Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

No New Books This Week!!

I think this is really good with Bout of Books starting Monday. I won't be tempted by new books. LOL. 

So some more great reviews went up this week! :) I also gave some shoutouts to my fave bloggers/booktubers this week! My reading week was a bit slower than last week, but I don't mind. It's probably good before I ramp it back up next week with Bout of Books. Monday I finished A Study In Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro! Really enjoyed it! Solid 4.5/5 stars. I also finished Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas this week finally. Solid 5/5 Stars. I really loved how I finally got that smooth, good flow feeling like I had with the ACOTAR series in Heir of Fire. I'm hoping the rest of the series will stay this way now. Idk what it is but the first few books just felt clunky to me. I'm also currently reading Days of Blood & Starlight by Laini Taylor and Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa. Both good so far! I'm planning on reading Queen of Shadows by SJM this weekend before Bout of Books. I was gonna wait til September, but I'm just dying to get into it sooner. 

Bout of Books starts Monday! I'm so excited. I'll be posting my updated TBR and Updates post Sunday so that way its ready! I'll be tweaking my TBR slightly since I had to put off reading 2 books I wanted to do this week (Legion and Inferno by Julie Kagawa) due to not having Legion. So I'll be putting those in Bout of Books and removing 2 others. But no big. I just haven't had the chance to go grab Legion from the library this week. I'm also thinking I might vlog during Bout of Books.

Guys!!!! It's finally here!!! Tuesday I'm getting my tattoo!!! I'm so excited. James is excited for me. Lol. He's known how much I wanted a tattoo since we started dating (almost 5 years ago now), so it's exciting its finally happening. 

It's been another good week of Ana eating and trying new foods. She eats a whole piece of chicken by herself. And a piece and a half of bacon. Yum. Her favorite new thing tried this week is Chocolate Chip Waffles. She really likes them! 

  • Bout of Books: Update Post
  • Review: A Study In Charlotte (Charlotte Holmes #1) by Brittany Cavallaro
  • New Releases: Week of August 21, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Books To Pull You Out of A Reading Slump
  • Review: Rogue (Talon #2) by Julie Kagawa
  • Bookshelf Tour: Part 1
  • Review: Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) by Sarah J. Maas


  1. Good luck with Bout of Books! Hopefully the tattoo won’t hurt too much :). Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! Hoping to get some solid reading in! Yes! I'm hoping it won't be too bad. :) Have a great week as well!! :)

  2. What tattoo are you getting? If that's not too personal to ask. :D

    1. A bookish tattoo of course! LOL. Haha. But yeah. I'm getting a quote from A Court of Mist and Fury. Most of my tattoo ideas are book related. Whether quotes or images, etc.

  3. If I were to ever get a tattoo, which I don't think I could (because terrified of needles to the point I normally turn white as a sheet and nearly pass out) it would be kind of awesome to have a bookish one or one that said part of one of my favorite quotes. :)

    If you get the chance, come by my blog and check out my Sunday Post Ramblings post.
    Suz @ Bookish Revelations

    1. I totally get that. Before I had Ana I was incredibly afraid of needles. But after being pregnant and being poked what felt like a million times, I'm not so freaked out anymore. Yes!! I definitely think most of my tattoos will be book themed. Just like James tattoos are shark/ocean related right now. Get stuff you like right?? :)

  4. Good luck with Bout of Books!
    I've now signed up too. Aiming for 7 books (one for each day...) which is a big bit ambitious seeing as I haven't managed a book a day since my son was super little but oh well! Aim high, right? :/

    1. Thanks! Yay! Good luck to you too! I think its an ambitious but achievable goal. Lol. I definitely don't get to read like I used to since Ana was born. Sometimes I could finish like 3 books a day before. Now that's my weekly total. LOL. Yes! I'm aiming for 8 book, so aiming high as well!

  5. No New books? *pouts* It's fun to hear about Ana's foods. Yes to proteins but no to chocolate at breakfast for me. lol I hope it's a great week for you. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Oh don't worry. There is going to be some books next week! I ended up finding an ARC in the mail yesterday and me and James just placed a book order that'll come this week! So next week will have more books!!! :D Lol. Yes, we're so happy she's eating more proteins!! She really needed some more protein in her diet. Haha. I actually don't put a lot of chocolate chips in them. There's pretty much enough to say they have chocolate, but not enough to be like overwhelming. Hope its a great week for you as well! :)
