So its officially halfway through the year. I wanted update everyone on my challenge progress. Some challenges I've been rocking and others I'm really behind on. LOL.

So lets start off with the challenge I'm hosting!
So I had set my goal for the 2018 Dystopia Reading Challenge as Leader, or to read 16+ dystopian books. I figure since I'm hosting it, why not try to set a great example right? Well, this is one I've already hit my goal on. I hit 16 books in May! Clearly I'm not just going to stop reading dystopian now, but they will just be more surpassing my goal. 

Books Read:

Overall Progress: 16/16 Books Completed! Goal Met!

That Artsy Reader Girl
The next challenge is the 2018 Debut Author Challenge hosted by Jana @ That Artsy Reader Girl!

So I'm behind on this. My goal is 12. And I've only read 3.

Those being:
1. The Last Girl On Earth by Alexandra Blogier
2. SINthetic (The New Lyons Sequence #1) by J.T. Nicholas
3. Sky In The Deep by Adrienne Young

I do have more debut authors books sitting on my shelves, I just haven't got to reading them yet.

Overall Progress: 3/12 Books Completed. Behind...

Next is the 2018 Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge hosted by Bookish Things & More!

So my goal is Silver or read 25 books. So I'm slightly behind on this one, BUT, I'm not making a huge deal of it. Mostly because a fair amount of my NetGalley books I wanna get read actually don't release until September/October. So I'm waiting to read quite a few until closer to. I'm just catching up on some older ones right now.

So here's what I've read thus far out of my NetGalley books:
1. The Last Girl On Earth by Alexandra Blogier
2. SINthetic (The New Lyons Sequence #1) by J.T. Nicholas
3. SINdicate (The New Lyons Sequence #2) by J.T. Nicholas
4. Sky In The Deep by Adrienne Young
5. Legendary (Caraval #2) by Stephanie Garber
6. The Art of French Kissing by Brianna R. Shrum
7. Nyxia Unleashed (The Nyxia Triad #2) by Scott Reintgen (review to be posted in early July)

Plus, even though I'm behind, I'm not too far behind. Maybe like 5 books behind. I can knock that out quickly since I know some of my older ones are books under 400 pages. However, my ratio has raised from 30% to about 45% since starting this challenge. So I'm getting that ratio improved!

Overall Progress: 7/25 Books Completed! Behind, but not worried about it.

The 2018 Beat The Backlist Challenge is hosted by NovelKnight

This is the other one I'm rocking!!! I set my goal to read 15 Backlisted Books. So when I initially set this, I wasn't expecting to read so many older books at the time. But I've actually been picking up a LOT more books that have been sitting on my shelf for ages or that are older books I'm finally getting around to reading that I've already surpassed my goal for this. I didn't think I'd read so many books published before 2018 this year, but I'm glad I am. 

Backlisted Books Read Thus Far:
1. Just One Year (Just One Day #2) by Gayle Forman
2. This Is Not A Test (This Is Not A Test #1) by Courtney Summers
3. London (Surviving The Evacuation #1) by Frank Tayell
4. Wasteland (Surviving The Evacuation #2) by Frank Tayell
5. Family (Surviving The Evacuation #3) by Frank Tayell
6. Zombies vs. The Living Dead (Surviving The Evacuation #0.5) by Frank Tayell
7. Queen Song (Red Queen #0.1) by Victoria Aveyard
8. Steel Scars (Red Queen #0.2) by Victoria Aveyard
9. Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard
10. Burn (Pure #3) by Julianna Baggott
11. After The End (After The End #1) by Amy Plum
12. Until The Beginning (After The End #2) by Amy Plum
13. Fracture Me (Shatter Me #2.5) by Tahereh Mafi
14. Ignite Me (Shatter Me #3) by Tahereh Mafi
15. Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) by Victoria Aveyard
16. Caraval (Caraval #1) by Stephanie Garber
17. Nyxia (The Nyxia Triad #1) by Scott Reintgen

Overall Progress: 24/15 Books Completed! Goal Met!

For this challenge I'm going to set a new goal, because I'm really challenging myself to get backlisted books read. Plus, I've yet to dent the actual list I posted of backlisted books I wanna read this year. Lol. 

New Goal: Read 50 Backlisted Books! 
Overall Progress with New Goal: 24/50 Books Completed! On track! 

Next up is the 2018 Discussion Challenge hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight!

So my goal is Chatty Kathy - 21-30 Discussions. More specifically, around 25 for me. Guys, I'm not gonna lie. I'm so behind on this one. So my main problem is I just haven't had time to type some up yet. I have a number of ideas sitting in the queue, it's just with typing up reviews and other posts I end up not having a lot of time to get solid discussions typed up. I think I'm gonna set aside some time in the next week or two to sit down and type up and schedule multiple discussion posts.   

Overall Progress: 4/25 Discussions Posted! Behind...

Last but not least is the 2018 Literary Escapes Challenge hosted by Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book!

So for this challenge I'm not counting behind or ahead. I'm doing this one just for fun and to see how many states/countries I can fill in. 

So these are the states/countries I have so far!
Alaska - After The End (After The End #1) by Amy Plum
District of Columbia - Burn (Pure #3) by Julianna Baggott
Georgia - The Art of French Kissing by Brianna R. Shrum
Louisiana - SINthetic (The New Lyons Sequence #1) by J.T. Nicholas
New Mexico - Until The Beginning (After The End #2) by Amy Plum

UK - London (Surviving The Evacuation #1) by Frank Tayell
Japan - Warcross (Warcross #1) by Marie Lu


  1. Wow! You're doing so many challenges. Whenever I do a challenge I fail miserably so I'm not bothering this year aside from the Goodreads reading challenge.

    1. Yes! Awww. I picked challenges that would kinda overlap with each other. So certain books could count for multiple challenges. I used to take on a lot before and failed them badly. But I narrowed it down to a few I really wanted to do this year. Plus the Goodreads Challenge of course. I'm right on track for that one as well finally.

  2. Brittani, well done! How do you keep up with all the challenges? I desperately need to join the backlist which have heaps of dystopian so will join that too and Netgalley.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess
