Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

I won this from the lovely Elley @ Elley The Book Otter! I won the grand prize for #ARCtober, which was a book of my choice. So since I started Hunting Prince Dracula, I thought Escaping From Houdini would be a good choice! Thank you soooooooo much Elley!!! :)

I also got a finished hardcover edition of Muse from Hachette & Little, Brown! I was not expecting this at all so it was definitely a surprise when it showed up. But I am so thrilled I got it since I haven't had a chance to go buy a copy yet with all the books that have been coming out. And the finished edition is just gorgeous!! Thank you sooo much Hachette & Little, Brown! 

I am THRILLED I got approved for this on Netgalley!! Ever since I read Sky In The Deep this year, I've had my eyes all over Viking books and this is another one with Vikings! As soon as I heard about it I knew I'd be wanting to read it and you best believe as soon as I saw it available on Netgalley I was all over that request button. I'm seriously dying to get into this. Thank you so much Netgalley & Macmillan!! 

So this week I read 4 books, all the ones that have been reviewed this week. I started with A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi. And OMG, guys, that book is just absolutely amazing. It is such a powerful read and is so relevant to things even today. I HIGHLY suggest reading it if you have not yet. Then I reread Dirty Little Secret by Jennifer Echols, which I originally read in 2013 and was not having it. I 4 starred it then, but I 2 starred it now. I can definitely see a lot more of the issues with it now and I was so over them. Then I read Two Dark Reigns by Kendare Blake and it was a SOLID addition to the Three Dark Crowns series. Really enjoyed it and absolutely can't wait for the conclusion of the series after it. And I finished off this week with reading Better Off Friends by Elizabeth Eulberg. It was just middle of the line, 3 stars. It had some good parts, but then other parts were very high school. And I mean VERY. I don't have issues with high school dramaish books, but this just had WAY too much for my liking. And it wasn't even needed honestly. 

It's been an interesting week. So James ended up out delivering election ads his supervisors found in abundance in a contractors vehicle between 9PM & 11:30PM on election night. Yeah. That was a very interesting night for him. His supervisors were so relieved he came in though when they called. Cuz they would have had to deliver it all themselves instead of being able to split it with him. Also, lets just say that contractor is now going to be subject to an investigation by the Postal Inspectors. Yeah, not a great move on that guys part. And apparently the contractor was also stuffing tons of mail that should have been delivered into empty slots in the box units on his route to avoid delivering it. Lets just say, I'm pretty sure this guy will get fired after the investigation. He's clearly not doing his job. And after finding out all this stuff about this contractor from his supervisors, James is seriously sitting her like "how stupid do you have to be to do that??" Like we both are trying to figure out how this guy was thinking he'd get away with all that. 

So yeah. Elections week. I'm sure all of us in the US have been wound up because of it. I'm still wound up. I'm in AZ, and the senate race is still up in the air. The McSally/Sinema race still wont be called for a few more days because Pima and Maricopa county are still counting a lot of early ballots that were turned in at the polls. It's nerve-wracking. Guys, I'm going to admit I'm more of a Democrat and I'm highly hoping Sinema keeps her lead. We need change in AZ badly and we need her representing us. Here's hoping! Fun Fact: Kyrsten Sinema's mom was my high school English teacher both my Junior and Senior year. 

In some other fun news. We introduced Ana to watercolor paints this week and it is absolutely her new favorite thing. She wants to paint all the time! But it's so cute and she just loves it. We're gonna have to go out this weekend and get her some more coloring books. Our used bookstores have a ton of coloring books that are watercolor paint books. They have thicker, one sided pages. We had a Moana and a Thomas & Friends one but she's already gone through almost all of those. So we gotta get some more for her. 

  • Review: Obsession (Arum #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • Review: Hunting Prince Dracula (Stalking Jack The Ripper #2) by Kerri Maniscalco
  • New Releases: Week of November 13, 2018
  • Review: Monsters (Ashes #3) by Ilsa J. Bick
  • Review: Siege and Storm (The Grisha Trilogy #2) by Leigh Bardugo
This is tentative for this week. I'm pretty positive about the first two reviews. Monsters however is a Monster of a book so it'll all depend on if I finally make my way through all of it. 


  1. Congrats on the giveaway win! I still need to read Stalking Jack The Ripper. It’s sitting on my shelf, waiting for me. I’m crossing my fingers that the Arizona election has a good result.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! You do! It's really good!! Me 2!! AHHH. It's so hard to be patient for the results when its such a high profile race.

  2. You really get so many of the best books! You do read more YA than I can tolerate. But then I read some romance fluff that is sometimes totally unrealistic but there are many things in fiction which are unrealistic. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks!! I do. YA is my favorite. Lol. True true. I have expanded more into adult books this year though. So I'm looking forward to reading more in the next coming year. I just have such a big soft spot for YA.

  3. I don’t understand either how a contractor could just put mail in the trash - or in the wrong slots. That’s just weird. And of course he was going to be found out! I’m glad James and his supervisors were able to get things done anyway - even if it was done late.
    I absolutely loved A Large Expanse of Sea, too. It was so heartfelt, and it really made me understand how hard it was to be Muslim after 9/11!
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    1. Right! It was really weird when James found out about it. Especially cuz anytime he slips up and makes like a tiny mistake (like forgetting to scan a package when he's delivering it) he gets in trouble. So it just blows our minds that this guy somehow got away with so much.

      Yes!!! I just absolutely LOVED AVLEOS! Such a heartfelt, raw book. Fantastic read!

      Thanks! :)

  4. Call me slow, I didn't know Stalking Jack The Ripper was a series even though it has been on my TBR forever now.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. LOL. Yes. I think it's supposed to have 4 books total. At least that's what I know of.

  5. Yay for winning books, especially such a great sounding one. And I love getting unexpected book mail from publishers, it never gets old. Happy reading.

    1. Yes!!! I absolutely love when I win a book! It's such a fun experience. And right!!! I was so freaking thrilled getting an unexpected hardcover of Muse in!! Thanks!!

  6. I love to win! I try to enter when I can and love it when it's a book. How is that guy not fired already with doing that with the mail? Have a great week.

    Mary #SundayRoundup #44!

    1. Yes!!! Love winning books! I'm not sure. I think if it was up to James supervisors that guy would have been fired on the spot. But because of certain things, its above even his supervisors heads so they have to wait for the Postal Inspectors to investigate the guy before they get the go ahead to do anything at their level.
