Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So I drove up to Phoenix on March 26 to hear a panel with Brittany Cavallaro. It was pretty cool. 

Ok guys, I can't even begin to describe how excited I am that I got approved for both Aurora Rising and King of Fools! :D :D :D

Ok everyone. So if you missed the announcement at the end of February, the reason for my depression and my absence from the blog was because me and James broke up. We broke up at the beginning of the year. Mentally, I'm doing a lot better now. But of course with a break up came one of us moving out (me) and all that fun stuff. So obviously, I've been preoccupied with a lot since the beginning of the year. But at the moment, things are starting to settle. I don't technically have my own place yet, but I have somewhere to stay until I have the money to, so that's good news. :)

I'm sure you guys are wondering now with me and James having broken up how we're dealing with everything with Ana. Well, she's actually been staying with her grandparents (James parents) since the end of January. They were able to get her into preschool like asap and take the stress of Ana off us while dealing with separating. She's doing pretty well. She's really enjoying school and she's made some fantastic new friends. And she's getting some speech therapy at school to help her with saying words clearer. This is definitely the best place for her right now while me and James settle into new places and everything. And his parents and me are definitely still close, so there's no drama there. Me and James can see Ana whenever we want to. She's pretty much gonna stay with his parents until the end of the year since her school already has a solid plan set up to get her speech all caught up and fixed. And despite everything, me and James are absolutely staying friends so things are better for Ana. Why be nasty towards each other when we both want things to be good for Ana's sake? Plus being friends makes dealing with other things a lot easier. We mutually agree we don't wanna be those nasty ex's that make life hell for their kid.

So moving on, I also announced I started dating someone else in February. He's actually one of my best friends. We've been best friends for 10 years. He's a fantastic guy and he's fully accepting and understanding of the fact I have Ana and that being with me means he will have to have a parental role with her. But he's so excited about it. He's watched her grow being one of my besties so he's excited he gets to have a bigger part in her life now.

So obviously with me not having my own place means like 90% of my stuff is in storage. While me and Jeff work on getting our own place, I'm limited on books. So you'll primarily be seeing books I've bought since my stuff went in storage, kindle books I have, and digital advanced copies. But I have a good amount of kindle books to catch up on so that's something. Lol. But I'm working on getting back into my blogging schedule now that a lot of the big stressors have been dealt with. I still have some reviews to write and I'm reading a few books right now. So I'll be getting some stuff up finally. Thanks for sticking with me through my absence everyone! You're fantastic. :D


  1. *Hugs.* Hopefully you get a new place soon. I’m glad Ana is doing well in school. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I hope everything goes well and you get it all sorted. Welcome back! Happy reading!

    Anne - Books of My Heart Here is my Sunday Post   

  3. A break up is tough but it sounds like your both doing what is best for your daughter and that is the most important.

    Have a great reading week :)

    Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out
