Shade (Shade #1)
Author: Jeri Smith-Ready
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Publication Date: May 4, 2010
Pages: 336
Source: Paperback/Library 

Love ties them together. Death can't tear them apart.

Best. Birthday. Ever. At least, it was supposed to be. With Logan's band playing a critical gig and Aura's plans for an intimate after-party, Aura knows it will be the most memorable night of her boyfriend's life. She never thought it would be his last.

Logan's sudden death leaves Aura devastated. He's gone.

Well, sort of.

Like everyone born after the Shift, Aura can see and hear ghosts. This mysterious ability has always been annoying, and Aura had wanted nothing more than to figure out why the Shift happened so she can undo it. But not with Logan's violet-hued spirit still hanging around. Because dead Logan is almost as real as ever. Almost.

It doesn't help that Aura's new friend Zachary is so understanding—and so very alive. His support means more to Aura than she cares to admit.

As Aura's relationships with the dead and the living grow ever complicated, so do her feelings for Logan and Zachary. Each holds a piece of Aura's heart...and clues to the secret of the Shift. 

Review: I really enjoyed this book! It was very well done! The story line and the characters were very good! The whole Pre-Shift/Post-Shift thing was so interesting. The whole time I was reading it was in the back of my head "what caused the shift?", "why did it happen?" It was definitely part of the reason I kept reading, because I want to know more about the shift. Now, I don't know how I'd feel about being able to see or hear ghosts. I mean for a time I would think it'd be kinda cool but then it'd probably get on my nerves like it did with Aura.  The ghosts them self were pretty interesting. Like how they were all bleh (for lack of a better word) when they see the color red or are around obsidian. Also, it sounds really scary to become a shade.

OMG! It saddened me so much when Logan died. I felt so bad for Aura, seeing her hurt and all. I'm honestly not sure if I like Logan or not. I mean, he seems like a good guy. I really really loved how much he loved Aura. I loved how he was still trying to be a good boyfriend even though he was a ghost but then at times I kinda just wanted him to move on and leave her alone so the pain would start going away. I was so torn! And then theres Zach. I kinda like him. I mean, he tried being a good friend and the whole thing with him being the last born Pre-Shift made him really interesting. I makes you feel like some how Zach and Aura have a connection being the last Pre-Shift and the first Post-Shift. I really wanna know more about that as well. And OMG!!!!!! After reading the first chapter of Shift in the back of Shade I need to get my hands on Shift!

4 Stars!


  1. Hehehe! I knew you'd love this one! It's just so good!

    I agree with your opinions about Logan and Zach. Logan is sweet, but at times I wonder if he's not selfish instead. Zach's the perfect friend, or tries to, but there's so much more to him!

    Ahh... You'll love Shift just as much, I guarantee. I'll be looking forward to yours opinions on it!

    Ron @ Stories of my life

  2. This sounds like a terrific read. Everything about it sounds like my kind of read. Great review.

  3. I love this series. You'll probably enjoy Shift as it tends to help indulge in some of the 'Shift' questions. Great review!

  4. I can't count anymore how many times I've said that I love love love this series. I love Logan and even more on Shift. I felt devastated for him and I missed him already! I love Zach and he's good for Aura (Logan is for me that is!) hehehe....So yeah, Zach for Aura and Logan for me! (Hmm, I see that Kristin of Better Read Than Dead is not here, so no one will protest! he loves Logan too!)

    I hope you read Shift soon! I loved it more than Shade... Even more emotional for me... I love Jeri Smith-Ready because of this series. She's so so nice too!

  5. I am hoping to read Shift ASAP! I loved Shade and couldn't wait for what Shift has in stores for us!

    I couldn't choose between Zach and Logan too, I love them both and I don't think this has happened to me with other series. Great review:)

    Natasha @ Dreamland Teenage Fantasy

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed Shade. I know I loved it! I didn't finish my TBR this week but hopefully I can this coming week. Who knows...all the business of Christmas is going on and all...

  7. I've heard GREAT things about this one but havent had a chance to pick it up :( maybe during the holiday break? :)haha! Thanks for sharing!

    Diana @The Lovely Getaway
