Happy September! We're already 3/4 of the way through the year already!! Wow! I hope we're all having success with our reading goals!! If the challenge is new to you and you wanna sign up, please check out the Sign-Up Post! Your more than welcome to talk about any dystopian books you've read this year even if your just joining up! :) Feel free to link-up your update post or let me know in the comments how you're doing! :)

If you'd like to check out my previous updates, you can find them here:
Here's what I've read since the 2nd update in June! 

So I have added another 5 books to my total to make 21 dystopian books read this year so far between all the updates! And I finally read Champion! I've had it sitting on my shelf for years now! So I knocked a long timer off my TBR!! WOOT!! As a whole though, my dystopian reading has gone down since the last update because I've been on a huge fantasy kick. But still 21 dystopian books! That's awesome. 

How are you doing on your dystopian reading goals? Feel free to link up your updates posts or let me know in the comments! :)

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