Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So my book buying this week is because on Sunday I'm going to the Tucson Festival of Books! Holly Black & Kristen Simmons are just 2 of the authors I'm planning on seeing and getting books signed from. I'm also planning on seeing Veronica Roth, Melissa Marr, Zoraida Cordova & possibly Jessica Spotswood.

So as mentioned above, I'm preparing to go to the Tucson Festival of Books on Sunday. I'm so excited! I was gonna go Saturday too but James ended up being scheduled to work. So with only one car I don't have a way to get there Saturday. Which I have to admit is a bummer. Victoria Aveyard & Gloria Chao are doing all their panels and signings Saturday so I'm a bit bummed I wont get to meet them. But I'm definitely excited for the authors I do get to meet Sunday!! 

If you guys remember, last week I mentioned Ana's (my daughter's) eye issue. Well, we had our first official appointment with her eye doctor Tuesday. We've found out she's farsighted. According to her eye doctor, her turning her eye in really far like she does is a very clear sign of her being a bit more farsighted than most children are her age. However she's very glad we caught this early on because it's much easier to treat and potentially fix now at 3 than if we waited or didn't catch it until 5 or older. I also have to say I really like this office and doctor. My insurance doesn't cover it, but its worth the cost out of pocket. The doctor is incredibly friendly and does EXTREMELY well with kids. She even knows how to do the tests and incorporate toys into them which I can tell really helped Ana feel comfortable. And all the techs were fantastic too. Anyways, she has been prescribed glasses. We're just waiting on the phone call to go pick them up, which should be sometime this upcoming week. She picked out some really good looking dark blue glasses. :) 

Another fun fact, I also mentioned James transferring from a carrier to a clerk at his post office. It's still not official yet, but he's been working extra hours doing clerk work and its going really well. He's even got compliments from the lead clerk at his post office about how well he's doing with learning everything and how she thinks he'll be a great clerk when the switch is made official. So that's definitely boosted James confidence about his decision. :)

Just One Year (Just One Day #2) by Gayle Forman
Just One Night (Just One Day #2.5) by Gayle Forman

Of course there's lots of time to sign up still! I'd love for more people to participate with me. :)

In related challenge news. Last week I announced that Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard had won the vote for the first read-along book for the challenge. I have the info/sign-up post up for those who wanna participate! And remember, you don't have to participate in the Dystopia Reading Challenge to participate in the read-along. Picture link leads to info post. 

Review of SINdicate by J.T. Nicholas
Review of American Panda by Gloria Chao

These are my current reads so I'm planning to finish and review them this week!


  1. Hi Brittani! I'm seriously thinking about joining you for the Red Queen read-along. I won the book on a giveaway at some point but it's been sitting on my shelf ever since... Enjoy your new books and have a good time at the book festival!

    My STS post

    1. You totally should! I bought the kindle edition on sale a while ago and its just sat on my Kindle since then. So it's definitely feeling the same neglect from me as well. Thanks! And I definitely will!! :)

  2. Oh I got the Cruel Prince some time back and still haven't gotten to start it because of all the great books but I heard great things I hope we both love it! My Shelf

    1. I just hadn't got the chance to get a copy until now. I really hope we both love it as well!! I'm very excited to read it with the great things I've been reading about it! Thanks for stopping by!! :)

  3. Enjoy the book festival! I’m glad things are going well for Ana and James. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I definitely will! Thanks! I hope you have a great week as well!!

  4. The Cruel Prince is one I really should invest in. I don't like fae stories, but everyone else loves it. Also, I need to do a reread of the Red Queen series before War Storm, but my copies are at my parents' house. Boo.

    Enjoy your new books, and thanks for visiting Shell's Stories!

    1. I like most fae stories, but there are some that I don't click with. Heh. That sucks! I've still yet to start the series. I'll be using the read-along as a way to start it and get caught up with it by the time War Storm comes out. Thanks! No problem!! :)

  5. I love book festivals. I go to the Texas Book Festival every year. I wonder if I could talk my husband into the Tucson festival one year? He loves to go to the Tucson rock shows.

    1. Nice! Doesn't hurt to try and convince him right?? Lol. I've yet to go to one outside of Tucson so far. I keep wanting to, but they just fall during times we're already busy.

  6. Have a great time at the Tucson Festival! Sounds amazing!!! I'm glad your daughter's eye issue isn't too bad and easily corrected!

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad too!! It's definitely a relief knowing its something that can be corrected!

  7. I am happy to hear you find out what was going on with Ana’s vision. The doctor was wonderful, and it is always a good things when the kids like them too. Enjoy your day at the Tuscan Festival, it sounds like one fantastic event. Happy Sunday!!!

    1. I definitely agree! It's fantastic when kids like the doctor. We were worried going in that she was gonna have a bad time but everyone was just so gentle and understanding and allowed her to warm up to them. I understand why the place has a 4.9 out of 5 stars now. Everyone is just fantastic there!

  8. Oooo Article 5...I have these and my daughter loved the series but I haven't started yet. Lots of lovely books. I hope you have a good week in reading. I just got back in my home after a week of no power so I am behind in things. Have a good week. =)

    Mary #SundayRoundup #9

    1. I'd rather be behind than still without power! I'm so glad you got back in your house now! :) Article 5!! <3 Seriously one of my favorite series!! And I met Kristen Simmons! We had a conversation about the series and fave characters! She was AMAZING!!! I definitely recommend reading the series when you get the chance!! :)

  9. I liked the Cruel Prince and the Red Queen. Glad everything worked out with the little one and awesome on the blue specs. Mine are blue with bits of read in them. A good doctor can make all the difference. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks! Yes! She picked the blue ones all by herself! There were blue, green, red, pink, purple. All kinds of colors! But she kept pointing out the dark blue ones! As long as she likes them right?!? So true. This doctor is amazing! She's not covered by my insurance unfortunately but worth paying to see. Her pediatrician actually called afterwards and recommended us to another one that is covered under it, but the reviews are awful! Just reading them makes me know Ana would not like that doctor nor us the office in general compared to the one she saw. It's only $80 bucks an appointment. So it's not too bad, especially if it means she's seen by a doctor she's comfortable with.

  10. Argh, I really need to get my hands on The Cruel Prince! I hear so many good things.

    1. Yes! Now that I finally have a copy I can't wait to dig in after all the good things I've heard!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  11. Have a great time at the Festival of Books. Wishing your hubby good luck on his new position.

  12. I'm halfway into reading The Cruel Prince and I like it so far. Hope you'll enjoy reading it!
