#ARCtober is month long reading challenge that runs from October 1st through October 31st. Challenge yourself to clear those ARCs off your TBR. It is hosted by Elley The Book Otter!

If you'd like to sign-up for #ARCtober make sure to visit Elley's sign-up post!

Hehehe. So yeah. We all know I participated in ARC August. Didn't even get close to what I wanted done. Got distracted by other books I own. Lol. I really wanna get a bunch of my upcoming and old ARCs read. Especially since I'm at 72% on NetGalley. I really want to come out of October with that coveted 80%. 

My TBR (AKA, Goals of what I want to actually read):

So obviously I have a mix of newer ARCs and some older ones I want to get through! I'm hoping I can really crack down and get through all of these. Getting through all 8 would put me over the 80% mark! So I'm really gonna push to read all of these!

Also guys, feel free to follow me on Twitter (@hopefaithbooks) and actually hold me accountable. LOL. I did so bad with Twitter for ARC August and I wanna do better with this.

Also, I'm excited for Bingo! Woot!


  1. Awesome goals, Brittani! YOU CAN DO IT! I have over 70 ARCs on my TBR so.... I'm not even sure what to set my goal at at this point, LOL. SO HOPELESSSSSS! I think I'm aiming for... 10? UGH. *flail*

    1. Thanks! I think 10 is a reasonable number!! :) I think total between NetGalley and physical ARCs I have around 25-30. So I'm definitely thinking 8 would be a reasonable number for me to shave off it. Good luck to you as well!!! :D :D

  2. Oh I NEED to do this! I have so many old ARCs on my shelves I need to read...

    1. Yes! You should totally sign up! I find doing a challenge of some sort is great motivation for actually getting things done! :) It would definitely help you get some of those old ARCs read!

  3. You go girl! I wish I could read 8 ARCS in a month, on average I read a book and a half a week.

    I will be particioating commencing on this weekend's readathon only because I didn't get to see this till now. So far I've 4 ARCS on my goals; Muse of Nightmares, Two Dark Reigns, What if it's us and Girls of Paper & Fire. I haven't started any but the latter.

    1. Heh. I usually manage about 3 books a week. But some weeks I push it to 5 if I'm reading some good, fast paced books. Like this week. LOL.

      Yay! Nice. I hope you love Muse! Seriously one of my favorites this year!!! You have an ARC of Girls of Paper and Fire?? NICE! I'm looking forward to that! Can't wait to see your thoughts! So far from my goals, I've finished Beneath The Citadel. I'm starting The Darkest Star though so that should be a quick read for me because I LOVE Jennifer's books!!!! So hopefully I'll finish TDS in a day or so.
