Can you guys believe it's July already?? I really can't believe half the year is over already! So if you guys have followed me for a while, you'll notice I rarely to tags. But I did wanna do this one since it's a great way to reflect on my reading the first half of the year! I linked reviews where needed.


1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2018. 
I can't decide on just one. So here's 3 of the best! Illuminae, A Court of Mist and Fury, & An Ember In The Ashes! These are just amazing and I love them to pieces. 

2. Best sequel you've read so far in 2018. 
Again, couldn't decide on one. Nyxia Unleashed comes out this month. OMG. This book was amazing. I really enjoyed Nyxia and this just took the story to a whole new level. Reaper! Omg. The feels. But the story was so good. Restore Me, definitely not what I was expecting, but taking the series in a very interesting direction!

3. New release you haven't read yet, but want to. 
Both of these came out earlier this year. And they both sound great! I'm hoping to get them both read in July or August. 

4. Most anticipated release for the second half of the year. 
I couldn't pick one! Have you seen the amazing books set to come out! Muse and Archenemies are just DUH books. The better question would be who isn't anticipating them?? And Impostors! I've been a fan of the Uglies series since high school and I'm dying to get back into that world!

5. Biggest disappointment. 
With all the hype surrounding Caraval I was expecting a story that was going to blow me away. It didn't and the main character annoyed me to death. However, the sequel was better! Burn. I was just expecting more. This was such a letdown of a finale book. It just didn't even feel like it was supposed to go with the first 2 books. Both Caraval and Burn only got 2.5 Stars from me. 

6. Biggest surprise. 
So I was not expecting the like this book as much as I did. It sounded good. But I wasn't sure it was going to be my style with the Vikings. I ended up LOVING this and now I'm totally into Viking books! 

7. Favorite new author. (Debut or new to you) 
Sarah J. Maas. I had not tried a single SJM book until last month. And now I totally understand why everyone seems to like her. I loved her writing in this series and she has definitely earned a place on my fave authors list!

8. Newest fictional crush. 
This is saying a lot coming from me, but Warner. And if you guys didn't know. I despised Warner before Ignite Me. But his attitude in this book with Juliette just 100% changed my mind. 

9. Newest favorite character. 
Feyre. I love our High Lady of the Night Court! She is definitely by far one of my favorite characters now! 

10. Book that made you cry. 
The scene with Feyre, Nesta & Elain's dad and the ships. This was so touching to me. Naming the ships after his daughters. I seriously teared up at that because it was so sweet.

11. Book that made you happy.  
I know I already put this one in here, but so what. I loved this. I loved Feyre working on her art again finally. I loved Feyre deciding she wanted to start trying to have kids sooner rather than later (since it takes a while for fae to conceive in this world). I love the snowball fight with our favorite Illyrians! 

12. Favorite book to film adaptation you saw this year. 
This is the only one I don't have an answer to as I haven't seen any.

13. Favorite review you've written this year. 
I wrote a few I love so far but this is definitely one of them. 

14. Most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received) 
Hands down Illuminae. If you have the hardcover you know why. I love the dust jacket. And I love the reports, writing, files all over the actual book. It is so beautiful dust jacket or no dust jacket and I love that!

15. What books do you need to read by the end of the year?
So Queen of Air and Darkness comes out in December and I've yet to start the series! So my goal is to get these read before the final book in the series comes out! 


  1. I need to read Children of Blood and Bone, too. I hope we both like it!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yes! I hope we both like it as well! So far I've heard nothing but great reviews so here's hoping! :)

  2. I still like to read Lord of Shadows before the new release as well.
    I think this tag has become so much more than just a tag in the last few years. :D

    1. I'm not the only one playing some catch up with the series then. Lol. Agreed! LOL.
