Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

No New Books This Week!

So yeah. Not much on the blog again this week. I'm sorry guys. Things got soo busy prepping for Thanksgiving. But on the bright-side, I did finish a book! I just haven't had a chance to write the review for it. I finished Journey to the Black City by Keith Mueller. And it was really interesting. It had such a unique mix of things in the story. My review for it will be up this week!

Like I mentioned. Lots of prep for Thanksgiving this week. But it was a fantastic holiday. Ana had so much fun helping me and James both make pies. And we determined Ana apparently likes her Turkey with a side of ranch to dip it in. This child and dipping things in ranch people. But it was a great day. Ana had a lot of fun hanging out with my sister (her aunt). 

I also finished the graphics for the 2019 Dystopia Reading Challenge. Now I'm working on finishing up the bingo sheet and then I think we'll be set. I'm so excited. James helped me pick out a wonderful graphic and I think the colors I picked to go with it are fantastic. 

It's gonna be another fun filled week. Ana's birthday party is gonna be next weekend. So I gotta get things ready for that. We also gotta get our lease renewed this week. And potentially decide on a streaming service for tv. Our Comcast bill is like 200 as it is now and they have plans ot increase prices again next year. Just nope. We're flat out gonna drop the cable. We have to keep the internet since they still have the fastest in our area, but dropping the cable would drop the bill to under 100. Which would be nice. We're currently looking between Sling and DirecTV Now. Any of you have any suggestions or opinions on either? I'd love to hear them if you do! 

  • Review: Journey To The Black City (After: The New Earth #1) by Keith Mueller
  • New Releases: Week of November 27, 2018
  • Review: Hunting Prince Dracula (Stalking Jack The Ripper #2) by Kerri Maniscalco
  • Review: Nevernight (The Nevernight Chronicle #1) by Jay Kristoff


  1. My sister loves ranch dressing, too. She dumps ranch and hot sauce on everything. I don’t know if she’s ever put it on Thanksgiving dinner, though. I’m glad your Thanksgiving was good. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Lol. It was just so random. Like she was being so stubborn about just eating turkey even with gravy. So James was like try it with ranch and she ate it all up then. LOL. Thanks! Have a great week as well!

  2. I am glad you had such a fun filled Thanksgiving and I hope you will have a similar Birthday bash too. My advance wishes to Ana.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Thanks! We're hoping Ana's birthday will be fantastic as well! Thanks!

  3. I haven't paid for cable... ever. I know that's not practical for a lot of people. I think you can get a firestick (or other similar item) and pay for Direct TV streaming. If I ever get TV, that's what I plan to do. Hope you Thanksgiving was great! Happy birthday, Ana.

    1. LOL. Honestly, we got cable initially because Comcast wouldn't let us just get internet when we first signed up with them. We had to have some cable, even if it was just the basic 10 channel thing. So we just decided to get a decent package. But it was only between $130 & $140 then. Now it's just getting ridiculously expensive. I'm tempted to buy a Firestick while amazon is having sales on all their products. Thanks!

  4. I'm glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving. And I hope this week will be just as good! ;) Good luck with the birthday preparations.
    Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks!! I'm hoping this week will be just as great as well! :) So much birthday preparation though. It should be great though.

  5. I am happy to hear it was a good Thanksgiving. Wow how can you not have succumbed to all the book deals this week?? I had to get a few. Enjoy your birthday party and books this week. Anne - Books of My Heart

    1. Thanks! I actually did, just today. I ended up finally going to Barnes & Noble and buying a book. Got it half off!! New hardcover book that just released like 2 weeks ago!!! WOOT! Thanks!

  6. I've been working on my 2019 master list of challenges, so be sure to let me know when your sign up for the Dystopian Challenge is up! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I definitely will!! :D I'm thinking probably like in a week and a half I'll have it up. Like first full week of December. :D

  7. I see you're currently reading Girls of Paper and Fire! How is it? I've been curious about that one! Also, I see you're also participating in the Beat the Backlist Challenge! My goal this year was 100 and I've read 60. Hopefully I can squeeze 40 more books in before January 1st!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?
