So I didn't get as many books read for the Take Control of Your TBR Challenge like I wanted, but I'm still happy with my reads throughout March. I did manage to read 3 of the books I featured in my TBR for this month though. :)

So here's what I read in March, reviews are linked!

My reading really picked up this month compared to January & February, so I'm pretty excited I've got back into my reading groove.

My absolute fave read of March, and quite frankly of this year so far is Sky In The Deep! This book was all kinds of amazing! If you have an advanced copy in any form of this, go read it now!!! :D

I wrote my first discussion post this month!

I also attended the Tucson Festival of Books! I met some pretty cool authors including Holly Black, Kristen Simmons, Zoraida Cordova, & Jessica Spotswood. Check out my recap here:

So these are the books I'm eyeing for April. I'm going with what strikes my mood, but I can definitely say based on my current reading mood, I feel like I should get through a fair amount of these. :)

So a lot of these I'm feeling the pull to read, so I'm hoping to get them knocked out this month. I'm hosting a read-along of Red Queen the entire month of April so I'll be working my way through it without too much stress. I think it's gonna be a good reading month! :)


  1. I also didn’t do as well with the Take Control challenge as I wanted. I guess reading some books is better than reading no books, though. I hope you enjoy your April reads!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I think my problem was I just wasn't in the mood to read most of the books I was hoping to for the challenge. But I'm glad I still read some other books from my TBR. 2 of the 3 books I did read for the challenge had been on my shelves since 2012/2013. Thanks! I'm really hoping I will! :)

  3. Glad you are doing better this month! You should definitely check out Caraval! It's fantastic!

    Here’s my March Monthly Wrap Up!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Thanks! I think I was just in a slump January and February. Oh I plan on it!!! Definitely wanna read it before Legendary comes out in May! :)

  4. Ooh! You've convinced me that I need to check out Sky in the Deep! I'm off to go read your review now...

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yes! Sky In The Deep is amazing! I can't wait for it to release so I can buy a copy for my shelves!!!

  5. The Sky in the Deep's cover is so striking! It sounds like an interesting book.

    1. It is very interesting! And I LOVE the cover! I think the black and gold compliment each other so well! :)
