Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Its a way to get out there and meet new bloggers and discover new blogs. :)

Q. What is the longest book you've read? What are your favorite 600+ page reads?

Um, I think the longest books I've read are Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer & The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

My favorite 600+ page book is The Host by Stephenie Meyer!!! I loved loved loved that book! :D


  1. I keep forgetting how long Breaking Dawn is, lol! I haven't read The Host, yet, but it's on my list!

    New follower!

    Here's our FF


  2. I just can't get into The Host - but I think it'll be very popular this week! I know a lot of people seem to love it.

    Come see my TGIF / Follow Friday for this week!

  3. Great picks. Breaking Dawn was one of mine too. I'm a new follower.

  4. The Host is a favorite of mine too! I forgot to mention in my FF post (I honestly drew a blank when it came to remembering long books I've read). Have you seen the teaser trailer for its movie yet?! Can't wait for 2013!

    My Follow Friday
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves
    Old Follower

  5. Hi & Happy Friday!

    It was Breaking Dawn for me as well..

    My FF,

    Have a great weekend, Sharon

  6. I haven't read the Host yet either, but it's on my list! New Follower, nice to meet you!

  7. Hopping through. I really liked The Host. I want to re-read it.
    My Hop

  8. Oh my gosh, you're the exact same as me! One of the longest I've read is The Host, and it is one of my all-time favorites, too :)

    PS: Did you see there's the trailer for the movie, already??
    New follower! <3
    My FF

  9. Hi there :) just hopping through...Ooh haven't read this one yet, good choice!

    I'm an old follower :)

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  10. YAY! Another The Host fan! I love that book!

    Amanda @ LIO - My FF

  11. If you consider the fact that the version of The Lord of The Rings I read was the one that’s one book with the 3 parts inside (1202 pages in the brazilian version), that would be the longest book I’ve ever read. But if you consider series to favorite 600+ page reads, hands down, Harry Potter. Not so much for the story, but for the feeling it brings me every time I think about it.

    I'm a new follower, btw!

    Murphy's Library

  12. Hi,
    New follower and new to the FF Hop. Twilight and The Host are the longest I read also. I loved The Host!! You are the only other person that I have seen that said they even read that book. It is one of my favorites. Nice to meet you!!
    Here is mine:
    Mariann wiith Belle's Book Bag
