So I finished 12 books this month! Technically 15, but I'm not gonna link up rereads/already reviewed books. So I've had another solid reading month!

What I Read This Month:
So I genuinely thin War Storm was my least favorite read this month. Honestly, it wasn't a great ending to the Red Queen series and didn't even come close to seriously wrapping up the story. I was incredibly disappointed. The thing I liked the most was Evangeline honestly. However Strange, Renegades and Children were AMAZING reads and I absolutely thoroughly enjoyed them. 

So I've finally started the Throne of Glass books and I'm really enjoying them. I'll be reading the next 2 books for August along with the read-along. I finally finished the Legend trilogy, I've come to realize I have an issue with Marie Lu's endings. I was frustrated by the ending to the Legend trilogy and I was frustrated by The Young Elites trilogy ending. They aren't good endings. I really loved Pacifica though! I thought it was a really good, potentially realistic dystopian book. 

So Miss Peregrine's, One Thousand Eyes, and American Panda were my Dewey's reads! American Panda was my first full audiobook and I genuinely enjoyed it! It's hit and miss with me and audiobooks but American Panda's was definitely a hit! Also finished my ARC of The House of One Thousand Eyes! I really enjoyed it. If you like historical fiction or cold war related books, I'd definitely suggest picking it up when it releases in September!

Happening On The Blog In July:

Posts I Enjoyed Around The Blogosphere This Past Month:

Ok everyone, this is only part of my TBR. I'm only featuring my normal TBR for the month, not including TBR's for challenges/read-a-thons I'm doing. I will be participating in ARC August and Bout of Books. My ARC August TBR is linked here and I'll be posting my Bout of Books TBR closer to. Some of these TBR books might make their way into Bout of Books, but we'll see how far I've got with them when the time comes to determine how many of them.

So I didn't get the chance to buy copies of Gemina and Obsidio in time to read them in July. I did finally get them on July 30th though. So they are going to be read in August (It's the 1st and I'm almost done with Gemina, I wasn't joking! LOL). I've also seen some raving about both Charlotte and Jack the Ripper so I'm super excited to read these in August! Should be nice short easy reads too!

So like I mentioned last month. I'm following along with the Throne of Glass Readalong hosted by world of Sarah J Maas to read the series before Kingdom of Ash comes out. So Augusts books are #2 and #3. 

So I wanna finish the Smoke and Bone series. And I wanna finally read The Darkest Minds, which has been sitting on my kindle for ages since the movie is coming out. 

So I'll be buddy reading these with Angelica @ Paperback Princess. If you weren't aware, these books are some of my ALL TIME FAVORITES. There's a new book coming out in September set in the Uglies world named Impostors. So I'll be low stress rereading the Uglies series to get myself back in that world in preparation for Impostors. I'm so excited not only for the new book, but to reread these! They hold a special place for me. They were some of the first books I read when I was getting into reading a lot and actually, the very first books I reviewed on this blog when I created it. 


  1. Your post is crammed with books I have read, want to read, have bought and will read soon, etc. Looks great! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Lol. That's how I see everyone else's posts. Like I have that, want that, read that. Lol. Thanks!

  2. I’m glad you liked Strange the Dreamer and Children of Blood and Bone. I need to read those. Good luck with your August reading goals. A lot of those books are on my TBR list, so I’ll be interested to know what you think of them. Happy August!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Yes! Strange and Children were so good!!! Definitely in my fave reads for July! Thanks! Well I'm starting with Gemina and Obsidio and so far its good with those! :)

  3. I didn't care for the ending of the Legend Trilogy but I did enjoy the ending with The Young Elites. I'm glad you liked Children of Blood and Bone! I've been wanting to read that one for a while. How are you enjoying the Illuminae Files? I want to finish the series this month.

    I hope you have a wonderful August!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Children of Blood and Bone was so amazing! I actually read and finished them both this week! I thought they were amazing!!! And parts of Obsidio made me cry with with how sweet and caring a certain character is. Ahhh! So amazing!!


  4. I love looking at the covers in your post. I am planning on reading Isla and the Happily Ever After this fall as I finally read the other two books this summer. I really need to read Children of Blood and Bone and Obsidio (this I have here ready to read). I loved Illuminae and Gemina, so I know Obsidio is going to be a top read for me too. I love that Obsidio brought you to tears (I think in a post other than books, this comment would be really weird/cruel).

    1. Hahaha. Right. In anything other than a bookish post it would definitely probably be mean. LOL. I really hope you like Isla! I think it had a bit of a different vibe than Anna and Lola but was super good because of it. I also really hope you love CoBaB and Obsidio. Definitely some of my top read this year! :)

  5. I'm sad that the Red Queen series didn't end on a high note. I'm a couple books behind with that series. :-(

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yeah. Honestly, I think Red Queen itself was the best out of the series. Every other book in the series was only 3-3.5 stars for me. I know some people loved some of the books and others didn't like them as much like me. I was just overall disappointed in the ending with War Storm. It felt so unresolved with a bunch of things.

  6. Great post! Glad you read some good things! I am listening to Children of Blood and Bone on audiobook right now and it is SO GOOD.

    1. Thanks! Yes! Ahhh. Children of Blood and Bone!!! So amazing!!! Definitely one of my favorite reads of the year and DEFINITELY a new fave! Glad your enjoying it as well!! :D
