So as many of you read, I went to the Tucson Festival of Books this past weekend. It was quite a lot of fun. I got to meet a number of authors and get a bunch of books signed. There was also some awesome entertainment as well. Can I just mention how awesome most authors are!? Every one I asked to take pictures with were super excited about it and loved that their fans came to see them! We have so many amazing, friendly authors in our community guys! :)

So the first signing I went to I saw Holly Black, Zoraida Cordova & Jessica Spotswood. 

Holly Black!
I got to take a picture with her and get her to sign my copy of The Cruel Prince! I also love her blue hair! 

Zoraida Cordova!
Also took a picture with her! And she signed the copy of Labyrinth Lost that I impulse bought for the signing! Lol. When she was signing my book she also noticed I had The Cruel Prince with me and talked with me about how much she loved reading it. I love when authors totally talk about other authors books! It's so cool seeing them fan girl over each other! 

Jessica Spotswood!
So I didn't get any books signed by her. I didn't see any copies of Born Wicked in the bookstore when I went through or else I would have grabbed that 100% for her to sign. But she was so cool in letting me take a picture with her anyways! And I even got bookmarks from her! Authors love giving away swag! :D Also really like the pink in her hair! So cool!

Kristen Simmons!
So this was my big FAN GIRL moment! I definitely think this is my favorite picture with an author from the whole festival! KRISTEN SIMMONS!!!! Guys, I LOVE the Article 5 series. If you were to ask what some of my favorite dystopian books are, that series would be there! She was so incredibly happy to see fans come to the festival! She was also very excited to talk Article 5 with me! We talked favorite character, favorite guy (Chase overwhelmingly!), and even how some guy at a different event told her how much he hated Chase. I don't know how you could hate Chase, but everyone has an opinion right?!?! LOL. And she was super excited to take a picture with me! Definitely my favorite author interaction of the day! 

Ok guys. So I actually only brought the Article 5 series with me to the festival. I also impulse bought Pacifica. But I figured this was my chance to get it signed! So why not!!! I'm so glad I did. I also got a cool Pacifica themed bookmark. And if you'll notice, the mentioned conversation about Chase being the favorite guy inspired the inscription in Three! I'm seriously so excited to have all these signed!!! :D 

OK OK. So enough about the books I got signed. I wasn't the only one who went. LOL. James also came with me. So little fact. He went not planning on meeting any authors or getting any books signed. But he did. He was actually walking to meet up with me after the Holly/Jessica/Zoraida signing when he spotted a booth with an interesting looking sci-fi/dystopian book (yes, we both like sci-fi/dystopians, though he likes more adult ones, than YA ones). So once we found each other he insisted we go back and check it out. So we did and he ended up buying a copy and getting it signed. Guys! My super anti-social fiance was social! I'm so proud of him! :D So here's what he got. 

It's an alternate world sci-fi/dystopian. I know it's kinda small, but the inscription says Enjoy The Journey! I might even actually give this book a read at some point too. It sounds interesting. But guys, this is James like first real signed book! Yay!!! :D I'm so excited he has a signed book. And the author is even from Tucson. That's so cool!

Of course my little one went with me as well! And she even got her own first signed book. Me and James were actually walking around when we ran into this author promoting her book and handing out spider balloons to go with her book! So we stopped and got them. I went and got the book signed for Ana while James got the balloon to go with it. :D

It's a cute little book! And it's made out specially to Ana! I'm so happy she has a special signed book as well! 

Now for some cute pictures. So another little fact about James. He isn't super keen on taking many pictures. The one on the side of the blog. I had to convince him to take that at a hockey game as a sweet memory of us going. Same thing with this picture. Lol. I'm honestly happy if I can just get one picture with him and he's smiling. :)

So he ended up not looking at the camera when it finally took the picture but he has such a nice smile in it I love it anyways!
This guy right here makes me so happy! I'm so glad he came with me and we both got books signed! And at the time we took this picture, we were also super proud parents! Our little Ana is just like daddy and not super social, but she was across from us in the tent for tots listening to storytime and singing and dancing! Proud parents smiling right here! 


  1. Sounds like a fun event. I’m glad you got to meet lots of authors and make your fiancé socialize!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It was! It was so much fun! Thanks! And yes!!! I think it's so important for him to socialize. The only socialization he gets outside from me and Ana is talking with a few of his coworkers he's become friends with. But even that took some time! Lol.

  2. Sounds like it was a great time! I almost headed out to Tucson so I could go to the festival with my mother-in-law, but it didn't end up working out---sounds like it would have been really fun!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It was definitely a great time! If you ever get the chance to come to future ones you totally should! There's a lot of awesome at the festival!!
