Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

More book mail from Scholastic. Thanks Scholastic! They both sound pretty interesting. 

So I got a request approved on NetGalley! Thanks Tor! It's pretty much a YA murder mystery that takes place in 1887 in Paris! The whole idea behind the book gives me a Stalking Jack The Ripper kind of feel so since I enjoyed that, I decided to request this! 

Well, I didn't post a thing. Honestly, it's been another hard week for me. I lost what gains I was making with my depression. I spent a lot of this week curled up in bed or on the couch in tears. James came home to me crying my eyes out on Thursday. Which sucks because Thursday was our anniversary. He genuinely tried to cheer me up and treat me for it and I absolutely appreciate him for doing that. It's just been incredibly hard for me this week. 

I did get a small amount of reading done. I finished Raise The Titanic by Clive Cussler last Sunday. I did genuinely enjoy it. And I managed to get about halfway through Archenemies by Marissa Meyer before the depression took over again. So small book progress here and there. And Raise The Titanic actually ended up being my 100th read of 2018. So that's something fun.

I have been working on applying for some jobs this week when I haven't been in tears. So I guess we'll see where that goes. That's honestly about as much motivation as I've had to do anything on the computer. I think we all know though that job applications in themselves are just a huge draining process. But I'm trying. I'm hoping to get a job by the end of January. Our rent is going up again and they are making us pay our water separately now, so more income would help a lot. Honestly, I just really dislike how unappealing the job market is in Tucson. Practically everything around here is retail or call centers and if I'm honest, the call centers are not great to work at. My best friend literally left one of them in tears on her first day because it was so bad. So I have to dig around to find things that aren't that. Sometimes I wish we lived in Phoenix since there are a lot more opportunities up there. I hate to say it, but Tucson is where dreams come to die. I don't say that because I'm depressed, I say that cuz its true. Unless you're in the military or you came to Tucson to retire, its not friendly to you to actually live and succeed here. 

Remember, the sign-ups for the 2019 Dystopia Reading Challenge are open! If you'd like to sign-up, just click on the graphic and it'll take you to the post! And make sure to give the sign-up post a share so it can get around to more people!

No promises, but I'm gonna try and get these posts finished. 
  • Review: Raise The Titanic (Dirk Pitt #4) by Clive Cussler
  • Most Anticipated Winter 2019 Releases
  • Discussion: Most Surprising Books of 2018!


  1. Sorry you’ve been feeling bad, but happy anniversary! Good luck with the job hunt. I’m having a similar problem where I live. I’m either unqualified for the jobs, or the jobs suck so much that I don’t want to do them. I might have to commute to Denver to find something tolerable. It sucks.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I'm sorry it's been a tough week. Everyone goes through periods like this. I love the Dirk Pit novels - glad you enjoyed it. I have Renegades and plan to get to it and Archenemies sometime soon. I hope you come up with an idea for something you would enjoy. Anne - Books of My Heart

  3. I am sorry you have had a bad week. I also didn't post much this week as I was not feeling well as well. I hope you are feeling better now.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes
