Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

I had to really control myself at the bookstore. These were only about half the books I wanted. I made some touch choices about which books to keep and buy and which ones to save for later. I think I made some good choices. 

So I also happened to find this sitting on the shelves on my used bookstore. It really annoys me seeing ARCs on the shelf when we all know they shouldn't be there. So since this is one I do want to read, I bought it and it is now safely in my ARC collection. And maybe once I get to it, afterwards I may pass it on to someone else or give it away. 

So as you can tell, finding that ARC at my used bookstore inspired the ARC related discussion. Make sure to stop by both discussion and let me know your thoughts! :) I'm also keeping up with my Red Queen read-along schedule. I finished this weeks chapters Friday morning. Other than that though, all I managed to read was the short story to the zombie series I've been reading. I ended up with a migraine from Tuesday night through Thursday afternoon. So that put a huge damper on my reading. :(

Guys... I'm gonna be changing the blogs template again. I'm sorry, I swear! Lol. This is the last time for a while! I've been working on trying to add in the html and coding for certain things I want but its been a struggle with not knowing much about html and coding. So I instead ended up finding a nice template off Etsy (again) thats got what I want and still allows me to have control over changing colors to be what I want. So don't freak out when you visit in the next few days. Lol. But the template I'll be getting includes drop down menus (one thing I really want but can't just have on blogger), a good looking featured post section (unlike the one blogger offers that doesn't look good), you may like links under posts (which I used to have but the widgets/coding stopped working), and a bunch of other smaller details I want but blogger makes it so hard to do! 

Its Stanley Cup Playoffs time! Both my teams are in! The San Jose Sharks & The Vegas Golden Knights! I'm excited! :)

Bad news. James didn't get the clerk job. Neither did his co-worker who also applied. Lets just say they are both PISSED. Small background, the postmaster at his post office seems to have a habit of constantly screwing over people. And that's exactly what he did. Instead of giving James or his co-worker the clerk job, he hired a straight up newbie who still has to go through training. Really?? Cuz that was a better choice over the 2 people already trained?? We're pretty sure the postmaster decided to be a smarta** and thought he could just hire a newbie and then have all the clerk and sub carrier spots filled instead of giving it to someone more qualified and hiring a new sub. Yeah, his little idea is backfiring. James and his co-worker didn't apply because they hate being carriers, they applied because they have families and need more hours (they are only guaranteed one working day a week as subs). So instead of having every spot filled like he thinks, James is already looking at transferring to another post office where he's not gonna be screwed over (this is the 3rd time he's got screwed over where he's at by said postmaster) and gets more hours or just flat out finding another job, and quite frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if his co-worker does the same. The management at his post office chases employees away like their the plague but yet continue to screw the few who have stayed and proved their worth and loyalty. 

As always, there's still lots of time to join the 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge! I'd love to have you join! There's even a read 1-5 dystopian books for those of you who aren't sure you'll like them or don't read a lot of them! :)

An Earth Day related Discussion
Maybe a guest review from my wonderful fiance of The Doors You Mark Are Your Own by Alekasandr Tuvim
Review of Caraval (Caraval #1) by Stephanie Garber
Review of Starglass (Starglass #1) by Phoebe North


  1. Love your new books! And I'm like you with ARCs. I got one from Amazon once for a book that was supposed to be a finished copy and practically wrote them the riot act how they weren't supposed to be selling them!! Normally they're awesome, but somebody messed up. I need to read Caraval and the next book, Legendary, and am planning on reading both together. Hopefully you liked it!

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

    1. Thanks! I'm excited for to read them! For real?!?! That's just ridiculous! I wish people wouldn't sell ARCs. I mean, they say it right on them NOT FOR SALE. Oy. Same here! I'm reading them together. I ended up getting approved for Legendary on NetGalley around the same time I got Caraval! So its nice not having to wait to read it. Everything is fresh in my mind still!! There's so many other series I need to reread now because of all the waiting I had to do between books. Lol.

  2. I’m sorry about James not getting the job. They shouldn’t hire from outside, that’s just wrong. The ARC at the bookstore, is something I haven’t ran into at our used bookstore, but I would pretty upset if I found one too. They’re not even supposed to take them! You made out pretty great with the books you got though! Enjoy!

    1. It is so wrong! Especially when they already had multiple people who already work there who wanted it! From what James heard, they seriously just went out and hired a complete newbie. No experience ever in the post office. So how is that more qualified than the two people who were already training for it?? I completely blame the postmaster. If it was just his supervisor who had to make the decision, I'm positive he would have put James or his co-worker in that spot instead of a new person. His supervisor was the one trying to help them get the position in the first place. So they all got a huge middle finger from the postmaster with this.

