Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So I've been eyeing these books for a while since I know a lot of people seem to like them. They are currently both $1.99 for the kindle books on Amazon so I figured it would be a great time to pick them up! I'm really excited to finally start this series! :)

This week was a good reading week. I finished Strange The Dreamer early last weekend which I updated my last StS to show. It was so good guys. A 5 Star read for me. I then started Children of Blood and Bone to go along with that Read-Along and totally failed. I read the entire book in 3 hours. Guys!!!! It was AMAZING!!!! Even James was shocked at how fast I was reading it. I just couldn't put it down. Ahhhh. And I also read The Assassin's Blade this week. Definitely a good background into how Celaena gets into the situation she's in at the start of Throne of Glass. I've now started Renegades by Marissa Meyer. So far it's ok. It's a little different with the Superheroes/villians thing, but not bad so far. I'm also trying to get into Furyborn by Claire LeGrand again. I tried before release but wasn't into it. So I'm seeing if I'm in a better mood for it now. 

This was a good week. Wednesday was James birthday! He got some gift cards, and I turned in a bunch of books to the used bookstore and let him use all the credit as my gift. Cuz books duh. And he found some awesome stuff to buy with it. He found some puzzles, a few books and a Star Trek Klingon technical manual. Lots of good finds. 

We also got Ana to sleep in her own room finally! She's had her bed in our room for a while now and she showed interest in having her bed in her own room finally and so far its a success! She seems to really like sleeping in her own room now! Score!

We also have been getting a lot of rain this week. It's been so nice! Sure it's humid, but it's not 110 for once. Lol. I can handle 90 and humid. LOL. Also, let it be known those idiots that say Arizona is just a "dry heat" are seriously mistaken. Come visit during monsoon season and we are just as humid as any other state. Lol.

The only downside to this week was that I had to go to Verizon and have a replacement phone ordered. My phone started giving me this error message out of the blue that wouldn't allow me to get into my contacts, make or receive calls or even reply to texts. Literally the only thing I could talk on was Facebook Messenger. Luckily the guy at Verizon was able to get me a replacement sent to me by Wednesday since even he was stumped as to how to fix it since none of the things Google suggested fixed it. 

  • Review: Renegades (Renegades #1) by Marissa Meyer
  • New Releases: Week of July 17, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Novellas/Short Stories
  • Review: Throne of Glass (Throne of Glass #1) by Sarah J. Maas
  • Review: Furyborn (The Empirium Trilogy #1) by Claire LeGrand (Hopefully)


  1. I'm a bit of a superfan of And I Darken and Now I Rise. I loved them both so much, especially the first one. I hope you'll enjoy them. :D

    1. Yeah?? :D I'm so excited that I finally have them to read! I've been eyeing them like since the beginning of the year but have just been so distracted with getting other books. Lol. I think they sound really good though so I'm really hoping I'll like them as well! :)

  2. Children of Blood and Bone is at the top of my tbr pile now that it has been selected for Jimmy Fallon's Tonight Show Summer read. Glad to hear how much you liked it. Enjoy your latest goodies.

  3. I love the covers of the Kristin White series 😍😍

  4. I've been meaning to start Renegades by Marissa Meyer, I love things with superheroes and villains.


    1. So far its pretty good. I wasn't sure at first how I'd like it since I'm not super big on superheroes/villains, but its grown on me the further I get in it.

  5. I started reading And I Darken, and always intend to get back to it. Hopefully you will enjoy it.

    1. That's how I am with a number of books. One day right??? LOL. I hope so!

  6. Love the covers on your new books! I hope they are some amazing reads for you. Have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. They do look pretty amazing! I think Now I Rise is my favorite cover. I hope so too! Have a wonderful week as well!! :)

  7. Great haul! Are you reading with the readalong for the Thrones of glass series?

    I desperately need to get my son out of my bed, congratulations for getting your lil one into her own bed. Well done!

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. Thanks! The one hosted by World of Sarah J. Maas? Yes! I am! Lol. I figure it would be a great way to get caught up with the series before Kingdom of Ash comes out!

      It took time for us. For a while she slept in our bed, then she moved to her bed, but only if it was still on our room, and now finally in her room. 3 1/2 years but she's finally in her room! Thanks! :)

  8. Yay! Glad you had a great reading week! I really need to read Strange the Dreamer and Children of Blood and Bone soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. Thanks! Oh you definitely do! Strange and Children were both awesome books! :)

  9. Sounds like you had an amazing week! Happy Birthday to James!

  10. Beautiful covers on your book purchases. I loved Children of Blood & Bone. I am tring to get to Strange the Dreamer (audio) as I have bought it already and it's Steve West!!!!!! I'm also working my way thru the Sarah J Maas books and just bought 2 more with an audible promo.

    You like lots of the same books as me. Happy Reading! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks! Yay! I'm so glad you liked it as well! I hope you get to Strange soon with the audio! Same with me! I've been working my way through her books as well!

      Yes, I do seem to!! :)

  11. Ah man, I'd just about kill for some rain at the moment! It's SO hot. :( Nevermind... Give me a few months and I'll be complaining about the constant rain! lol
    Those Kiersten White covers are so gorgeous!

    1. LOL. I'm so glad we're getting rain. Monsoon season is like the one part of the year we know we'll get rain. Other than this its hit or miss with rain.

      Right! :)

  12. Sounds like a good series. I want to start it myself. I hope you have a great week!

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #27!

    1. Yes! I've heard a lot of great things about it. Hope you have a great week as well! :)

  13. You had a great reading week. I've heard great things about And I Darken series, I'm going to have to catch up so I can pick up book three soon. Have a great week.

    1. I did! Same here! I feel like part of the reason they might have put the first 2 books on sale is so that people could buy them and catch up since book 3 just released. Have a great week as well!

  14. Strange the Dreamer and Children of Blood and Bone are on my TBR list, so I’m glad you like them. Happy birthday to James!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yes! I thoroughly enjoyed them! So good! He says thanks! :)
