Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. It was created due to their love of lists.

This weeks topic is:
Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR List

I tried to keep this list more focused on books I haven't featured as much on the blog.

1. Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin - I have heard nothing but good things about this book from people who got ARCs of it and I'm super excited to read it myself this spring!

2. Pure (Covenant #2) by Jennifer L. Armentrout - As many of you know I loved the first book in this series Half-Blood and I'm super excited to see where the story goes next! I actually just downloaded this to my Kindle so I'm hoping to read it this week! :D

3. The Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1) by Julie Kagawa - Another book I've heard nothing but good things about from people who got ARCs of it and since I'm really enjoying Julie's Iron Fey books right now I definitely think I'll enjoy her new series as well!

4. Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins - First of all, this book sounds amazing so I'm really excited to read it this spring! Second, I know Anna @ Literary Exploration really enjoyed this book and since I noticed me and her have really similar tastes in books its a safe assumption to say I'll probably enjoy it as well. 

5. In Honor by Jessi Kirby - I have heard awesome things about this book from every blogger I know of that's read this already (and that's quite a few people!)! And while Moonglass wasn't exactly my fave book I did enjoy it and it definitely made me want to read more from Jessi Kirby!

6. Born Wicked (Cahill Witch Chronicles #1) by Jessica Spotswood - I've been hearing awesome things about this book. And I wasn't completely sold on this book at first, but with all the positive feedback I've been hearing about it its definitely made me want to read it sometime this spring!

7. Social Suicide (Deadly Cool #2) by Gemma Halliday - I LOVED Deadly Cool! It was a really fun yet serious mystery read and I'm so excited to see what mysteries await Hartley next! :D

8. Incarnate (Newsoul #1) by Jodi Meadows - I've been excited to read this for a while and I'm hoping that maybe April will be the month I finally get to it! Lets hope! 

9. Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley - I've heard awesome things about this and I'm always in the mood to read a good contemp. (and I have it on my Kindle) so I'm hoping to fit this into my Spring reading as well!

10. Insurgent (Divergent #2) by Veronica Roth - Ok! I tried to keep this list more focused on books I haven't given much attention to on the blog that I'm planning on reading this spring but lets be real here! We all know that as soon as Insurgent hits shelves on May 1st I'll be getting a copy and devouring it without a second thought. Lol.


  1. I can't wait for Insurgent! I have a copy of Incarnate that I really need to sit down and read! Great list!

  2. Oh! I can't believe I didn't put Insurgent on my list!! I'll have to remedy that ASAP! Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Masque is pretty damn good!!!! read it now and i cant wait to sew where it takes me!!
    and PURE!!!!! ugh my life is so much better with Jens books around!!! Immortals and Sweet Evil are EVERYWHERE!!!!! and with good reason!!!! i need sweet evil so bad!!! and i have In Honor waiting for me!!!!!! really great books!!!!!
    Tara's Top Ten

  4. You have an awesome list! Cant wait to read Immortal, Social Suicide, Insurgent and Born Wicked!

    Liza’s Top Ten

  5. Great list - Masque and In Honor look AMAZING!

    I cheated slightly and went for top ten books I want to reread, if you'd like to take a look.

  6. Born Wicked look soooo good! I still need to read Divergent before I can get to Insurgent.
