Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

No New Books This Week! Woot!

So I read 3 books this week. The first half of the week I struggled with a migraine so no review for Monday. But I finished Champion on Wednesday. And if I can admit it, I'm getting frustrated with Marie Lu's endings. Both The Young Elites and the Legend series have had not so great endings and I'm genuinely getting frustrated with it. Makes me wonder how Wildcard is gonna end with the way its going. I also read Pacifica. I really enjoyed it! I thought it was such a realistic potential dystopian world. I mean it dealt with real issues. Oil running out, ice caps melting, trash in the ocean. It was a good read. I also just finished The House of One Thousand Eyes by Michelle Barker as part of Deweys 24 Hour Readathon. That review will be up sometime in the next 2 weeks. I'm currently listening to the audiobook of American Panda by Gloria Chao. I checked it out from the library to test the waters with audiobooks and so far I'm enjoying the it! I'm excited for this upcoming week! I finally got to order 2 books I wanted to read this past month and I'm dying for them to come in. You'll obviously see in next weeks StS but gosh! So excited for them! 

So we saw Ana's eye doctor. And good news! She's seeing a difference in how much Ana's eye turns in! The patch is helping. She wants us to continue it for another 2 months and then see how she does with just her glasses after that until we see her again in December. I'm so happy there's progress! And we did get other good news. She should be able to take our insurance at the new practice! So that's awesome!! 

James also got some potential good news. His post office might potentially be converting a contract route or 2 into rural routes. If this happens he might finally get to move up and have his own route instead of just being a sub. So we're really hoping it actually happens. We won't know anything for a few weeks on if it'll be approved but we're hoping!! **Update** So after James went to work Saturday, its been confirmed 1 of the contract routes is being converted. But now James has to talk to boss man. The senior sub doesn't want that route and James should be next in line with seniority but someones spreading a rumor that the sub under him will get the route. So he's talking to boss man Monday and finding out if he is next to get it and not who the other sub is rumoring to get it. 

Also, James got a letter Friday from his college congratulating him on making the honor roll for the second semester in a row! I told you guys he passed with straight A's this spring. So he got a 4.0 GPA this past semester! I'm so proud of him! :D

We decided to put off the looking for another cat for a week or two. The one we had our eye on is being adopted by his foster and after the 30th of this month, the shelter is going to do a Clear The Shelter event which means free adoptions. This is the same event we took advantage of last year to get Brodie so we're gonna wait til the event starts. Plus since a lot of cats get adopted during this event, they are able to move more cats in and out of the kennels, so we'll probably have a better chance at seeing more of the cats they have. 

  • Review: American Panda by Gloria Chao
  • New Releases: Week of July 31, 2018
  • July Wrap-Up & August TBR
  • Review: Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs
  • Review: Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova


  1. Yay! For Ana's eye. Improvement is good. Hopefully you get a cat you love!

    1. Yes!!! We are so incredibly relieved that there's improvement. If there wasn't we'd be looking at surgery. So we're glad it's fixing itself without surgery! :D Yes! We found such a gem last year during the Clear The Shelter event so I have no doubt we could find another! :D

  2. Nice to hear good news :) I've been struggling with reading lately - if not for the #24in48 readathon I wouldn't have really got anywhere this month xD so three books this week is great :)

    1. Yes! :) Heh. I know the feeling! For almost a week I just wasn't in a reading mood. If it wasn't for doing Dewey's I was going to have a very underwhelming month or reading. Lol.

  3. How exciting with all the great news. I know how much of a relief it must be getting Ana's news. Patching is fantastic. I don't patch my son nearly as much as I should (he's got to be in the mood) and they've still seen significant difference.

    Congratulations on James' new job prospect and making it to the honor roll.

    That's great the shelter does free adopting.

    Have you chosen August's readalong?

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. Yes! It really is such a relief. I agree! Patching is seriously amazing! Haha. We bribe Ana with Reese's to wear her patch like she's supposed to. She knows if she's a good girl and wears her patch for 3 hours she can have a Reese cup or 2. It's been good motivation for her since wearing the patch isn't her favorite thing.

      Yes! We're really hoping he gets it. He got confirmation that one of the two contract routes in indeed being converted. So now it's just a matter of him getting it. And Yes! So proud of him!!!

