Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So remember that Zombie Apocalypse series I started last week? Yeah, I bought the next books in the series. :D

I won these ARCs from Liza @ Quite The Novel Idea! She held a twitter giveaway a few weeks ago and I won it! :) I'm super excited to read these!! :D Thanks Liza! 

So I read Sky In The Deep this week and guys, it was AMAZING! It's my first 5 Star read of the year. I highly suggest it! It's a book I'll definitely be buying for my shelves once it comes out! :D It is just full of viking awesomeness and so well written! 

I also posted my first discussion post this week! Stop by and chat with me on it if you'd like! I'm gonna try and post a discussion post at least once a week. But if not, at least once every other week. 

So this week has actually been a pretty relaxing week. It's been the first week in ages we haven't had a lot of stuff to do or deal with. Ana got some early Easter gifts from Nana and Granddad visiting her this week. We've developed a little relaxing routine this week of sitting on the patio for a bit drinking tea and reading on our kindles. Ana has fun coloring with her sidewalk chalk while we're reading. It's been a really nice week!

As always, there's plenty of time to sign up for the 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge! I'd love to have you join!

The Red Queen Read-Along will be starting this upcoming week on Monday (the 2nd). If you'd like to join in and read Red Queen with me I'd love to have you link up! It's super low stress! I'm excited to finally get started with the series! More Info is on the linked post!

Review of Wasteland (Surviving The Evacuation #2) by Frank Tayell
Review of Caraval (Caraval #1) by Stephanie Garber
Review of The Last Kingdom (The Saxon Stories #1) by Bernard Cornwell


  1. Congrats on winning Liza's giveaway! That's an amazing prize. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Brittani. =)

    Check out my post!

    1. Thanks! Right! I'm so excited to get into those books! Especially All The Crooked Saints! I love a good Maggie Stiefvater book!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well! :)

    2. Sounds like you had a good week. I also spent time outside reading. Great book haul. Those Tayell books look awesome.

      My Sunday Post

    3. Thanks! I love reading outside. Its so relaxing! They are!! I'm in the middle of Wasteland and really enjoying it!!! :)

  2. Got me curious about that zombie series. Happy reading!

    1. You should definitely check it out!! The first book is called London and is free for kindle! I got it just to try it out but ended up seriously sucked into the story! Lol.

  3. Oooh! I seriously want to read Sky in the Deep! Glad you enjoyed it!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. OMG! Sky In The Deep is absolutely amazing!!!! I hope you get the chance to read it when it comes out!!! :D

  4. All the Crooked Saints looks good. :)

    1. Right! I'm so excited to get into it when I finish the books I'm currently reading!

  5. I really need to read a Maggie Stiefvater book. I feel like the only person who hasn’t read one. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Don't feel bad! It took me a while to read one as well. It was other bloggers raving about her books that made me pick one up. Lol. I started with her Wolves of Mercy Falls series and thoroughly enjoyed it! I have the entire Raven Cycle series on my shelves just waiting to be read. Lol. Thanks! Have a great week as well! :)

  6. Congrats on the win! Those are some amazing books too. Hoops you have a fantastic week.

    1. Thanks! Right! I'm so excited for them! Hope you have a great week as well!

  7. So you like the zombie books so much you got 2 and 3...Well, you know I have to check those out. First cause I love Zombie/Apocalyptic books and second...When you go buy the books right after reading the first...Bazinga!!
    Have a good week reading!

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #12!

    1. Right!! The first book is called London and is free for Kindle! I love a good Zombie Apocalypse book too!! So this series sucked me in! :D Right! I read the first one and was like I NEED MORE!!! LOL. Have a good week as well!!

  8. Wow, what a great win. Hope you love all your books!

  9. Zombie's sound interesting, I haven't read a good Zombie book yet. Congrats on the book wins, I hope you enjoy them all. I still have to read Red Queen, I will look into your read-a-thon. Have a wonderful day.
