Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Its a way to get out there and meet new bloggers and discover new blogs. :)

Q. Activity!!! Take a picture or describe where you love to read the most...
So this is an older pic but ya... My Bed!!! I love reading on my bed! Its just so comfortable for me.
 And not to mention it has a bookshelf behind it, so I keep all the books I'm currently reading close by.

TGIF is hosted by Ginger at GReads. There's a weekly question and then we do a re-cap of the weeks posts.

Q. Required Reading: Which book from your school days do you remember reading and enjoying? Is there a book published now that you'd like to see in today's curriculum for kids?

Lets see... Like Ginger I really loved reading The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton when I was in school. I liked it so much that I own the book and the dvd of it. Lol. This was probably the only book throughout high school I really got into and loved. 

I definitely think The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins should be in today's curriculum! Maybe even Divergent by Veronica Roth or Uglies by Scott Westerfeld. I think teachers should be reading dystopians with their classes to show the students what could happen to our world if it fell into the wrong leaders hands or if it was destroyed completely and you let certain people rebuild it. (And no guys I'm not going to post links for those books to goodreads this time... I'm too tired to do it and I'm kinda posting my Follow Friday post way late anyways.)

Weekly Recap: 


  1. Looks very comfortable! Great that you can keep your books so close too. :)

    New follower!
    >My FF!<

  2. Love the bed sheet! It's cute. :) And it definitely looks comfy too.

    I'm a new follower!

    Here's my FF. ♥

  3. The bookshelf behind the bed is a good idea. No need to get up to get books.

    New follower!
    Here's my FF

  4. Same as Hellen, love the bookshelf behind the bed. and my favorite spot is the bed too.

    old follower!

    My F&F

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

  5. It is a great idea, but I don't think my hubby would like it (I keep one or two on my bedside table though)

    My Feature Friday

  6. I love your comforter - so cute! And I love your picks for the required reading! All great books - I love the Uglies series and I wish I knew more people that had read it!

    Andrea (Old Follower) ;)
    My FF/TGIF

  7. Okay...this may seem creepy but I have the same comforter as you!!! YAY!!! New follower! Awesome answer! Totally agree and love your post!!!!

    Follow me too?
