Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So my used bookstore was doing a buy 3 books get 1 free sale for national book lovers day. So naturally I went to see what I could find. Was not disappointed. I picked up these 3 books. James picked up 4 books and Ana found a book she was really interested in as well. I'm super excited though about the Leigh Bardugo! All I've been able to find anywhere lately is Ruin and Rising. Well that's great and all, but I kinda need books 1 and 2 first. LOL. I'm so excited to finally get a chance to read these!!! :D

GUYS!!! It's on sale for kindle so you can damn well bet I 1-clicked it! LOL. I'm SOOOOOO excited to read this!!! :D

So some great reviews went up this week! I also had an AMAZING reading week! I finished 5 books! On Sunday/Monday I finished Crown of Midnight! Much better pacing than ToG. Tuesday Night I finished Talon by Julie Kagawa! It was a bit slow, but interesting. Wednesday morning I finished Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco. I thought it was a bit light for a Jack the Ripper novel but overall, a good read. Wednesday night I finished Rogue by Julie Kagawa. Definitely better paced than Talon and more to keep you engaged. And Thursday night I finished Soldier by Julie Kagawa! Overall I really enjoyed the story, just wasn't keen on the ending. I now have reviews scheduled through the next 2 weeks because of this!! :D I'M AHEAD!!!! AHHHHHH!!!  I also started Heir of Fire and A Study in Charlotte this week but haven't got too far in yet.

Ok, so I've been busy this week. First, I've decided I'll be making some changes to the Dystopia Reading Challenge for next year. Instead of doing the monthly link-ups, I think I'll be doing what Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl does for the Debut Author Challenge. A link up for the first half of the year, and then the second half. I feel like this would be better since the Dystopia Reading Challenge isn't as big as some of those other challenges out there. 

Second. Guys!! I finally went through all my NetGalley stuff. I sent in reviews I had done but didn't put on there yet, and I went back and sent feedback on older stuff that I'm not going to review anymore (saying as much). It was so freeing finally doing this. And guess what, after doing this, I got my review ratio from 50% to 68%. And I now have all the things I am still reviewing all on one page now! I feel like I've lifted a huge weight from my shoulders now! And I even updated my NetGalley profile for the first time in a while. So it's super accurate and better formatted. :D

So for those of you that have Instagram widgets on your blogs, what widget thing do you use? I'd love to put the blogs Instagram actually on the blog, but there's a bunch of different options for widgets. Also, anyone else participating in Bout of Books? What do you plan on reading? How many books? :)

In other news, we've been working on getting Ana to try more foods since she's incredibly stubborn. This week she's tried a bunch. Her favorites out of the week seem to be chicken, mashed potatoes, and bacon (she loved bacon). She's tolerating steak, eggs, carrots and broccoli. This upcoming week we're gonna try sausage, maybe some taco meat.

  • Review: Obsidio (The Illuminae Files #3) by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
  • New Releases: Week of August 14, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Blogs/Bookish Websites
  • Review: Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper #1) by Kerri Maniscalco
  • Review: Talon (Talon #1) by Julie Kagwa


  1. Oh my gosh you found some amazing books at your used bookstore! Shadow and Bone + Six of Crows are some of my favorite fantasy books. And I think Before She Ignites is a good read too. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it!

    Happy Reading!

    1. Yes! I'm so excited! I'm really hoping I love the Leigh Bardugo! I know she's so well loved in YA. I'm currently reading some dragon books so I'm really hoping Before She Ignites will be a great read along with them. :)

  2. Those are pretty great finds. I hope you get the chance to read and enjoy them soon. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. Thanks! I do plan on reading Shadow and Bone during Bout of Books! :D

  3. Those are amazing finds for a used bookstore. My bookstore usually doesn’t have super-popular books. Good luck with getting Ana to eat. (Bacon is one of the best foods, so I’m not surprised she liked it.) Have a great week. Enjoy your new books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Don't I know it! I was super excited! There was actually 2 other books I wanted that only released a few months ago but I didn't want to spend a mini fortune on books. LOL. Thanks! Yes! Bacon is amazing! James was so thrilled she admitted she likes it. He's always joking around like "If she doesn't like bacon, she's not my child!" LOL. Cuz he's a huge baconholic (so am I). LOL. Have a great week as well! :)

  4. You have me wanting to head over to my used bookstore! I haven't been there in awhile but I love a good binge shop! Who can resist bacon? Have a great week!

    1. Hehehe. It was almost a huge binge shop. There was at least 2 more books I wanted but put my foot down on in self control. LOL. Right! She tried, but as soon as she tasted it she was like GIVE ME MORE! LOL. Have a great week as well! :)

  5. I need to add Six of Crows to the TBR. I keep seeing it and keep wanting to check it out...

    Glad you enjoyed Queen of Shadows! I love the ToG series. Can't wait for the final one!

    1. I've had Leigh Bardugo books on my TBR for ages but never read them. So I'm finally remedying that. LOL.

  6. Britt what fantastic finds in your 2nd hand bookstore, I wish the ones I go to was this good 🤨

    How did you read 5 books? How many hours/day did you spend reading? Even with a child you got this much read!!! I am so jealous 😱

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

    1. Yes! I was so thrilled at all my finds! Was not expecting to find that good of a haul at all!

      Hahaha. Surprisingly, not that long. The 3 Julie Kagawa books were incredibly quick reads. Like 3-4 hours max. My trick is night reading. We get Ana put to bed between like 8-10PM and then I just lay in bed reading. Sometimes I'm up til like 2 or 3 in the morning reading. LOL. But Yeah. Night reading. I'm never tired enough to fall asleep before 10PM like ever. So I get Ana put to bed and read. Lol. I think I read so much just because most of my reading was quick reads. Some books I can just fly through and then others take me days to finish.

  7. I read this last week but was so tired I didn't comment. Way to go on getting your Netgalley all updated! Anne - Books of My Heart
