"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating.

Dreaming Awake (Falling Under #2)
Author: Gwen Hayes
Expected Publication: January 3, 2012

She fell for him in a nighttime world. But the time for dreaming is past—and the here-and-now can be just as fragile their love…

When Theia Alderson first encountered a mysterious, handsome boy in her dreams, she never imagined how finding Haden Black—and falling in love—could change her life. To save Haden, Theia sacrificed everything. And the dangerous bargain she made could have lasting repercussions.

Now Theia has returned to Serendipity Falls, and she finds herself struggling with the same deadly hungers that have tortured Haden. When students at their high school fall prey to a mysterious illness, Theia can’t help but wonder if Haden’s control is slipping—and how much longer she’ll have a grip on her own.

And still the nightmare realm of Under won’t let them go. Someone from Haden’s past is determined to destroy Theia from the inside out, starting with those closest to her, forcing Theia to choose between family and friends and a love that may have been doomed from the start…

So this is the sequel to Falling Under. I really enjoyed Falling Under and I've been meaning to post this as my WoW for a while now but I've just been spacing it. Not today! Lol. I'm excited for this! Even though Falling Under was slow at first I really enjoyed the story and I want to see where it goes next!

What are you waiting on this week?


  1. This looks exciting!

    New Follower :)

    My WoW

  2. this sounds like a good read, will have to check it out!

  3. Nice cover and pick, enjoy, also reading the Hunger Games, into the 3rd. book.

  4. It's a sequel?? LOL I can't believe I didn't know that! I added this one to my TBR list a while back because I ADORED the sound of it and I love that girl's dress, but I still haven't read the first book! x)

    Awesome pick for your WOW, Brittani! Thanks so much for pointing that out -- I probably would've been lost otherwise LOL! :)

  5. This cover is gorgeous I love it! And I have it on my TBR list as well!

    Xpresso Reads

  6. Aww...I like the cover. Isn't it pretty?! The book sounds very good! Great choice! Thank you for sharing!

    Thank you so much for visiting and commenting on my blog! You're awesome! :):)

    Books For All Seasons

  7. I to enjoyed Falling Under. I love both of the covers!

    -Sky @ YA Infatuation
    My WoW