      It is. They tend to do this event once or twice a year when it starts getting overcrowded. The event pulls in a lot of adopters. I know the day we went and adopted Brodie last year during it I think like 15-20 other cats got adopted just that day as well. And same with the dogs. They also have this great program when not doing events like these where if a cats been at the shelter longer than I think 6-8 weeks the adoption cost is lowered to try and get them adopted over like kittens. That's their main issue. Everyone wants the new kittens instead of the older cats. Which is exactly why we'll be looking for another cat like Brodie, somewhere between like 4-8 years old. Nothing wrong with older cats.

      No. I think I'm just going to unofficially reread the Uglies series in preparation for Impostors coming out in September. You're more than welcome to read them with me though since I know you have an advanced copy of Impostors! I'm thinking I'll read one book a week through the month.

    2. Wow 3 hours! I struggle to get him to keep it for 30mins/day! I too use the bribing method. I got pirate patches to make him think we are playing dress ups.

      I'd love to buddy read Uglies.

    3. Yeah. It was a struggle at first. She'd try and take it off after 30 mins. But she's got used to it. Plus candy if she keeps it on the whole time. LOL. Bribing toddlers seems to be the best way to get them to do it!! LOL. Awww. Cute. Ana has some fun themed ones. She has some with owls, smiley faces, lady bugs. She seems to like them!

      Yes! Lets do it then! :D

  4. Yay for the.good news about Ana, that's great. Have a great week.

    1. Yes! We're so happy the patching is helping fix her eye! Thanks! Have a great week yourself!

  5. You had a wonderful week of good news! You even got in some reading with exciting reading to follow this week! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yes! It's always good when that happens right?? And yes! I got in some great books this week! And I'm incredibly excited for next weeks books as well! :D

  6. I have to admit that I wish I could listen to audiobooks, but I just find it kind of hard. I don't know what it is and I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about them that pulls me out of the story sometimes. I'm much better off actually reading from my Kindle or the book itself. lol.

    Your week of news is really kind of fantastic though and I feel sort of the same way about Marie Lu's endings too. It's a bit disheartening when she's an author that I actually kind of like most of the time.

    If you get the chance stop by and check out My Sunday Post!
    Suz @ Bookish Revelations

    1. I'm incredibly picky about audiobooks. It all depends on whose narrating it that determines whether I enjoy the audiobook. I thoroughly enjoyed the audiobook of American Panda. I thought Emily Woo Zeller did a fantastic job narrating it! On the other hand, I tried an audiobook of an Ellen Hopkins book once and only got through one chapter because I didn't enjoy whoever narrated it. So audiobooks depend on the narrator for me.

      Yes! After having some iffy weeks I'm so glad we had a GREAT news week. Oh I'm glad I'm not the only one! Right?! Like I love her writing and storytelling, its just the endings of all her series so far have not been great.

  7. I don't know how you can avoid one clicking. Even when I am busy and not on the computer very much, I still manage to find more books. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

    1. I will fully admit it's really hard! Especially when I'm on Amazon and I see like $1.99 or $2.99 deals on books I want. I pretty much ask myself, do I want a physical copy of this? If yes, I wait and find a physical copy at a good price. Or I'll ask myself if it's too good of a deal to pass up. Like I bought And I Darken and Now I Rise a few weeks ago. They were $1.99 a piece. And it was like, well. $4 for the 2 ebooks or over $20 for physical copies. $4 was obviously a better deal at the moment. Lol.

  8. I’m glad things are going well for Ana and James. Good luck with the hunt for another cat! I have to stay off the animal shelter website or I’ll end up with another dog.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Hahaha. That's how I feel looking at the site at the cats they have! It's like their all so cute!!!!! LOL. Yes! I'm really glad we've had good news this week! Thanks! :)

  9. Migraines suck. :(
    Hope you find another kitty that fits right in with your family and all goes well with your husband talking to his boss. :)

    1. They do! I get really bad heat headaches because of living in Arizona. Nothing I can do though besides move to another state.

      I hope we can! He got a chance to ask him about things yesterday at work and while they are not giving him a straight answer on seniority (either because they don't wanna say oh yeah you'll get it or no we're screwing you) they did give him more information about the route so he can prepare himself if he does get it. It goes up for bid this upcoming Saturday. So we'll have to wait a week or so after that to see if his seniority gets him the route or if he gets screwed like last year.
