Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.
So this week is a freebie! So I'm gonna choose a topic that highlights some books I really need to get on reading! I'm showing the book I left off on in regards to the series named.
So this week is a freebie! So I'm gonna choose a topic that highlights some books I really need to get on reading! I'm showing the book I left off on in regards to the series named.
Top Ten Series I Need To Finish
1. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare - I ended up leaving off on this series with City of Lost Souls. I pretty much got distracted with other books waiting for it to come out and then never got around to reading it once it did. However its been so long since I read any TMI books that I really just need to start with City of Bones again and reread my way through the entire series to refresh myself on everything that happened up to City of Lost Souls. I'm hoping I'll finally conquer finishing this series a little later in the year.
2. The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout - Another series I'm going to have to go back and reread before continuing. With this series I left off on Origin. Again, I was waiting for it to come out and then just never got to reading it when it did. This was one of my favorite series years ago so it's a bit disappointing I still haven't finished it yet. Another one hopefully I can finish this year??
3. The Shatter Me Series by Tahereh Mafi - So I left off on Ignite Me with this one. I admit, this one is just laziness. It's sitting at the front of my shelves, staring me in the face as we speak. I've thought about picking it up so many times. But then I don't. However, now with Restore Me out and more books coming in the future, I think I'll be finally getting to it so that way I can be up to date with any future books coming out in the series.
4. The Sweet Series by Wendy Higgins - I'm not even sure what happened here. Honestly. It took me forever to read the first book, Sweet Evil, but when I did I loved it! I was so excited for the rest of this series. And then I didn't read any more in it. I have all of this series on my shelves as well. So it's there when I finally wanna get back to it. I'm just not sure when that's gonna be yet. But I am sure when I do get to it it'll go quick. Wendy's books hook me! I finished her Unknown series in like 2 days.
5. The Shades of London Series by Maureen Johnson - I fell in love with The Name of The Star. It was super gripping and kept me engaged in the book until the very end. Unfortunately, there was a good year and a half wait between books 1 and 2 and once The Madness Underneath came out, I had forgot some of the key elements of the first book and put off reading this one. But maybe I'll work on getting back to this series soon!
6. The Fire and Thorns Series by Rae Carson - I remember really loving the first book. I even checked out and started Crown of Embers from the library. But then I had to return it and just tossed it back into the TBR pile. I know I'll probably enjoy the rest of the series, just hasn't been put back near the top of my radar for reading in a while. At some point. At some point.
7. The Hourglass Series by Myra McEntire - I loved Hourglass! I gave it 5 stars. I even got Timepiece from NetGalley. And then fell behind on my reading. I have plans to get back to this one this year though. It's still one of my NetGalley books and I'm making a push this year to get my ratio to 80%. So I'm gonna be reading all I can to get my ratio up! Yay!! But I am excited to see where this story goes. So there's that too! :)
8. The Hybrid Chronicles Series by Kat Zhang - So What's Left of Me is one of those books I read but didn't review right away and now a review draft sits in waiting for it. I know I actually waited a bit to read this because I wasn't completely sold on it's premise. But I ended up giving it a chance and enjoyed it more than I was expecting. I'd really love to reread What's Left of Me and the other books in the series. I think the main thing that's stopping me with this one is the eBooks from my library are always checked out. So it's a waiting game to get my hands back on this series again.
9. The Daughter of Smoke and Bone series by Laini Taylor - This is another laziness one. I have the whole series on my shelf, I even tried picking it up earlier this year to finally finish. I just got distracted by other books I was more interested in at the time. I do really want to dive back into this world though. I loved the writing and world building in this series.
10. The Hemlock Series by Kathleen Peacock - So I had got an ARC of Hemlock and enjoyed it more than I expected. I fully intended to read the rest of the series, but I just kept pushing it down the TBR pile. Now it's just mixed in, unsure of when it'll ever get read. At some point, though I'll definitely need to reread Hemlock to refresh myself on the story.
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