Another good month of reading for me! I read 13 books! I read 7 of the 12 I had on my June TBR. So I feel good that I read at least half of my June TBR. I've also finally got ahead on my Goodreads goal! :D

What I Read In June (Reviews Linked):
So I finally read the ACOTAR series. I had it sitting on my shelf for a while and finally decided to pick it up. And now I'm obsessed! Seriously. One of my new favorite series! I also know ACOFAS was pretty hit or miss with a lot of people. Mostly because it lacks a plot. But I loved it! With all the action that goes on in the first three books, I actually enjoyed the fact ACOFAS had no plot or much action. It was nice to just spend time with the characters and see Feysands storyline get wrapped up. I loved it! I'm not sure how I feel about Nesta being the main character in the next half of the series yet, but I trust Sarah J. Maas has something good plotted out for us. 

I also did some Marie Lu reading this month. I completed my Read-Along of The Young Elites series. It definitely wasn't bad. The middle book was the best in my opinion. Also read Warcross. I wanted to like this more than I did. I felt like it was slow for the first half of the book and that it was also pretty predictable. The idea behind it though is fantastic and I'll definitely pick up Wildcard when it comes out to see what happens.

Also read Torch and Reaper. Both AMAZING! But guys. My heart hasn't recovered yet from Reaper. It's still a bit broken over the events. Also finally picked up Illuminae and LOVED it! It was so unique and fun. I'm disappointed I waited so long to pick it up! If you wanna read a fantastic sci-fi novel, go grab Illuminae ASAP! Mayfly was from NetGalley. Dystopian world where you die at 17 so kids are running things pretty much. It was good. It's just certain things were repeated so much in the story it brought it down a bit. And the ending felt rushed. But it wasn't bad. And King's Cage. You know, this was going to be a 4 Star until the ending because Mare. You'd have to go read my review to get the full rant of Mare from King's Cage. 

So guess what! 7 of the 13 books were backlisted books that had been siting on my shelves for a while! Woot!!!!!

Happenings This Month On The Blog (And Real Life):

Posts I Enjoyed Around The Blogosphere This Month:

So I just need to finish War Storm first of all. It's my current read (as I'm writing this) and it's huge and I feel like it's dragging on because I'm not feeling Mare at the moment. You'll notice The Assassin's Blade got moved. The original read-along I was going to do for the ToG series got cancelled, but then another one is starting from World of Sarah J. Maas. So I moved it to align with that one instead.

So I wanna get Strange The Dreamer and Renegades read since their sequels come out later this year! I wanna be read for them. And Of course since I read Illuminae in June and LOVED it, I wanna get Gemina and Obsidio read in July. :D

So with having read The Young Elites series and Warcross this past month. It now leaves Champion as the only Marie Lu book that I own that I have yet to finish. So I wanna get that read too! I moved Isla simply because I didn't get to it in June but still want to this summer. And I wasn't actually planning on reading Children of Blood and Bone yet until I found a Read-Along for it. So I added it because of that. :D

Last but not least, I have the 3 books from my own Read-Along. Since I've already read and reviewed these last year, this is gonna be a low stress reread and chat about them for me this month! Plus they are super easy reads! And I'll knock 2 more states out for the Literary Escapes challenge (Nevada & Utah). 


  1. Brittani, love, love, love all the books you mentioned this month! Ok so here goes my LONG reply!!!

    1. ACOTAR series, I've read ACOTAR twice and got to mid way of A court of mist and fury, but it's been awhile so I think I'll do a binge read of the entire series as I just got the ACOTAR box set and A Court of Frost & Starlight recently, previously had it in ebook format only. So will be getting to that soon.

    2.Yet to read Marie Lu's The Young Elites series, I do have a signed copy of Legend in my collection but that's all 😑 will need to get the rest as I recently read her, Batman Nightwalker and enjoyed it. Heard great things about The Young Elites series.

    3.I loved The Illuminae Files! Read Illuminae twice but yet to read Obsidio. I read it whilst listening to the audiobook. I also got to meet Jay Kristoff and got signed copies of the series. Glad you enjoyed it. When your about to read Obsidio let me know so we can just read and discuss if your not doing an official readalong.

    3. I've read Ember in the Ashes and loved it!!! Yet to pick up Torch and Reaper. I'm following Sabaa on Insta and hope to get a signed copy of the 2.

    4. I loved Laini Taylor's Daughter of Smoke & Bone also need to read the rest of the series and will definitely pick up Dreamer.

