Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. It was created due to their love of lists.

This weeks topic is:
Top Ten Covers Of 2012

1. City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare - What Mortal Instruments fan doesnt love this cover??? Its beautiful! It's my have one of the series yet!

2. Hidden by Sophie Jordan - I love love love this cover!!! Its perfect! It will definitely look good with the other covers in this series and I just love how this one is darker than the rest!

3. Incarnate by Jodi Meadows - I just love how beautiful this is! I love the colors on it and its even prettier in person!

4. Insurgent by Veronica Roth - I really really love how the covers to both Divergent and Insurgent have the city back drop and then one of the faction symbols on it! They just look so amazing!

5. Masque Of The Red Death by Bethany Griffin - I just love the dark colors on this! I've read the actually Edgar Allen Poe story of the same name and I feel the darker colors fit the story. :)

6. Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver - I loved this cover ever since I saw it! I love like the flowers around her face and everything (and orange is my fave color) so that makes me like it even more! And its even more beautiful in person!

7. Spark by Amy Kathleen Ryan - I love this cover like TEN TIMES more than I loved Glows cover! I feel like this one is way more beautiful and I loved Glow so I definitely think this cover will go well with Glow on the shelf!

8. Once by Anna Carey - I don't know what it is about this cover but I love it more than Eves! I think its the darker background (if you havent noticed I really like covers with darker backgrounds!) but I just love it!

9. Arise by Tara Hudson - This cover is beyond beautiful! And it goes along so well with the cover to Hereafter! And what do you know! Its another darker cover. hahaha

10. Timepiece by Myra McEntire - This cover it so beautiful! Another thats like 10 times prettier than the first (though i do love Hourglasses cover too). The cover also goes well with Hourglass!


  1. Lovely Covers! I think covers are commercials for the story within. Enjoy your reading. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  2. Great picks! I can't believe I haven't thought of Myra McEntire's books. Her covers are amazing!

    My Top Ten Favorite Covers
    Myra McEntire

  3. All gorgeous covers! I'm lookig forward to several of these :)

    My Top Ten

  4. Timepiece made my Top Ten list, too! And I totally forgot about Spark! Yeesh. Great picks!

    My TTT