      Right! It says NOT FOR SALE on them. All well, I gave it a safe home where it will be treated like an ARC and not sold. So that's something at least. It doesn't seem to happen too often at that bookstore so I won't hold it against them. The person working the trade counter that day might not have even realized it was an ARC or known your not supposed to sell those. But yeah! I did make out pretty good this week! I was surprised how many awesome books they got in!

  3. Sorry James didn't get the job. I hope he has better luck next time. Lots of great books you have here! I hope you enjoy all your reads!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. Yeah. I hope so. We honestly think if he can just transfer to a different post office he might not get screwed as much as he has at the one he's at. It really just seems to be management at his post office in particular that's the issue. Thanks! I definitely will.

  4. Controlling oneself at the bookstore can be heard."The Mirror King" looks like a great novel. I, myself, love going to the bookstore and getting physical confirmation of all the books I've read over time.#thesundaypost

    1. It is incredibly hard! I seriously could have easily spent over $100 in books if I actually got all the ones I wanted. Lol.

  5. Sorry to hear about James and the job. What a bummer! Hopefully he finds something better! Sounds like he doesn't want to work for that asshole anyway!
    Enjoy your new books!!!

    1. I hope so! We think if he can transfer to a different post office in the area he'll have better luck. It really is just that postmaster at his particular post office that's the issue. He screwed James and a different co-worker out of taking over the route he subs for full time for someone who literally came in 6 months before. Just because he did other stuff at that post office years ago and the fact they played favorites with this guy, he got it over James and the other person who worked their you know whats off for years there. And then getting screwed with the clerk job there, and the fact the postmaster has actually lied to him in the past (he called the union about that issue). He's just done. We're hoping he can transfer to one of the post offices closer to our apartment since they seem to have better management.

      Thanks!! I will! :)

  6. Sorry that James didn’t get the job. I hope he finds something better. That zombie book cover is awesome. I’m also excited for the playoffs, even though my team (Avalanche) won’t last long. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Oh AJ! I feel so bad your Avs have to take on the Predators in the first round. That's rotten luck. I really do hope they can make a comeback. I really REALLY hate the Preds, so I'd love it if anyone could take them out before the finals. I worry though cuz if they get past the first and second rounds it most likely will be either the Sharks or the Knights they'll go against for the Western Conference final. And I don't like that idea. Lol. Isn't it?? Elderly people and the zombie apocalypse! It was definitely an interesting read. Yeah, it's a huge bummer about the job. He's just so disheartened now. I mean you can only be passed over so many times by people with less or no experience before your just done with the place. We're hoping maybe a spot at the post office closer to our apartment opens up and he can transfer there. We've heard from other postal employees that practically any other post office around Tucson has better management than his.

  7. Sorry about that job. That is so wrong but sadly, more places seem to be acting that way now a days. I really hope he finds a place where he can get more hours. Enjoy your books and I'll send good thoughts your way!

    1. Thanks! Right? Even my best friend just told me about how she's getting screwed with a promotion in an entirely different field. Like why is it so hard to promote and give more work to the people you already have working for you. And it's not even about benefits either. He actually gets benefits even though he works limited hours. They seriously just didn't wanna let anyone move up. We're hoping if he transfers to a different office he won't get screwed again. When he first got hired in 2015 and did training, everyone said how his office in particular was not great in terms of management and he's been proved right. Thanks! :)

  8. I change my blog quite a bit lol. I have posts in three different formats at the moment because I am still working on updating everything. It definitely takes some time. Good luck with yours! I will have to check out your Dystopia Challenge, too. I have quite a few going at the moment but I love dystopias and haven't done a challenge for them in a few years.

    Megan - Ginger Mom and the Kindle Quest

    1. Lol. I have a posts in so many formats right now. Like a post from today looks completely different than like 4 months ago. I've just become really specific about what things I want/need to make the blog look and run more efficiently. So I keep changing it to fit that. Thanks! Oh definitely! I'm doing a bunch of challenges as well, but I've also made it where quite a few work with each other. So I'm actually doing ok on all of them so far. I love dystopias as well! Hence why I jumped at the opportunity to take over the challenge this year! :D

  9. I love the sound of the Victoria Aveyard books.
    Sucks about what happened with James' job. Hopefully, he'll find a new one and can move somewhere he's treated right and appreciated.

    1. I'm currently reading Red Queen (the first book) for the read-along I'm hosting and I'm really enjoying it!

      It does! We're really hoping! He's gonna see about transferring to a different post office with better management. Once he gets his bachelors degree he really wants to be a Postal Inspector so he doesn't want to completely leave the post office because he knows the experience he'll have would help him in getting that job. Its just frustrating that he's got screwed again at the one he's at. He's seen other people have no issue move up at other offices.
