Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So a few weeks ago in a top ten I mentioned how I wanted The Demon Trapper's Daughter as a book I started but never got the chance to finish due to holds at the library. Well, low and behold, for the first time ever, I found it at my used bookstore. But not just book 1, but 2 & 3 as well! Score!! :D Truly Devious I scored last weekend when it was marked down to $1.99 for a daily deal. And I got the hardcover of Caraval marked down to $7.10 at Barnes & Noble in the discount section!

Thanks to NetGalley & Flatiron Books for this! :D 

Guys, I really have to suggest this book! It's a zombie apocalypse book. It starts a little slow, but its so good. And probably the most realistic in terms of survival in that situation. It's an awesome read!

Ok guys, I know a bunch of you have been interested in the updates on Ana's eye issue. So here's a good one. She got her glasses this week!!! And guys, they look so cute on her! And even better, I really think they are helping! She seems more confident in things now. I genuinely think she was struggling some cuz she was having trouble seeing. Me and James are so incredibly happy that she has her glasses now and she's seeing better. :D 

Besides that, not much else has happened this week. I've been working behind the scenes on the blog. Scheduling posts and whatnot. Also, I decided to join the 2018 Book Blog Discussion Challenge! So let me know if you have any topics you want to discuss! :) If you happen to suggest a topic I use, I'll definitely give you a shout out in the post! :)

As always, there's lots of time to sign-up for the Dystopia Reading Challenge! I'd love to have you! For more info, just click the button.

Also, there's still some time left to sign up for the Red Queen Read-Along! Its low stress, only a few chapters each week. Whether your just starting the series like me, or want to reread Red Queen (and then the 2nd & 3rd books) before War Storm comes out, your all welcome for the read-along! :) For more info, also click its button!

  • Review of Days of Blood & Starlight (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #2) by Laini Taylor
  • Review of The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Stories #1) by Bernard Cornwell
  • Review of Wasteland (Surviving The Evacuation #2) by Frank Tayell
  • March Wrap-Up


  1. Truly Devious is one I want to try. Enjoy. Glad to hear the glasses are working. :-)

  2. Thanks! I'm hoping I'll love it! Yes! We're very happy they seem to be helping! :)

  3. haha I am so glad you snagged the first three books in the series I remember reading them and really enjoying them though thinking now I think I may still need to finish the last book....huh might need to look into that. Also I hope you love Legendary I didn't get it but I am eagerly anticipating it!!! My Shelf

    1. Yes! I was so surprised to see them! So I grabbed them up real quick! Lol. I hope I do too! :D I'm very excited to read it!

  4. I need to read a Maureen Johnson book. I follow her on Twitter, and she seems like an interesting person. Ana’s glasses look very cute. Enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yes! Definitely. My first book of hers was The Name of the Star! And I loved it! Definitely what got me into her writing! Don't they!!! I love how adorable she looks in them! :D Thanks! :)

  5. Enjoy your haul! Caraval is one of my bestie's favorite so I grabbed it when it was on sale. Good that you have Legendary waiting for you too!

    Have a great week!
    Weekly Wrap-Up

    1. Yes! I was surprised seeing the Hardcover of Caraval in the bargain section of B&N, so I snagged a copy while it was there. Lol. The $7.10 is cheaper than my used bookstore sells hardcovers for ($9-10). I'm definitely just sitting down and reading Caraval and Legendary one right after the other. :D Thanks! You too! :)

  6. Nice book haul this week! I want to read Caraval too. Hope you have a great week!
    Mary my #SundayRoundup

    1. Thanks! I've been hearing so much about it! So I snagged it at a nice price. And I'm super excited I have Legendary to read right after! :) Thanks! You too!

  7. Awe, Anna is so pretty with her glasses, I’m glad to hear they are helping her so much. Lots of good books this week too, hope you enjoy them. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Isn't she?!?! Yes! It's definitely a relief knowing they are helping with her vision! Thanks! You too! :)

  8. Oh Anna looks adorable in her glasses!! And YAY they are helping! I can't imagine being so little and having vision problems-you don't realize something is wrong and you can't really explain it. It would be terrible!

    1. Right!! yes!! Right! Like she knew her eye hurt sometimes when she tried to focus on stuff. But she couldn't really explain it except for saying ow and pointing to her eye. :( Poor baby. I'm so glad her eye doctor was able to figure out what was wrong and get her some glasses. She really seems to be seeing better! :)

  9. The Demon Trappers series looks awesome. Have a great week!

    1. Right! I started it awhile ago, but never got to finish the first book cuz of holds on it at the library. Thanks! You too! :)

  10. Aww, Ana is so cute :) I am glad that her glasses are working well.

    I haven't read any of the book sin your haul, but I have heard amazing things about Caraval. I hope you enjoy your new books :)

    My STS:
