Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

I found this at my used bookstore and figured since I have Carve The Mark on my shelves, why not pick up the sequel so I can just read them both at once. 

Not book related, but we also found the Fallout Collectors Edition of Monopoly at the bookstore too (they sell more than just books). For those of you who don't know, the Fallout games are seriously my favorite video games. Thanks to the fiance for getting me into them. Lol. We were both pretty excited to find that while browsing! 

  • Spent 3 days writing a Privacy Policy to be GDPR compliant since I know a fair amount of my followers are from Europe
  • Reinstalled my entire blog template because the stupid Pin It button that popped up on pictures was in HTTP format instead of HTTPS, therefore, making my site look unsecure. Pin It button is gone now, Share to Pinterest from the share buttons under each post if you want to now. 
  • Erased my entire email subscription list through Feedburner (AKA if you sign up through email on the sidebar). This shouldn't affect any of you currently since the most recent sign up on that list was in 2015. So I definitely know if any of you sign up now your consenting to it. 

So now with that stuff taken care of, we can move on to other stuff! :)

This week was my wonderful sweet cats birthday. Brodie turned 6 on Monday. We got him some new toys for his birthday. He's a happy happy cat. 

Me and James had the misfortune of suffering from more headaches this week. We both ended up crippled by some headaches from Wednesday-Friday. His went away before mine did. Lucky. But they really took it out of us. They came from a mix of allergies and the heat. We always get more headaches in the summer no matter what we do. And this week we all have been sneezing up a storm. Its just been one of those weeks. 

We did however manage to find some time to get haircuts. According to the stylist (which also happened to be someone I went to school with) I took about 6 inches off. It feels great. I went from long hair that was making me feel really hot to short, shoulder length, much cooler and lighter hair. James made a drastic cut as well. He chopped off the shoulder length hair he grew out during the winter in favor of his short, cooler, summer style. He took off probably as much as me. But its over 100 here and its needed to keep cool. Especially him working outside delivering mail. 

*Both of these use Mister Linky widgets. I know the widget is supposed to have a checkmark now to confirm your consent but for some reason I can't see it on my blog. If you try to sign up for either of these and have the same problem and can't actually sign up, please let me know. The box shows up when I preview on the Blenza site but not on the blog. I'm trying to figure out why the box is invisible but all the wording is there.*

There's still plenty of time to sign up for the 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge! I'd love for you to join me!

There's also plenty of time to sign up for the June Read-Along of The Young Elites Trilogy! The sign-up will stay open throughout the whole read-along so you can join at any point. You can also join and only read certain books with me. If you only have the first book, join me for the first part, if you only need to read the last book, join for that. But lets get this series read! I'm super excited for it! Picture links to sign-up post! :)

  • Review of Legendary (Caraval #2) by Stephanie Garber - Monday
  • Review of An Ember In The Ashes (Ember Quartet #1) by Sabaa Tahir (as long as my headache stays away so I can get it read!)
  • May Wrap-Up & June TBR


  1. Brittani I'm so down for this trilogy! Do we do the whole trilogy in the one month? Is it June or July?

    I haven't even done my Stacking the Shelves this week! Will get to it in a few hours.

    Happy Birthday Brodie! I hate the headaches especially those that paralize you...hope your both feeling better.

    1. Yes!! Yup, the whole Trilogy in one month! June! I separated it into one book for every 10 days (since 30 days in June). All the books in the series are under 400 pages so I figure it wouldn't be too bad. I know I read books under 400 pages super quickly.

      We are both feeling better now! It just took a solid 2 days of rest, ice packs, and some Excedrin to knock them out finally. I'm so glad I can get stuff done again though! I really hate the paralyzing headaches!

  2. I spent the week doing GDPR stuff, too. I wasn’t sure what to do about the Feedburner stuff. My blog has a lot of email subscribers, and new people sign up every few days. I just left it alone. It’s all so confusing!

    Happy birthday to your kitty! I’m glad your headaches went away. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I think a lot of people have been working on GDPR stuff this week, and even last week. I know a lot of us bloggers have solid followers from the EU so we all wanna be compliant for them. Right! I know so many people are so confused by what exactly needs to be done for GDPR. I think we're all just doing our best. I guess I'm lucky in the sense my last email subscriber was in 2015. I know a bunch of the people who signed up before don't even blog anymore. So I figure it probably won't be a huge deal. Plus I will absolutely know anyone who signs up now had to go through all the consent to do it. But it seems like people prefer following on Bloglovin for me. I get new Bloglovin followers every few days. Lol. Preference I guess right?!

      Yes! We were seriously gonna be so miserable if our headaches followed into the weekend. We hate wasting away the weekends with headache pain! Thanks! Have a great week yourself as well! :)

  3. Have a great time with the challenge and read-along. Happy reading.

  4. I still need to read Carve the Mark. I've heard not-so-good things, but I got a free copy recently, so I want to try it.

    Hope you enjoy! Thanks for visiting Shell's Stories!

    1. Right. I've heard a lot of mixed things about it but I want to form my own opinion of the books.

      Thanks! No problem! :)

  5. Aw, I'm glad your cat is happy but ugh, headaches. :( I hope you have a great week.

    1. Right! Headaches are always such downers! Especially when they seriously interfere with getting anything done! Thanks! Hope you have a great week as well! :)

  6. Happy birthday to Brodie! I hope you and your husband feel better soon.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  7. I think I have my privacy policy up to date, but I’m gonna have my husband chck it out for today. Hope you have a great week.

    1. Good idea. I think I covered all my bases for it. I mean, since blogger is off of Google some of it was taken care of by them (such as the cookie thing, the HTTPS this) but I made sure to cover by myself the other services I use. Hope you have a great week as well!

  8. I am not sure about my compliance. Most of my followers are new as I just started back up in January 2018. I hope that blogspot has it right. I know you get a message at the top telling you of this and hope that is enough. Have a great week.

    Mary my #Sunday Roundup #20!

    1. I know google automatically added the cookie banner and switched all sites to HTTPS a while ago. It been like that since I came back to blogging in October of last year. But I do use a lot of other services with the blog such as linkys, email subscriptions, etc. so I put all of that stuff in my privacy policy to cover all my bases so my followers know exactly what their information is used for. :) Plus I used the privacy policy to explain the cookies and whatnot in better, easier to understand terms for everyone. Have a great week as well! :)

  9. My brain is FRIED from GDPR. I can't tell if I am compliant or not anymore. Too much info! Hope you have a good week!

    1. I know the feeling! I spent all week trying to make sure I had all that I needed covered for it (or at least I think I have everything covered thus far). It seriously is too much info! And it doesn't help no one is 100% sure about it because it wasn't even explained that well to begin with. I we're all just doing the best we can with the info we have for it. Hope you have a great week as well! :)

  10. I hope you like your new hairstyles! I should visit the hairdresser too since mine is getting waaay to long now but I'm always so lazy when it comes to hair cutting... I literally only go when its length starts to bother me, when it starts to fall into my eye. I always keep it relatively short though which means I have to visit the hairdresser every two months at least...

    My Weekedn Post

    1. We do! They are so much cooler! Lol. So are we! We had not had our haircut for almost a year. Lol. The only reason we did it now is because its so hot! And even then I still had to convince James to do it this past week instead of putting it off some more. LOL. I love my short hair but like you I'd have to go in like every 2 or 3 months to keep it up. And lazy. Lol. Plus the price of haircuts went up like everywhere around me. So its getting a bit pricey to do it as well.

  11. Sorry to hear about the headaches. My daughter has bad ones too. I cut about 10 inches of my hair this month and I'm enjoying the lighter feel. It was the 6th time in 15 years I cut it to donate. Here's hoping to a better week without GDPR complications. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yeah. I honestly think both mine and James headaches are caused by the heat in AZ. We don't get them as often in Winter, and whenever we vacation somewhere cooler we're fine. Like I didn't get a single headache the entire time we were in San Diego on vacation last year. But I kid you not. As soon as we got back in AZ and the heat, I had an instaheadache. One day we will move somewhere better for our headache health. Very nice! I'm absolutely loving the lighter feel of mine! I've never had my hair be long enough to donate. My mom has donated a few times though. Yes! I think I got what I needed covered this week! So hopefully this next week is less stressful! :)

  12. Yuck sorry on the headaches! I get bad ones from time to time and they can be so crippling. That's great about the Monopoly game! I love all the different varieties they make though I want to buy them all. Have a great week!

    1. Yes they can be! I had one a few months ago that left me lying on the couch for 3 days straight because it hurt so much! Right! We have a few different versions as well. When we saw the Fallout one we HAD to get it! Fallout is one of both mine and James favorite games. So it was a no brainer to grab the monopoly based off it! have a great week as well! :)
