Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Hidden Gems

  1. Nyxia (The Nyxia Triad #1) by Scott Reintgen - This is such an amazing sci-fi novel, but I don't see many people talking about it at all!!
  2. The House of One Thousand Eyes by Michelle Barker - This literally comes out today (9/11) and I can already tell it's not going to get much talking about. It's an amazing historical fiction novel and I HIGHLY suggest grabbing a copy. 
  3. Ignite The Stars (Ignite The Stars #1) by Maura Milan - Despite a lot of people getting an advanced copy when I did, I haven't seen much peepage about this book since. Its a great, quick sci-fi read!
  4. London (Surviving The Evactuation #1) by Frank Tayell - So I know why this doesn't have much of a following. Its self published. But it's incredibly good. Zombie outbreak occurs. We follow a guy who had broke his leg and is trying to hard to survive in zombie infested London. It's such a good read. 
  5. Leviathan (Leviathan #1) by Scott Westerfeld - Guys, the Uglies series gets so much love, but this sweet little historical/steampunk/sci-fi book doesn't get half as much. It needs the amount of love Uglies gets cuz its flat out amazing!
  6. Glitch (Glitch #1) by Heather Anastasiu - I thought this was a great sci-fi/dystopian mix read! It definitely was not talked about as much since it came out when books like Shatter Me and Article 5 were all the rage. So it kinda got buried being lesser known.
  7. Falling Under (Falling Under #1) by Gwen Hayes - I almost never see a peep about this book. Its such a great paranormal/fantasy/mystery type mix. It makes such a great read for October. I honestly feel like this isn't well known because it came from a less popular publisher at the time. 
  8. Dark Inside (Dark Inside #1) by Jeyn Roberts - This is a post apocalyptic/dystopian book. Natural disasters, people turning into crazy killers because of some unknown awoken evil. It was a great read, but not really talked about anymore. 
  9. The Alchemy of Forever (Incarnation #1) by Avery Williams - This is such a great little fantasy/mythology type book dealing with incarnation. I thoroughly enjoyed this book but it was talked about very little when it was published. Definitely deserves more people looking at it!
  10. Revenge of the Girl With The Great Personality by Elizabeth Eulberg - This was such a fun contemporary read for me! I read it because Elizabeth herself sold me on it during a panel at the book festival. But I see no mention of this book now. It's like it was talked about tons right around publication, then forgotten about. It's a fabulous contemporary read!


  1. I've heard about Nyxia here and there and I'm so curious! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Happy Tuesday!

    1. It is seriously one of my favorite YA sci-fi novels! It's so good!! :) Thanks!

  2. I haven’t read any of these, but I have been looking for some good dystopias lately. I’m running out of them on my TBR shelf.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. You should definitely try some that are on my list! Very enjoyable but not as well known! :)

  3. I like the sounds of Falling Under! Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  4. Yes! It is such a great read! Elizabeth Eulberg writes amazing contemporary! :)

  5. Ahh I remember reading Glitch when I first started blogging for the blog tour, and I loved it! :')

    My TTT post!

    1. Yes! I had read an advanced copy of it! Lol. I was on the blog tour for the 3rd book! :)