    5. I'm excited to finish Renegades as I've secured an ARC of Archenemies so very excited as I'm really enjoying Renegades.

    6. I've got Anna & the french kiss trilogy in my collection but yet to read it.

    I'll leave it at that 😂 this comment is so long as it is 🤣 will be trying to join you for your readalong of Wendy Higgins trilogy. Well done in getting 7 out of your 13!!!

    1. Lol. That is long! Haha. I'll number my replies to make it easier to follow along! LOL.

      1. Yes! Binge read! That's what I did this month! Lol. I had the first 3 then went and picked up ACOFAS and just read them all at once! LOL. New fave! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

      2. You have a signed copy of Legend?? I'm so jealous! I'd love to have a signed Marie Lu book. The Young Elites was pretty good. I definitely liked the first 2 more than the 3rd. But overall it was a good series!

      3. Yes! I loved Illuminae! I'm so jealous you got to meet Jay Kristoff. That must have been so cool!!! I'll definitely let you know when I'm gonna start Obsidio so we can read and discuss together!

      4. Yes! I'm so glad you loved Ember! Torch and Reaper are so great too! It would be so cool if you got signed copies! Be warned though, Reaper totally breaks your heart some! But soo sooooooo good.

      5. I still need to finish the Smoke and Bone series! Lol. But I figure I'd knock out Strange since Muse is coming out soon and then conquer the rest of the Smoke and Bone series.

      6. You have an ARC of Archenemies????? I'm soooo freaking jealous! I'm hoping I'll enjoy Renegades as well!

      7. You should definitely read them! Anna is definitely my favorite out of the 3 so far.

      Yay! I'm so glad you'll be trying to join me! The Unknown books are soooo good! Thanks!

  2. Oh you were on such a binge series reading. That is great. I should do that more often haha. Oh there is a readalong for children of blood and bone? I need to check that out. :D

    1. Yes! Lol. Its a great way to knock out series!!! Yes there is! I came across it on Twitter! I figure I'm not the only one who hasn't read it yet so I'd share the find with others so they can participate too. :D

  3. Looks like some really good books. The covers to some are really pretty. Come check out my blog and post here:

  4. Congrats on being ahead with your Goodreads goal! I’m perpetually behind with mine. I hope you like all your July books. I liked Gemina, but not as much as Illuminae. I still need to read Obsidio, Strange the Dreamer, and Children of Blood and Bone. Happy July!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! Lol. I was really far behind until mid June after binge reading the ACOTAR books. Those helped me get on track and then I finally pulled ahead! Lol. I've heard that a lot. I just want another cool sci-fi book even if its not as awesome as Illuminae. Lol. This will be my second time picking up Strange. I tried last year but wasn't in a huge fantasy mood then.

  5. You are doing awesome! I see you binge read a lot of books! I read Illuminae a couple years ago and I haven't finished the series yet, I hope to read it this month. The Young Elites is probably my favorite by Marie Lu. I wasn't a huge fan of the Legend trilogy. I did read Warcross and enjoyed it but like you said it was a bit predictable.

    Neither of my libraries has The Unknown Trilogy :(. Best of luck on your read-a-long tho!

    I hope you have a wonderful July!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Thanks! Yes, I do. Lol. I really enjoyed The Young Elites trilogy. I haven't finished the Legend trilogy yet so I can't comment on where it falls yet. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who felt like Warcross was a bit predictable! Like I liked it and thought it was a cool story, but I definitely saw a lot of stuff from a mile away. Lol.

      Aww. Thanks!

      Hope you have a wonderful July as well! :)

  6. Looks like you had a productive month! Glad you got so much read from your June TBRs... I, on the other hand... haha. Happy July reading!

    1. I did! Thanks! Lol. Hey, some months you win some, some months you lose some. Lol. My April TBR was mostly a miss for me. Only read like maybe 4 books out of what I actually planned to from it. LOL. Happy reading! :)

  7. Excellent reads for June and your July TBR is amazing. I read Gemina this year and bought Obsidio on preorder (still unread, but I know I'll love this one too). I also was the last person to read Anna and the French Kiss and have the second book awaiting me at the library on hold. Stephanie Perkins knows how to draw characters well. I am hoping to read Children of Blood and Bone too as the reviews are amazing.

  8. Sorry Marie Lu was slightly underwhelming. I still have yet to read her---I don't know what's stopping me! (Besides time. Sigh.)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
