Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

I've been very excited for this! So when we made a stop at Barnes and Noble this week I grabbed a copy! And the Barnes & Noble edition has a red cover under the dust jacket. It's beautiful! There will be pics on the blogs Instagram! Ahh. I'm so excited to get into reading this! 

So I've had my eyes on this trilogy for a bit, but I'm not completely sure how I'll feel about it. So I avoided picking up copies at Barnes and Noble at full price. But I happened across these copies at the used bookstore so I decided to pick them up since it was cheaper that way. I'm hoping I'll like these though!

So I obviously didn't get much done this week. I only finished Obsession. Which was mostly enjoyable. Other than that, I've started 3 other books, but haven't got really far into any of them. I've just been a bit busy. Sorry guys. 

So obviously Thanksgiving is this upcoming week. So I've been working on cleaning the apartment for company. Also making sure we got everything we needed for food and coordinating everything with our parents. Also had to make sure our health insurance got renewed this week. That is pretty important. We also went around to some stores this week getting ideas for Christmas presents. 

I've also been deep at work making graphics for the 2019 Dystopia Reading Challenge. I've got a few different options so I've been working on doing some basic design on all of them and James is gonna help me choose which design to go with this weekend. I have to admit, after working on them, I do have 2 (out of 4 options) that I think are definitely front-runners. We'll see if James also happens to like my front-runners. LOL. But I'm excited! I'm tweaking a few things for the challenge for 2019 and I'm thinking about bringing Bingo back for it since I thought it was such a fun thing when Tracy hosted it. But yeah. Getting next years challenge ready is going pretty good so far. :) Be on the lookout for the sign-ups in early December! I'm really excited and I have a very varied TBR lined up for next year. I plan to have a lot more New Adult and Adult books mixed in with my YA dystopia's next year! 

In other news, it's actually getting cold in AZ!!! YAY! No seriously. This is really something to be excited about. Most of the time we're still suffering with 80's & 90's in November. So I'm freaking thrilled we've been getting 60's and 70's. It actually feels like fall!!!!! :D :D :D :D Most of the time we seriously just jump from Summer to Winter. So it's a refreshing change to actually have fall this year. LOL. 

  • Review: Journey To The Black City (After: The New Earth #1) by Keith R. Mueller
  • New Releases: Week of November 20, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Thanksgiving Freebie
  • Review: Monsters (Ashes #3) by Ilsa J. Bick
  • Review: Hunting Prince Dracula (Stalking Jack The Ripper #2) by Kerri Maniscalco


  1. I’ve been thinking about moving to AZ for years, but every time I’m tempted to move, I look at the weather and change my mind. Nonstop heat makes me crazy. It’s snowing in CO right now, so I’ll stay here. Good luck with the graphics, and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. LOL. The only good place to live in AZ is Flagstaff. It's definitely more expensive than Tucson or Phoenix, but it doesn't reach like 115 every summer. And Flagstaff actually has all 4 seasons. LOL. AND SNOW! I'd move to Flagstaff if I could. Still live in AZ near family but be in a cooler city. LOL. We actually almost did move there in 2015 but neither me or James got the jobs we applied for up there. I'm so jealous of your snow! I miss snow. Thanks!

  2. Oh, I love that cover for Girls of Paper and Fire. In Colorado, we skipped fall this year and went straight to winter (for all I know that's the way it always happens because this is my first fall here though). I hope you enjoy your new books and have a great weekend. - Katie

    1. Right! It's so beautiful! I love how it looks when you're holding it in the light! LOL! We almost always skip from Summer to Winter in AZ. But its not even fun here. It just goes from like 90-100 degrees to like 50. No snow or anything fun. Just a temp change. Its incredibly lame. Lol. Thanks! :)

  3. I got Girls of Paper and Fire from Owlcrate and I also thought it looked interesting. Hope you enjoy it and looking forward to reading your thoughts on it!

    1. I'm really excited about it! I think the whole idea of the story sounds great. Thanks!

  4. I have been hearing a lot about Girls of Paper and Fire and it has all been good. I hope you enjoy it.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Same here! I've seen so many people really enjoying it! I'm so excited to read it myself now! Thanks! :)

  5. I read The Thousandth Floor, but I didn't love it that much, sadly. :( I think I'm in the minority with that though!

    Enjoy your new books!
    My STS post!

    1. That sucks! I'm really hoping I'll like it, but I know it's pretty mixed on Goodreads. So we'll have to see what I think when I read it. Thanks! :)

  6. I love dystopian novels! Haven't read a good one in awhile. Looking forward to it!

    1. Yay! :) Dystopia's are some of my favorites! I can never resist a dystopia novel! Hope you read a great one soon!

  7. Good luck with your Thanksgiving preparations! I need to renew my health insurance soon!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays

  8. I like dystopia so I'll be on the lookout for that challenge. I'll be happier to have more new adult or adult for me. YA is sometimes good for me and sometimes not.

    Enjoy your new books and Happy Thanksgiving! Anne Books of My Heart

    1. Yay! I've been working on expanding my interests from just YA. And I've discovered some really interesting looking NA and Adult dystopia's! So I'm really excited to try them for the challenge next year!

      Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving as well to you! :)
