Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

Frequently Used Words In Young Adult Titles

1. King
ex. The Wicked King, The Summer King, King's Cage, The Mirror King, The Demon King, The Iron King, Daughter of the Pirate King, The Raven King, The Runaway King 

2. Queen
ex. Red Queen, The Shadow Queen, Queen of Air and Darkness, Queen of Shadows, The Orphan Queen, The Exiled Queen, The Iron Queen, Queen Song, Daughter of the Siren Queen, The Queen's Rising, The Forest Queen, The True Queen

3. Shadow/s
ex. From The Earth To The Shadows, Lord of Shadows, Shadow of the Fox, The Shadow Cabinet,
Shadows, Shadows In The Silence, Sweet Shadows, Shadow & Bone, Shadow Souls, Radiant Shadows, Reign of Shadows 

4. Star/s
ex. The Stars Never Rise, The Midnight Star, Ignite The Stars, Raging Star, The Chaos of Stars, Star Cursed, The Fault In Our Stars, For Darkness Shows The Stars, The Name of the Star, Blood of a Thousand Stars, Defy The Stars, The Darkest Star, The Last Star

5. Dark
ex. Give The Dark My Love, Dark Inside, Dark Triumph, A Beautiful Dark, Dark Flame, Pitch Dark, The Dark and Hollow Places, The Dark Calling, Our Dark Stars, Three Dark Crowns

6. Blood
ex. Blood Red Road, Because It Is My Blood, Children of Blood and Bone, Blood of a Thousand Stars, Isle of Blood and Stone, Days of Blood & Starlight, Half-Blood, Anna Dressed In Blood

7. Crown
ex. Cruel Crown, Three Dark Crowns, The Crown's Game, The Crown, Crown of Midnight, The Crown of Embers, The Crimson Crown

8. Glass
ex. The Glass Arrow, Glass Sword, The Glass Spare, Throne of Glass, Glass Heart, City of Glass, Winter Glass, Through The Zombie Glass, Storm Glass, Burning Glass, Spy Glass, Ink, Iron & Glass

9. Earth
ex. Walk on Earth a Stranger, The Last Girl on Earth, From The Earth To The Shadows, Earth & Sky, Reign the Earth, Shades of Earth, Earth Girl

10. Sky
ex. Earth & Sky, Sky In The Deep, Sky On Fire, Let The Sky Fall, Under The Never Sky, Beneath the Sugar Sky, Nothing But Sky, Daughter of the Earth and Sky

Did you guys notice some of these titles have more than one of these frequently used words in them??? Also, there's a lot more titles that have some of these words in other ways, like Darkness, Starcrossed, etc. I had a lot of fun doing this topic!


  1. I'm not surprised by the use of the term crown at all. I've seen so many books with that word in the title these past few years.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  2. I have to admit, these words are so frequently used that I get the books mixed up sometimes. Especially when they get combined, like "The Dark Queen" vs "The Shadow Queen". I need the cover to remind me which is which! lol

    1. I definitely get that. Especially since there's SO MANY like that. The *blank* Queen. It's like title like "The Shadow Queen," "The Forest Queen," "The Orphan Queen" are super popular. There's apparently so many queens out there! Lol.

  3. I had several of these on my list today too!
    My TTT:

    1. Yes! I just took a glance at your list (I'll comment in a few minutes!) and we have so many of the same ones. And you have a few I thought of using but didn't.

  4. After looking at your list I think we have very similar tastes in books because we pretty much have the same list this week haha

    My TTT

    1. Yes! Lol. I just glanced at your list and we definitely have similar tastes!

  5. This list looks a lot like what I was noticing when picking stuff! Another similar one I found a lot of was "kingdom." How funny!

    1. Yes!!! I totally noticed that too!! I honest to god almost added Kingdom to my list. LOL. It's so interesting how a lot of YA books titles only use different variations of a few select words.

  6. Wow you did Well! I couldn't even think of any these week. Well done with examples of all the titles Too!

    1. Thanks! I was honestly just browsing through my goodreads shelves and seeing what popped up the most. Lol. Every time I found another title I added it!
