Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So I got this pretty thing for $9 dollars at my used book store. Poster still in the book and everything. So while this book is sitting on the shelves of Barnes & Noble full price. Someone turned in a copy to the used bookstore and I got it for only $9. YAY! Also, the cashier totally went all fan girl over Tamora Pierce's books. I have to admit, it was pretty cool seeing someone fan girl over a favorite author just like I do! 

So I got two books reviewed this week! Yay!! :D

We got some big title news this week! The title for the final book in the Throne of Glass series was revealed! It's:

I've been working behind the scenes more this week than writing posts. If you have seen my reviews this week, you'll notice I finally have a colored background for the book descriptions! I finally figured out how to add the css coding to do that! Shush, don't judge, I'm not the fastest learner of html or css. LOL. But this is something I've been wanting to do for my reviews for a while! I think it makes them look much better! :D I've also been tweaking things here and there. 

I've also been brainstorming discussion posts. I have some ideas I'll be working on the next few days and scheduling. A few are for specific days/holidays in the next two months. If there's a topic you want me to tackle, make sure to leave it in the comments! :)

Guys, Arizona is not fun. Its the beginning of April and its already hot. It's seriously supposed to get up to 93-96 degrees this upcoming week. I'm so far beyond not amused. It's April and it's almost 100 degrees. Its too hot already guys! This really isn't a fun state to live in for 75% of the year because of the heat. I'd honestly rather go back to living in a state with humidity. 

Last Sunday was Easter. We had a lot of fun! Ana got some cool stuff. If your well versed in Disney Junior/Nick Jr shows, you'll recognize the names of the stuff she got. She got a Peppa Pig Easter Pail and coloring set, Mickey & The Roadster Racers and Puppy Dog Pals coloring books. She also got a cool magazine completely dedicated to the show Vampirina. She also got Paw Patrol stickers. And an Owelette (PJ Masks) lunch box for her to store the candy she got in. She was pretty happy with the stuff she got. And she had a fun time hunting eggs! So I failed to get a good picture of Ana with her stuff. Lol. But I got a great picture of my sweet kitty Brodie! We might have had fun and covered him in Easter grass to make him festive. Lol. He's such a chill cat though and rolled with it! 

As always, there's lots of time to sign up for the 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge! I'd love to have you guys join me! :) 

You also still have until the 11th to sign up for the Red Queen Read-Along if you'd like to participate! (That's as long as I can keep the linky open). It's pretty low stress. Just a few chapters each week throughout the month! :)
  • Review of The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Stories #1) by Bernard Cornwell
  • Review of Caraval (Caraval #1) by Stephanie Garber
  • Some discussions


  1. Used bookstores are so awesome sometimes. I’ve considered moving to Arizona, but I’d probably melt. Colorado in summer is hot enough for me. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Right! Omg. You would! I swear I'm melting sometimes, especially in the peak of summer. Lol. The only cooler spots in AZ are in Northern AZ. Like Flagstaff and the White Mountains. But they are also much more expensive to live in. Thanks! You too! :)

  2. Oh geez you've already got summer! I live in California so I'm not stranger to the heat, but that soon!? Hopefully it'll cool off a little before we have to face the heat wave that is summer, lol. Have a good week! :)

    1. Seriously!!! We just skipped right over spring! Lol. Right! We usually don't get this hot til mid to end of May. This is really unusual. Lol. We're taking a vacation to Cali mid June to escape the heat. Need our yearly dose of the Ocean. LOL. You too! :)

  3. I live in Cleveland and it is winter 8 months of the year. We even got snow the other day and I was like seriously? It is APRIL!! Oh well...Have a great week!!

    1. I would seriously love more winter than summer. Lol. I miss just having winter type weather. We rarely get anything that even hints at winter. Lol. Have a great week as well! :)

  4. I'm jealous of your warm temperatures! I'm so tired of the cold, wind, and snow in Northeastern PA. I just want some sunshine and warmth already. That's awesome you were able to get Tamora's book for $9. I love when things like that happen. Have a great week! :)

    1. I'll trade you! LOL. I'd seriously love some snow and cold! Having been living in AZ since 2001, I can definitely say there is such a thing as too much warmth and sunshine! Like, would it kill mother nature to at least give us a cloudy day here and there?!?! Right! I saw it and was pretty excited! Normally newer releases don't get turned in super quick. So I grabbed it when I got the chance! Lol. Have a great week as well! :)

  5. Yay for your $9 bargain! Our weather is still cold here so I am envious of your warm temps! Have a great week!

    1. Yay!!! :) I jealous of your cool temps! I'd definitely trade you! Lol. It feels like we we only had a few coldish days this past winter and came straight back to summer. Have a great week as well! :)

  6. I could never live in AZ! That is too hot. On the flip side though, yesterday I woke up to snow. I miss living in NC!

    1. I can definitely tell you from experience it is too hot! But that's not even the worst. We get up to 110-115 in Tucson a lot during the summer, its even worse in Phoenix though. They hit 120 sometimes. Lol. I find it really funny when people complain about humidity. Cuz we get like 110-115 plus humidity during monsoon season. Like I'd love 90's and humidity in any other state. LOL. Nice! North Carolina? Me and James have actually put that on our list of potential states to move to. At some point in the next like 5 years we want out of AZ. Since I'm originally from Connecticut, I told him I'd love to move back to the East Coast. And he definitely likes that idea. :)

  7. I'll never forget getting an email when I was at ALA from a librarian in Texas. She asked me if I'd get a signed copy of Tamora Pierce's new book for her daughter. I did, and she was very grateful. I couldn't believe how long the line was for Tamora Pierce. She was a new-to-me author.

    1. Oh yeah. She's very popular. Tempests and Slaughter though is going to be my first book by her. So I'm hoping I'll love her as much as others do! That's super cool of you to get a book signed for that librarians daughter! I know its always super exciting to get a signed book!

  8. I am all for some warmer temperatures, but wow that is a little too warm for me. We have days with temperatures that are high like that here in Tennessee occasionally, but living up in the mountain it doesn’t feel like it it really that hot. Although, I did grow up in Florida where is got extremely hot, tha’ts what the beach was god for, cooling off. :) Yay for the used book store, I love out we have here too. Gave a great week.

    1. It is too warm. I've lived in AZ since 2001 and I'm still not used to the heat. Its hard to deal with. We have to escape up the mountain to get some relief from the heat here. I love my used book store! Have a great week as well! :)

  9. I love warmer weather but I don't know if I could take AZ heat. I don't even know if I could take FL heat. But, I do like warmth and can't wait for it where I live. Have fun reading this week.

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #13!

    1. AZ heat is really hard to handle. I've lived here for 16 years and I still can't tolerate it that well. I literally avoid going outside at all costs during the day in the summer unless its absolutely necessary. Thanks! You as well! :)

  10. Glad you had a wonderful Easter and glad that Ana got some great stuff! Hope your week is going well!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. Yes! It was a great Easter. Ana loves her new things! Thanks! It is! I hope yours is well also! :)

  11. Great new book! I've been curious about that one! I hope you can brave the heat this year! It's warming up in Florida too. Have a great week!

    1. Yes! I've been curious as well. It's gonna be my first Tamora Pierce book! Lol. I try to brave it! I usually do stuff in the early morning or after dark to avoid the sun and the highest temps. Yeah? We're going to Florida next year for our summer vacation! Gonna visit some family! Thanks! You too!
