Welcome to the 7th annual Dystopia Reading Challenge! 2021 is my fourth year hosting it and I'm so excited to be back with it. I'll be hosting some giveaways and of course we are still going to earn our fun badges from years past! 

If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask them in the comments!

  • This challenge will run from January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021.
  • You can join at anytime before December 1, 2021.
  • Books must be read and reviewed in 2021.
  • Audiobooks, re-reads, short stories, and crossovers are fine.
  • You don't have to be a book blogger to participate! You can track your progress on Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, Youtube, etc.
  • Sign up below with your post, shelf, etc. and leave a comment letting us know what your personal goal is.
  • Can be combined with other challenges! Cuz who doesn't like reading books that count for multiple challenges??
  • Link up your reviews on the bi-annual post we'll provide!
  • Use the hashtag #2021DystopiaReads to share your reviews and chat with others on Twitter (and Instagram if you use that as well) doing the challenge!


Read and review 1-5 dystopian books to receive the Recruit badge.

Read and review 6-10 dystopian books to receive the Rebel badge.

Read and review 11-15 dystopian books to receive the Revolutionist badge.

Read and review 16+ dystopian books to receive the Leader badge.

My personal goal will again be Leader! Here's my TBR so you can see some of what I'm planning on reading!

  • It's brand new! Feel free to join! I have a thread open for fun activities you might like to see throughout the year with the challenge! Let me know if you wanna see something! 

  • March 15 - First Quarter Update
  • June 15 - Second Quarter/Mid-Year Update
  • September 15 - Third Quarter Update
  • December 15 - Fourth Quarter Update/Wrap Up

  • June - Mid-Challenge Giveaway
  • December - End of Challenge Giveaway
To be entered in the giveaways, you have to link up reviews. Every review you link up equals a giveaway entry. If you happen to get bingo, that counts as an extra entry, up to 5 extra entries if you fill the board! Just let me know when you get a bingo and the extra entry/s will be added!

  • January-June Link-Up
  • July-December Link-Up
The Dystopia Reading Challenge has bi-annual link-ups. The first link-up for reviews will be open from January 1-June 30. And the second link-up will be open from July 1-December 31. To be entered in the giveaways, you have to link up reviews. Every review you link up equals a giveaway entry. Review link-ups will be linked in the main menu under Dystopia Reading Challenge for easy finding. :)


  • Enter your information in below as follows: Your name @ Your blog name (i.e. Brittani @ Game, Read, Teach) or just your name if using something other than a blog.
  • If you are a blogger, grab the graphic, create a blog post or page letting us know you are participating in this challenge and what your personal goal is ― be sure to link back to this post!
  • If you are not a blogger, you can use Goodreads (or any other book tracking site) and create a shelf for the challenge and link to that
  • Lastly, Tweet about the reading challenge #2021DystopiaReads!