As part of the 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge, I've decided to do some read-alongs! The first one being in April! So for the past few weeks I've had a poll up for people to vote on the book they'd like to read, and the winner was... RED QUEEN by VICTORIA AVEYARD!!! Now fear not, it's definitely not required that you participate in the Dystopia Reading Challenge to participate in this. It's completely open for ANYONE who wants to read with me! It's just a fun little extra for those who are. :)

So I definitely want this to just be a chill, laid back read-along. Just enjoy reading the book at a nice easy pace! The only rule is that you have fun reading (I mean, who of us bookish people don't have fun reading right?!).

Link up with your blog, goodreads, twitter, etc. Whatever you use for reading/updating books. :) Also, feel free to use the picture on your posts.

If you wanna tweet about it, use the hashtag #readalongredqueen
I wanted a hashtag that had not been used previously for red queen read alongs, so that's what we got. Lol.


  • April 2nd-9th (Week 1): Chapters 1-7
  • April 10th-16th (Week 2): Chapters 8-14
  • April 17th-23rd (Week 3): Chapters 15-21
  • April 24th-30th (Week 4): Chapters 22-28
So according to my kindle edition of Red Queen, there's 28 chapters total in the book not including the Epilogue. So I thought that rounded out perfectly to 7 chapters each week. I don't know about you, but I think that's easily doable! :)

I decided to start the read-along on the 2nd due to April 1st being Easter this year. I know plenty of us will be celebrating, myself included, so I figured starting after Easter would be good. :)

Now I'm just curious what everyone thinks about this, so let me know in the comments your thoughts. What would you guys like to do for updates? Weekly or once in the middle? I was thinking we'd just do one in the middle (like around the 16th after we've read for week 2) so we can update whether we're on track, what our current thoughts are, etc. And then of course a wrap-up to see if we finished the book and our overall thoughts! And your definitely free to use your sign-up post (if your using your blog) for updates. 



  1. Hi Everyone!!

    Since we didn't really talk about how the updates should go I've decided to post one now... I hope it's okay. Let me guys know when you'll have one too! :)

    Read my update here

  2. I wish that I had seen this sooner, I've had this on my TBR list since first released and just haven't gotten around to it, pls tweet me on @pback_princess when your next read-a-long is and which book! Thanks!

    1. Aww. I'm sorry you didn't see it earlier! I'll definitely let you know when the next read-along will be!! :)
