'll get to Pandemonium.
    My Hop
