"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating.

Spark (Sky Chasers #2)
Author: Amy Kathleen Ryan
Publication Date: July 17, 2012

Waverly and Kieran are finally reunited on the Empyrean. Kieran has led the boys safely up to this point, and now that the girls are back, their mission seems slightly less impossible: to chase down the New Horizon, and save their parents from the enemy ship. But nothing is truly as it seems…Kieran’s leadership methods have raised Seth’s hackles— and Waverly’s suspicions. Is this really her fiancé? The handsome, loving boy she was torn from just a short time before? More and more, she finds her thoughts aligned with Seth’s. But if Seth is Kieran’s Enemy No. 1, what does that make her?

In one night, a strange explosion rocks the Empyrean—shooting them off course and delaying their pursuit of the New Horizon—and Seth is mysteriously released from the brig. Seth is the most obvious suspect for the explosion, and Waverly the most obvious suspect for releasing him. As the tension reaches a boiling point, will Seth be able to find the true culprit before Kieran locks them both away—or worse? Will Waverly follow her heart, even if it puts lives at risk? With the balance of power precarious and the clock ticking, every decision counts… every step brings them closer to a new beginning, or a sudden end...

I just recently finished Glow and I loved it!!! I'm super excited to see what happens next above the Empyrean and with Kieran and Waverly! And I definitely want to know who caused this explosion talked about!

What are you waiting on this week?


  1. mmm..I haven´t read the first book,yet.
    My WOW

  2. I have Glow sitting on my shelf waiting to be read. Nice pick!

    My WoW

  3. Aaaah, I'll really need to read GLOW sometime soon because it sounds like a really awesome read! Great pick and thanks for reminding me that GLOW's still on my to-read list. ;)

    Fictional Distraction

  4. I haven't read any books set in outer space, this one sounds interesting though. The cover is beautiful as well!

    I'm also your newest follower :D

    Here's my choice if you would like to check it out...

    Waiting on Wednesday

  5. This sounds really intriguing! And I love the cover too.


  6. I loved the first one too, definitely want to read the follow up!

    Our WoW is at Book Sake. –Jessica

  7. Woow, I haven't seen this book before! Looks good! :) Thanks for sharing :)

  8. i love the new covers for these!

    stop by my post? I'm hosting an exclusive cover reveal for a fall 2012 YA from Paper Lantern Lit and Philomel/Penguin!


  9. This one sounds pretty interesting, but I haven't seen it before. Great pick! :)

  10. I'm definitely interested to see where this story's going to go, but I'm not SUPER excited for it haha. I wasn't a big fan of Glow, but just enough to keep me wanting more!! Good pick :)

  11. I can't wait for this book!!!! I LOVED Glow, and I'm glad you did, too! And I see you're reading Hourglass right now - my WoW pick this week was the sequel, Timepiece!

    My WoW

  12. Awesome pick! I enjoyed Glow as well and am eagerly anticipating this one!!

    I noticed that you are reading Hourglass. I haven't gotten to that one yet but it looks good!

    Thanks for stopping by my WoW: http://darlenesbooknook.blogspot.com/2012/03/waiting-on-wednesday-reached-by-ally.html
