In My Mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren where we share new books we bought, received, won etc.

Mentioned in the Video:

Books Mentioned:
*Thanks to Epic Reads & Harper Teen for the giveaway of Kiss Crush Collide!
**Thanks to NetGalley & Harlequin for The Immortal Rules!!! You have no idea how excited I am to read it!

Also shown, Hunger Games poster!!! (Of which I might be including in a giveaway soon!)

Whats in your mailbox this week??? Leave your links in the comments and I'll stop by! :)


  1. Yay for getting The Immortal Rules as well! I seriously cannot wait to read it. Awesome! And Pure!! I need to get my hands on that one. o: Hope you enjoy!

    My IMM: Surprise Edition!

  2. Hi there, just popping in... Nice!

    You have some amazing books there, I'm very jealous! The Iron Witch sounds interesting, I'm adding it to my TBR pile.

    Here is:
    My IMM

  3. Great set! I enjoyed Wings of the Wicked. Iron Witch sounds great.
    My IMM

  4. Great books this week... enjoy

    Here is my IMM

    Happy Reading!
    Lindsay @ Turning the Pages

  5. I think that everyone put in HG stuff in their IMM this week ( i know i did!!!!) and i agree!!! it was FANTASTIC!!!!!! I hear good things about The Book Their also! someday ill read it! I have yet to read Angelfire but i got it and i hear amazing things about it!!! great steals from the library!!! im thinking i need to pay off my library dues and start partaking in getting library books!! and PURE OMG!!! i cant wait! and Immortals EEEEEEE!!! you got a lot of great books this week!!! Happy Reading!
    Tara's IMM & HG Love

  6. I got The Book Thief too! I hear it's amazing :D And Pure was a great read. Odd at times, but I love the world building. I really liked The Catastrophic History of You and Me too. Happy reading and thank you for visiting!

    Giselle from
    In My Mailbox

  7. Ooooh! Looks like you got some yummy books this week!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Awesome mailbox :D Lots of great books ;) The Immortal Rules is amazing. <3 As is A Million Suns :) Enjoy it all :D
    Thank you for commenting on my mailbox. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  9. Oh, loved seeing you in your vlog! How fun! I haven't read Courtney Allison Moulton's books yet, but I hope to. I saw here here in Austin and she's SO MUCH FUN. I hope her writing reflects her personality!

    Thanks so much for your comment on my IMM. Have a great week and HAPPY READING! :)
