Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!


Guys! I successful had a week where I didn't buy any books! Yes! 

So if you've noticed, I did indeed get the change done in the layout to the blog. So you'll notice I now have drop down menus, though I'm still getting them set up exactly how I want them. More follow buttons than I had available with the other layout. A slider that doesn't look silly. Other posts you may be interested under posts your looking at again!!! I'm so happy about this template. I'm mostly just working on tweaking things with it now. I actually had no intention of keeping pink in the theme, but after messing with colors, I found I actually liked it with the teal I used with it.

Woot woot!! Both my teams have moved on to the second round of Stanley Cup Playoffs. And they both got sweeps in the first round!! The only first round teams to do so. Unfortunately, they are now going up against each other. Lol. Golden Knight vs. Sharks! At least I can say I can't be too disappointed with the outcome. One of my teams will move on. And AJ, I know your gonna stop by at some point! I'm holding out hope for the Avalanche!! I really wanna see them win again Sunday and force a game 7. I'm so desperately hoping someone will knock out the Predators (seriously, I REALLY don't like them) in round 1 or 2.

So remember how I told you James didn't get the clerk job? Well... Please refer to Jeremy Clarkson for my reaction to what happened this week. So get this, the new guy started on Wednesday. Guess what?!?! HE QUIT!!! After one day the new guy quit! He decided the clerk job wasn't for him after that one day. I told James last week, I bet the new clerk quits. It's not mean, just almost every new outside person they hire tends to quit. James came home from work yesterday (Friday) and just looked at me and said I was right. I can't help but feel a little smug over the fact the postmasters new hire over James and his co-worker only lasted a day. Maybe he should have given the job to one of the two people that actually wanted it. Just sayin.

Ok, so in news related to James and his job. He finally got one thing to go right there. He was talking with the carrier he used to sub for (she switched to a different route last year) and she practically begged James to ask about being her sub again on her new route. Surprisingly, that request was actually granted. She was a much better person to sub for compared to who he subs for currently, so he was more than willing to see about switching. Plus she actually tries to give him extra hours here and there by using her vacation days as often as she can. Since he didn't get the clerk job, this is the next best thing for now.

As always, there's still plenty of time to sign up for the Dystopia Reading Challenge! I'd love to have you join me! :)

  • Earth Day Related Discussion
  • Review of Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
  • Still looking at James guest reviewing The Doors You Mark Are Your Own by Aleksandr Tuvim (James got pretty busy with school/work this past week)


  1. Congrats on not buying any books! I can confirm your blog looks amazing over here in England, the pink works great with the teal. I need to learn more blog design as I'm overhauling mine in September, potentially with a Pop Art theme. Not sure yet!

    Vee @ Under The Mountain

    1. Thanks!! I'm so glad! What I've found works for me is buying a decently priced customizable template that has all the important stuff I want and then tweaking it to my liking. I only know some of the basics about blog design/html/css so this is what works best for me. Good luck with overhauling your design later in the year!! It's a bit of work but definitely satisfying when it all comes together! :)

  2. Your blog design looks great! And way to go with not buying any books! I need to have one of those weeks here soon I think.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks! I really like it!! :) Yes! I've been buying a bunch of books lately so I feel good not buying any for once. Lol. Hope you have a wonderful week as well! :)

  3. I like your new blog design! Keep up the good work!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  4. Blog looks great!! Glad your husband is able to sub for the person he likes at least. That is a step in the right direction for sure!

    1. Thanks! Yes! The person he's been subbing under the past 6 months is actually the person the who stole the route out from under him and another co-worker. So he hasn't been exactly happy subbing for him. Management pretty much gave the route to their favorite, not either of the people who had seniority for it. So he's happy to not be subbing for him anymore.

  5. I love the new blog look and love that you have drop down menus. I also need to do this for my own. Not much time tho. I hope you have a great week of reading!

    Mary my #Sunday Roundup #15!

    1. Thanks!! Yes!!!!! I've been wanting them for ages but couldn't figure out the coding to do it. So when I saw a blog design on Etsy that had them coded in already and other things I wanted I jumped on it!! I'd totally suggest Etsy if you want a new design with stuff like the menus. A lot of them the designers let you have control of customization so you can still keep things like your own headers, colors, etc. Plus most come with instructions on how to install or the option for a free install from the designer so it's not a huge mess.

      I hope you have a great week of reading as well! :)

  6. Haha, of course I stopped by. That last game pretty much gave me a heart attack :). I love the blog makeover, and I’m glad that James’s job situation is getting better.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Lol!! I bet! I know the feeling. I had a mini heart attack watching the last Sharks/Ducks game when the Ducks tied it up. Even after the Sharks scored again I couldn't feel better until the game ended. Thanks! I quite like it too! And yes! I'm glad at least something is going his way for once. Poor guy needed something good to happen!

  7. I like your new blog look Brittani. It's always fun to change things up every so often. No book buying this week, congrats, I know it's a Happy to hear that things are looking up for James. Have a great week.
