Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So before we get this started. We kinda went to 2 bookstores last weekend, and I might have found some used books at each. I admit, I have no self control. On the brightside, I bought them all used! So I didn't spend as much money as I could potentially have. That's something right??

So obviously I read The Assassin's Blade in July. But I didn't have a copy for my collection. So since I finally found a used copy, I picked it up. And I also found Tower of Dawn there as well! So since I was able to pick that up, my Throne of Glass collection is complete until Kingdom of Ash comes out. And I read the first two TATBILB books in August, but since there's a bit of a wait on the third from the library for the audiobook, I figured I'd just buy the copy of Always and Forever when I came across it. 

So this is all from the second used bookstore we went to. I was surprised to come across a copy of Three Dark Crowns. So I snatched it up real quick. I know a lot of people like it and the 3rd book in the series is coming out this month. So why not. I also picked up If I Should Die, book 3 in the Revenants trilogy. I own books 1 and 2 in hardcover but never had the chance to grab book 3, so I picked it up since I found a used hardcover! And I found Our Dark Duet for 5 bucks! I plan on reading This Savage Song in October so I'm thrilled I have this to go with it now!

So I did finish the audiobook of Hollow City by Ransom Riggs on Sunday last week. I really enjoyed it! I thought it was pretty good. I really enjoyed the narrator! I listened to the audiobook of P.S. I Still Love You by Jenny Han this week as well. And I really enjoyed that. I think the narrator of the TATBILB books does a great job! I also read my advanced copy of Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa. I enjoy it. I really loved the Japanese culture and folklore in the story. Despite it kinda being on an off with action and plot twists until close to the end, all the folklore and culture really kept me interested. I definitely suggest it if you want a well researched, well written cultural read. You really feel like your in Japan in that book! And last, but not least, I read Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. I know guys. Shame. I'm finally reading it. Ahh. I definitely am kicking myself. I really enjoyed the book and regret not reading it sooner! I'm also finally making progress on Furyborn by Claire Legrand. For the past few months I've been stuck on like chapter 2. But I've made it now to chapter 7 reading it in between other reads. And I'm starting to get more into the story now. 

It's been a pretty good week. So I got a new bookshelf guys!!! My in-laws were able to get it from their neighbor who was just giving it away. YAY! GUYS... I can fit all my books on my shelf now. No double stacking, no books piled on the floor. Everything fits on my bookshelf now!!! AND I STILL HAVE MORE ROOM!!!! Now that I have a new bookshelf. I'll be doing a proper bookshelf tour for you guys. I wanted to do one sooner, but then we got wind of the potential new bookshelf and I put it off. I'm so excited guys! 

We also treated the in-laws to lunch last weekend. They are always taking us out to eat, so we decided to treat them since we have the extra money to do so. We tried out a new restaurant. Black Bear Diner for those of you on the west coast who might have heard of it. Soo good!! We all thoroughly enjoyed it. And all the cute bear themed stuff throughout the place made it so fun! We also had a pretty cool server who was super excited he was getting a bunch of the first timers to the place! 

Also guys, look at this! My Goodreads goal and my NetGalley ratio!! I'm gonna hit my Goodreads goal in September, and I have a good feeling I'll hit that wondrous 80% on NetGalley as well. The 71% is actually without a review I need to send in this weekend. So it'll probably go up to 72%-73% by the end of the weekend! WOOOOOOO!!!!!

  • Review: Ignite The Stars by Maura Milan
  • New Releases: Week of September 4, 2018
  • Review: Dreams of Gods & Monsters (Daughter of Smoke & Bone #3) by Laini Taylor
  • 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge: September Link-Up
  • Bookshelf Tour
  • Review: Legion (Talon #4) by Julie Kagawa


  1. Your used bookstores are amazing! I wish my store had hyped books like those. It mostly has bestsellers from 10 years ago. Congrats on the new bookshelf! I badly need another bookshelf. Great job on your challenges.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I feel pretty lucky. But one of the used bookstores (has 3 locations) is also the second biggest bookstore in Tucson right under Barnes & Noble. So it's very popular. Plus people can turn in books for credit. So if they turn in some popular books, they have popular books. Lol. Thanks! I really needed the new shelf! My old one had one less shelf, was half the size, double stacked. It was a mess! LOL. Thanks! I'm so excited I've been doing good on them! :D

  2. I love finding used books! Especially gems that you don't expect to find! : )

    1. Yes! Me 2! And right!! The only copies I've seen of Three Dark Crowns are the brand new ones. So I was thrilled finding the one lone used one. Lets me save money to buy the second in the series which I know I'll have to get at full price!!! LOL.

  3. I think I'll be buying Tower of Dawn soon because I'm deteminded to finish the series before 2019. I'm currently reading Queen of Shadows and am probably gonna read Empire of Storms right after. :D

    1. Nice! My goal is to finish up through Tower of Dawn by the end of September so I'm ready for Kingdom of Ash. I wanna be able to read it right at release so nothing gets spoiled for me!!

  4. Fun haul! And a new bookshelf too! Happy reading :-)

    1. Thanks! Yes!! I'm so excited about it! I can fit all my books now! Thanks! :) Happy reading to you as well! :)

  5. I don't have very good self-control when it comes to buying books either, I'm afraid. At least it's books? Haha. I hope you enjoy your new books! I have yet to read a Sarah J. Maas book. I hope you love the Amy Plum book! I thought the trilogy was good. That was nice that you got to take your in-laws out for dinner. I am not familiar with the Black Bear Diner. I am glad you enjoyed it though! Have a great week, Brittani! Enjoy that new bookshelf!

    1. Hahaha. I have zero self control! Honest to god, at both bookstores there were still 2 other books I wanted. The only thing stopping me from getting them was the fact the fiance also found a pile of books and I didn't want him to go broke!! LOL. Ohhh. You should definitely try one! I'd suggest A Court of Thorns and Roses over Throne of Glass. Mostly because ACOTAR has a bit of a faster pace and is smoother reading. Yes! Amy Plum is amazing. I actually read that book before but it's been so long I have no idea what happened! LOL. Yes. It was such a nice afternoon taking them to lunch and going book shopping with them! Thanks! Have a great week as well!! :)

  6. I love used bookstores! And ooh three Dark crowns- love that series. Congrats on the new bookshelf too. :)

    1. Me 2!!!! :D Yes!! I actually just started it last night! I'm super excited since I know a bunch of people like it!! Thanks! :)

  7. Wow! You sure got a lot of books! And congrats on your Goodreads goal!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. Thanks! I'm so excited I'm almost at it. I thought for sure I wouldn't hit it with how slow the first half of the year was going for me reading wise.

  8. I never find anything like that in our used book stores... But then again, there aren't too many used book stores in my area. :(

    1. That sucks!! I think the reason my used bookstore has so much is cuz it's the second most popular book store in Tucson right under Barnes & Noble. So they get a lot of business and tend to try and get newer books along with the older ones to keep customers coming back.

  9. Yay for the new bookshelf!!! You picked up really great books this week. I hope they are some great reads for you.

    1. Yes!! I'm so thrilled I have a bigger bookshelf now! Thanks! I'm super excited about them! :D Most are in my September TBR!

  10. This Savage Song was SO GOOD I can't wait to see what you think of it! I still need to read Our Dark Duet though... Oof, this makes me really want to hit my local used bookstore now

    1. I'm really excited to read it! I'm also pretty happy I have Our Dark Duet to read right after it now! Lol.

  11. Yay for new bookshelves and Yay for FREE new bookshelves. Those are the best kind! Have a good Week!

    1. Yes!! Free is always best! Especially since I could have spent a small fortune buying new ones. LOL. Have a good week as well! :)

  12. Hooray for your bookshelf. I love, love used bookstores but libraries are also great. I just can't store more books and I love reading ebooks where I can highlight and make notes and carry 1000s of books with me even on a Harley ride. So while I visit I don't buy print books - sadly. You really have some great books that I also have enjoyed or plan to read. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Yes. Libraries are awesome. I borrow a lot of ebooks and audiobooks from mine since I don't have a car right now to go get the physical books. I do love ebooks as well. I have a fairly sizable amount of kindle books. I tend to buy a lot on sale and that builds up my collection. Thanks!
