So I didn't get nearly as much read in October as I wanted. I just got incredibly busy with doing things with the family and suffering some migraines. Ugh. But I still got a fair amount of reading done. So it's not all bad. 10 books still.

What I Read This Month:

So I finally finished some series, got 2 ARC's read that released in October and finally read a book James had been suggesting for AGES. So despite only 10 books, it was still a decent month. 

Happenings On The Blog:
  • I did a two part series on Recommended Read for October/Halloween. Here you can find both Part I and Part II
  • I did a Discussion on the Worst Books In My Favorite Series! This was fun to write up, so I'll definitely do another one probably next year. 
  • I also did #ARCtober. Only managed to get 2 of the ARCs I wanted read, but the point is that they were the important ones releasing in October! Woot! And I just found out earlier today (Nov. 1st) that I won a prize from participating! So that's pretty cool! I'm excited about that! :)

Posts I Enjoyed Around The Blogosphere:

So November consists of catching up on some books I wanted to read last month, reading an ARC and wanting to read a few new releases basically. I'm not making a super intense TBR for November. With Thanksgiving this month I know I'll be busy planning it since me and James host it for our families. Plus we gotta start preparing for December and Christmas. AND I need to plan Ana's birthday party for the first weekend in December. It's just going to be another busy month, so I'm keeping my TBR at what's manageable and not pushing it. 


  1. It looks like you read a lot to me. :) Good luck with your November reading goals. It’s hard to believe that the year is almost over.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Lol. It's just under my normal. I usually average 12 or more. Thanks! I know right!! Like I'm sitting here thinking where the hell did the year go??? LOL. MY CHILD IS TURNING 4 NEXT MONTH!!! AHHHH. The months are moving too fast!!!!

  2. 10 books is way better than I can do in a month these days! I guess it's all relative, though, isn't it? I can't wait to read Mafi's new book!! Hope you enjoy it!

    --Sam @ Sharing Inspired Kreations

    1. Yeah. I average about 12 a month. So it was a slower month for me. Yes!! I'm so excited to get into it!!! I'm gonna be starting Two Dark Reigns, but as soon as I'm finish that, I'm diving in to AVLEOS!

  3. Ace of Shades sounds so good! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

    1. It was very good! I really enjoyed the whole concept behind the story! Definitely makes me excited for it's sequel! :)

  4. You read some great books! I really need to get to Beneath the Citadel.

  5. I'm doing a Series in a Month challenge plus the HoHoHo RAT with Christmas books this month but in December I hope to just read some stuff I want because there aren't as many new releases coming out. January is jam packed though. Wowza. I hope you enjoy your November reading! Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. I feel you! There's only one new release I really plan on getting in December. So I'll definitely be using it to catch up on other books I neglected this year. LOL. OMG. Seriously, January is going to break the bank with the awesome new releases coming out!!

  6. I'm sorry you suffered from migraines--my husband gets them and can't function when he does and light and sound adds to the debilitating pain. Still, you read more books than I did in October and from your ratings, you chose well. Here's to November being migraine free.

  7. Wow! You sure read a lot of awesome books in October! I need to read Kingdom of Ash and Archenemies soon!

    Here’s my October Monthly Wrap Up!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  8. I really need to read The Darkest Star - I'm glad to see you loved it!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
