Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality as a way to share all the books we got during the week!

The Sunday Post is hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer. Its a weekly post to showcase what books you got, recap the week, and talk about what will be coming up this week on the blog!

So I got book mail! Woot! Thank you so much Annick Press! So you guys know I got this from NetGalley a few weeks ago when it was in the Read Now section. I ended up having one of the publicists from Annick Press reach out to me and offer a physical ARC and I definitely wasn't gonna turn it down. I honestly prefer physical ARCs over digital when I can get it. It gets read sooner and faster if I have a physical ARC. So since I have the physical ARC I'm gonna be reading this in July instead of late August. Plus its something James is semi interested in. Maybe he'll read it after I do?? 

I finished Illuminae late last weekend and LOVED IT!! So much awesome! Go read it if you haven't! I also read King's Cage. Not as great. It was gonna be 4 stars until Mare decided to be typical Mare. Ended up at 3.5 Stars instead cuz Mare. Also finished up The Young Elites Read-Along. Also gave The Midnight Star 3.5 Stars. It wasn't the best ending honestly. It was also my least favorite out of the series. But it wasn't awful. I'm currently reading War Storm by Victoria Aveyard. To describe it a little over 100 pages in so far... Mare is typical annoying Mare. Loving Evangeline! And I'm not sure how I feel about Iris' POV. 

Not a lot has been happening this week. James has been working a lot of extra hours and will continue to until late July. 2 contractors (yes his post office is so small they have contractors for some mail routes) quit at the beginning of June so James and the 2 other subs have been covering those routes plus doing their own when needed. Lots of extra hours. So we haven't really got the chance to go out and do much lately. But with the 4th this week we'll be going out and seeing the fireworks since he gets it off. So that'll be fun! 

In some fun news, I'm now 5 books ahead on my Goodreads goal! And I breached the 100 followers mark on Instagram! I've been quite enjoying sharing bookish pictures on Instagram lately! 

Just as a reminder, the Read-Along for the Unknown Trilogy by Wendy Higgins starts this upcoming week! If you want to read with me, go grab the kindle copies and join in (the kindle versions are REALLY affordable! :)

  • Review: Nyxia Unleashed (The Nyxia Triad #2) by Scott Reintgen
  • New Releases: Week of July 3rd, 2018
  • Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Red, White or Blue on the Cover (4th of July Themed)
  • Review: War Storm (Red Queen #4) by Victoria Aveyard


  1. The House of One Thousand Eyes looks amazing. I'd love to read a book set in East Germany in the 80's. I think it definitely will be a fascinating historical fiction!

    1. I think it will be fascinating as well! It seems like a really good story! :)

  2. I read the first two books in the Red Queen series, and then I kinda lost interest. whoops? I blame school for taking up all of my time. Have a good week, and have a fun Fourth of July! :)

    1. I don't blame you. Lol. Books 2 and 3 were meh. And so far book 4 is going that way too. I'm only 100 pages in though so I hope it'll change. Thanks! :)

  3. Yay, for book mail! It sounds really good. Hope you enjoy it and your upcoming week too.

    1. Yes! I love book mail! I'm hoping to enjoy it! Thanks!

  4. Oh man! Now I really want to read Illuminae! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

    1. Yes!!! You definitely should. It is seriously AMAZING! Hope you have a great week as well! :)

  5. Bookmail is the best kind of mail. Congrats on being ahead at your Goodreads goal. I wish I could do that. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Agreed! :D Thanks! It took some work. Don't feel bad. At one point this year I was over 10 books behind. You can definitely get back on track! :) I hope you have a great week as well! :)

  6. I'd quite like to read the Red Queen series. I hear good things about it.
    Have a great week!

    1. If I'm honest. It's not super great like others I've read. Overall, Red Queen was the best book out of the series.
