Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So this is what I was super excited for last week! I finally got Gemina and Obsidio!!! AHHHH. Both have already been read. More about that below. :)

So I bought Throne of Glass first of all because I didn't have a physical copy of it yet. I have books #2-#5 in the series. So of course I want a physical copy. I bought Hollow City on a whim since I had just finished Miss Peregrine's literally right before heading to the bookstore. Used copy for like $5. Why not? And I bought Grave Mercy because I've been meaning to read it for ages, but just never got around to picking up a copy. 

So I was just browsing at the used book store when I found this. Fun fact, apparently someone decided to turn in their Owlcrate edition of this since the note and the Red Queen art apparently came with the My Lady Jane box a while back. I don't mind! I love finding gems like this! :)

So I had a full week of reviews! Next week is full as well! Woot. So this week I read Isla and the Happily Ever After. Really enjoyed it! Nice, fluffy, contemporary read! 5 Stars! I also read Gemina and Obsidio! Both of them also 5 stars! The reviews for them will go up the next two mondays. :) Guys, I'm not gonna lie. When you read my review of Obsidio its full of the feels. If you follow my Instagram, you'll have already seen the thing that really made me tear up. I'm now currently reading Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas!

So an update from last weekends news about James. The route that he might be able to get officially goes up for bid today (Saturday). So he'll be getting on and bidding as soon as he gets home from work. If all goes well, he can get that new route. However, there is another possibility. One of the full time carriers expressed interest in it also. So if that carrier bids, he'll get it and leave a different route open that James could get. The funny thing about it is that if the full time carrier does bid and get the new route, James could potentially end up getting the route he was trained on and subbed on up until earlier this year. We kinda actually hope that carrier does bid. Lol. James would love to end up on the route he's the best on. But he'll take any route he can get regardless. So here's hoping! The bidding will stay open for two weeks, so it'll take at least that long to find out if he wins his bid for a route. I'm so incredibly anxious for him. I really really hope he doesn't get screwed over like he did last year when a route went up for bid. 

Did you guys see the hashtag that blew up on Twitter this week? #bookishwish The hashtag is meant to be for people to post book wishlist's of books they might not be able to get right now for whatever reason, and someone else looking at the hashtag might grant their wish. I think this is such a great thing!  Go check it out if you haven't seen it! There's even specific tags for certain countries. So awesome to see the bookish community come together and do something like this!

I'm also doing fun stuff. I'm doing a Instagram challenge for the month of August. So you'll see at least one post everyday from me. I don't know if any of you have noticed, but I've also been changing the featured slider at the top of the page each month. Each month I've been changing genres it features. The first month I started this (June) it did Dystopian. July I featured Fantasy. And August I'm featuring Sci-Fi. I think this is a great way for it to feature posts and reviews that may be a bit older along with new posts with that label. 

  • Review: Gemina (The Illuminae Files #2) by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
  • New Releases: Week of August 7, 2018
  • 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge: August Link-Up
  • Review: Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) by Sarah J. Maas
  • Review: The House of One Thousand Eyes by Michelle Barker


  1. My Lady Jane is on my TBR list. I hope we both like it. I need to do more Instagram challenges. I’m profoundly unmotivated to use that site, and someone telling me what to post would help.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I hope we both like it as well! Hahaha. I post and then forget until like almost a week later sometimes. Lol. I figured the challenge would encourage me to post something every day. Day 4 so far and I'm going strong! :D

  2. You got so many new and amazing books! Hope you have a fantastic week and enjoy the new books as well.

    1. Thanks! :) Hope you have an awesome week as well! :)

  3. Love the books. I keep meaning to read the Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series. I watched the film which intrigued me enough that I keep meaning to pick up the books.

    1. Thanks! Haha. I was avoiding it for the longest time in fear I wasn't gonna like it. But I finally picked it up and just thoroughly enjoyed the story! I do need to watch the film though!

  4. I read Grave Mercy years ago and really enjoyed it. I hope you love all your new reads. I read Miss Peregrine's the first one years ago too and really liked it. Have a wonderful week.


    1. Yay! I'm hoping to enjoy it! I know it intrigued me back when it first debuted, I just never got around the reading it. Thanks! I really enjoyed Miss Peregrine's! Have a wonderful week as well! :)

  5. Looks like we enjoy the same authors and books. I just finished Obsidio. What a great ending and so much fun. Good luck on James' bid!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Yes! Haha. I agree. I really enjoyed the ending to Obsidio. And Kady's dad man. How he tells everyone they still have family if they want to consider him family. I was crying!! Thanks! We're hoping for the best! :)

  6. Well you definitely read the sort of books I like, but some of these are new to me. Instagram. I know it's popular but it is too close to graphics - I suck at graphics. And I don't have time for one more thing right now. Maybe someday. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yes! I'm definitely not the best. There's people that do way better photography for Instagram. I mainly do it to have another platform to show my books and talk with others about what I'm reading! So far it's doing good for that! Lol. I figure my photography will get better with time. LOL. Thanks! We're hoping for the best! :)

  7. My daughter read the Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children series and really liked them. My Lady Jane is also on my tbr, I actually have it on hold at the library. Enjoy all your new books and have a wonderful week.

    1. I enjoyed book 1 so I'm hoping I'll enjoy the rest of the books! :) Nice! I feel lucky to have found like the only copy at my used bookstore. Lol. Thanks! Have a wonderful week as well! :)

  8. I hear so many good things about The Illuminae Files! Glad you enjoyed them.

    1. Thanks! Those good things are well deserved!! The Illuminae Files are absolutely amazing! :D
