Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Favorite Book Blogs/Bookish Websites

So for this one I'm gonna split this between my favorite Book Bloggers and Booktubers. Now don't get up in arms. I love a lot more people than just on this list! In fact, I keep a constant roll of book bloggers I love on my sidebar. I also follow a lot more booktubers than this. These are all just some of my faves! 

Book Blogs:

1. AJ @ Read All The Things! - AJ is such a great person. She's definitely one of the more active bloggers I see. I see her comment on so much including a lot of my own stuff. Much love for that! But she also posts some amazing content on her own blog and one of my all time favorite blog posts to date happens to be her A Brief List of Oddities Discovered In My Email post!

2. Angelica @ Paperback Princess - We have very similar tastes in books. I love how sometimes we end up getting the same books the same week as well. And I don't mean new releases. I mean older books as well. Like this past week we both bought Before She Ignites by Jodi Meadows. It's kinda funny to see a blogger on the other side of the world so similar to me. We both also have toddlers and often have conversations about them. Lol.

3. Tracy & Chelcie @ Cornerfolds - So I discovered Cornerfolds last year when Tracy was still hosting the Dystopia Reading Challenge. And I've enjoyed visiting Cornerfolds ever since. I love the discussions both of them post! I love the reviews, even the low rating or DNF ones. I personally love how Tracy called out the major issues I also had with Glass Sword and King's Cage in her reviews of them. It's like yes!!! I'm not the only one who feels this way! :D 

4. JJ @ This Dark Material - I love that me and JJ also have similar tastes in books. But I also enjoy that she's so relate-able! Like the past few week complaining about weather. She's in Texas and I'm in Arizona. But we both suffer miserably from 100+ heat. It's been fun having someone to commiserate with. LOL. 

5. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction - I really love Nicole's discussions. And the fact she co-hosts the Discussion Challenge. I know if I'm looking for some discussions to read I can count on her or the discussion challenge to fulfill my need. I also love that she has a list of all the challenges in the blogosphere. That really helps know which ones are out there when you might not even know some of those blogs exist (there's a lot of book blogs people). I also really like that she has this nifty thing to fill out with your birthday and blogoversary. She features those people weekly in her Sunday Posts. It's a great way to get some love and shout outs for those special events! 


6. Hailey In Bookland - I love Hailey's videos! She has such a great personality and it really shows! I also thoroughly enjoy the fact shes pretty relate-able. Like how she's often talking about not getting things done in her vlogs (which I think we all can sympathize with). And in her most recent vlog, how she was having one of those days where everything just seems to go wrong. Oh yeah. I was definitely relating to that. Lol. But she is really great. She is fantastic at talking about books and I've found so many new reads because of her. 

7. jessethereader - OMG guys. I aspire to be this level of fun! I seriously laugh almost every time I watch one of his videos. He has such a fun personality. This is one of my fave videos of his. I couldn't keep a straight face through 90% of this. He has the best reactions to stuff! Go watch one of his videos! You will not be disappointed! 

8. Read with Merina Rey - So Merina is relatively new to Booktube. I discovered her a few weeks after she started doing book videos and I just love her. She is just a blast to watch. I love how she talks about books. I love that she's so much better than me at describing a plot (yes, despite 7 years as a blogger, I still suck at really describing a plot). I also love how she has kids and is only like a year and half, two years older than me. She is definitely relate-able. I just happen to love all the bookish moms out there. Having time to read while raising kids can be hard sometimes. 

9. Brittany Nicole - I just love her videos. I also think she's incredibly good at talking about books. I also like that she has such a chillax sense about her. I mean I can watch her videos and just feel so relaxed. I mean. I love the fun outgoing videos from others, but I also love the more chill ones too. :)

10. Katesbookdate - Ok, so I put one of my fave videos of hers on here as well! I love how she talks about a lot of the books I like (like all these other booktubers). I happen to love this video in particular because I seriously agree so much with it. So many of these books I agree are the worst in their series. Especially the Mara Dyer one. 


  1. Yay!! Thank you so much for the shoutout! I try to make valid points even in my negative reviews, so I'm glad they left an impression! :D

    1. No prob! Yes!!! I identified so much with your reviews of Glass Sword and King's Cage cuz it was all true!!! The whining. Good god. I swear those books were only super long for the sole purpose of Mare whining. Lol.

  2. Thanks so much for the shout-out, Brittani!! And I really love all of the other blogs you mentioned as well --- AJ's always make me laugh. Even her Sunday Posts are clever!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. No prob! :) Yes! Definitely some of my faves I visit multiple times a week! Agreed! I love her Sunday Posts. She's so clever and good with humor. :)

  3. I really need to watch more BookTube. Great picks!

    Check out my TTT and celebrate my blogoversary with a giveaway

    1. Thanks! I love watching Booktube! I love seeing bloggers and booktubers put their love into talking about books! :)

  4. Thanks for the shout-out! I spend way too much time reading blogs because I follow EVERYBODY. It’s a bit ridiculous, actually. All of my social media accounts are chaos.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. No prob! Lol. Twitter is my source of chaos. Lol. I follow so many people on Twitter its hard to keep up. Lol.
